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Rye Taylor – Cashflow Podcasting Course
CFP 011: How Jen Hemphill Signed Two New Clients with Her Podcast
Now that we’ve wrapped up our Fast Start Series (episodes 1-10) that was aimed to help you get started with podcasting as a platform to build your brand, influence and drive sales, we’re kicking off a series of interviews featuring business owners who are using podcasting as a highly effective tool to grow their business. During these conversations, you’ll discover great case studies and examples of exactly what podcasting can do for a brand and what it looks like from the back end.
Today, we’re talking to our awesome guest, Jennifer Hemphill, about her hot-off-the-press podcastHer Money Matters. She shares what it was like to go through the launch process and what her show is doing for her brand. Click “play” below and get ready to get a lot of your podcasting questions answered…
Here’s What You’ll Discover:
- The overview of Jennifer’s brand and what she does.
- Why she chose podcasting as her marketing platform.
- How long it took her to launch her podcast.
- Her podcast’s impact so far.
- Her experience going through the launch process.
- Jennifer’s advice to aspiring podcasters.
No matter what industry you are in and no matter what business you have, there are 7 key questions you need to answer in order to generate profitable business growth with a podcast.
Most podcasts fail within a few months, and it’s because they didn’t address one or more of these 7 questions.
Now, these 7 questions aren’t just something I made up. I have personally addressed each of these as the foundation to plan, create and grow over 20 profitable podcasts for our clients that are still successful to this day.
Read on to discover not only how to avoid the pitfalls that cause most podcasts to fail, but also the simple secrets of those that succeed in generating profits, massive audience growth and celebrity market authority.
Question #1 – What are the benefits of podcast marketing?
Most entrepreneurs think about podcasting completely wrong. It’s not their fault, they were taught this way by all the free information and ‘advice’ out there shared by podcast hobbyists. If you bring the mindset that you learn from ‘passion’ podcasters to start a business growth podcast, you’ll almost certainly fail.
This is a common mindset shift you’ll find among podcasters that generate six and seven figures for their business using podcasting.
The most debilitating mindset you can have in starting a business podcast is approaching it like all the hobbyists out there. It won’t work. It’s a completely different mindset that requires an understanding of how podcasting is best suited to drive business results.
Question #2 – Is podcasting a proven model? Does it even work?
Many people have a lot of misconceptions about podcasting as a marketing model. They’ve seen it work absolute wonders for some brands and simply plod along without much excitement for others.
When podcasts fail to produce results, it’s usually due to the owner’s misconception of the podcasting model and how to leverage it for their own brand’s success.
The good news is that mastering the podcast marketing model if very possible with the right knowledge.
Question #3 – Will podcasting work for my business? Yes or No
Too many people get caught in one of two camps. First, they consider podcasting but have no way to tell whether it’s the best tool for them, so the get stuck in ‘research phase’ wasting weeks and even months worth of time trying to decide whether a podcast is the best option for their brand.
Second, businesses that aren’t well suited for podcasting decide to invest time, effort and energy to get a show going only to discover that it doesn’t fit for their business model, their market or their brand’s personality.
In my course, I share the 3 minute Pass / Fail Podcast Test to determine immediately if podcasting has the potential to be your number one marketing tool, and exactly what to do next based on your results, and of course much more…
Question #4 – What kind of podcast is most effective?
Here’s where the real results start. If you want a profitable podcast, you must have a show that people are willing to commit their time and focus to.
Not only that but you need a show that when someone listens, there’s so much value from it thatthey want to learn how they can get more from you through your products and services.
This means you need a highly effective and value-based show format based on your market’s needs and how you can serve them best. Discover the 5 most effective podcast formats in my free coursehere.
Question #5 – What do I need to get started podcasting?
The incredible confusion around the tools, hardware and software needed to start a podcast right is enough to stop many would-be podcasters in their tracks.
At the very least, most people get delayed significantly due to all the disagreeing and confusing advice and debates around this tool vs. that setup.
The equipment needed to get started podcasting right is not only incredibly straightforward, it’s also very cheap, easy to use and can all be setup in about 20 minutes.
Don’t get tripped up by a question that’s so easily answered.
Question #6 – How do I get my show noticed (and fast)?
One of the most common fears I hear among businesses is that they’ll invest time, money and energy getting a podcast started only to have no audience once it goes live.
Hearing crickets is one of the top concerns for businesses, and rightfully so.
The truth is that getting an audience for your podcast is one of the easiest, and most effective strategies for growing your brand.
The key?
Leverage other people’s audiences to gain fast exposure to people that are already highly targeted, passionate about your topic primed to trust you and your brand.
I’ll show you a simple strategy to do this that no-one else is talking about. Oh, and it’s totally free.
Question #7 – How do I turn listeners into paying customers?
This is undoubtedly the most important aspect of creating long term business success with a podcast… and that is… being able to TURN LISTENERS INTO CUSTOMERS.
Most podcast that see success getting listeners and building an audience end up in a challenging predicament. They have a growing audience, but it’s not actually generating revenue for their business beyond a few bucks a month from sponsors that barely covers their production costs.
Podcasters that follow the simple 3 step formula I share in the course to consistently generate astonishing incomes from their podcasts!
When an entrepreneur can confidently answer these 7 questions their podcast will be profitable, successful and will be a cornerstone for the growth of their brand. My hope for you is that you can short-cut your success by addressing these 7 questions for your brand.
Now that you know what the 7 questions are, I’d like to give you an in depth training to answer each completely free.
I will take you through each of the 7 questions and give you mindsets, strategies tactics, and even some of my “secret weapons.” Each video will directly address the question at hand and show you exactly how to approach each so you can get implementing right away.
This is for those of you who take action and don’t want to waste time, money and effort doing the wrong things.
Let’s be honest…
We’re all busy.
We all have too many things going on. Between work, family life, trying to squeeze in workouts and taking a little time for ourselves, things fall through the cracks.
Nobody’s perfect.
Last week I accidentally took 6 days to reply to a client’s time-sensitive email. Sure, there’s excuses I could lean on (planning a course launch, that damn ‘promotions’ tab, 12 hour days, etc).
But at the end of the day, I wasn’t responsive to support someone relying on my help.
I share this with you because we ALL miss opportunities, let things slip and put off otherwise important tasks.
I see this IN A BIG WAY when it comes to starting a podcast.
I’m not talking about the people that are actively researching whether it’s going to be a good move for their business.
I’m talking about the famous, “I’ve been working on starting a podcast for a few months now… I’m hoping to get it live soon” line.
Sound familiar?
Has podcasting been on your to-do list for far too long?
Have you bought products/courses and bookmarked blogs only to make no progress?
How many hours have you sunk into ‘podcasting’ never to get anything in return?
This is A Call to Arms: Let’s Finally Get Your Show LIVE
Podcasting only works if YOUR SHOW IS PUBLISHED and marketed.
Not only that, but every day you delay, others are publishing their shows and getting their ball rolling.
You’ve seen shows that have started only a few months ago that have incredible momentum and kick yourself for not having started months, even years ago.
Don’t put the future success of your business and brand on the back burner for one more day. Your message and the value you have to share with the world is too important.
It ends today.
Commit to your success.
Commit to the message you have inside you and the value you have to share with the world.
Commit to serving your audience and being heavily rewarded for being a leader.
Or to commit to a different strategy that better suits your goals…
But make a COMMITMENT to your success!
Now I’m not pointing fingers.
I know how much confusion, misinformation and the sheer overwhelming number of people recommending conflicting tools, styles and methods of podcasting. Each with their own podcasting motives and desired outcomes.
Your focus is on TANGIBLE results. Growing a responsive list. Positioning yourself as the sought-after expert in your field. Injecting sales and profits into your business.
I want to help you do exactly that.
That’s why I’m hosting a free training webinar on Tuesday to share my simple Podcast Funnel Formula.
I’ll be teaching the 6 step system I’ve developed over the last 2.5 years and over 100 podcast launches to immediately ditch the “dragging feet” and finally get your show LIVE in just 28 days to drive sales, authority and audience growth.
Click Here to Join The Free Training
Note: There are only 100 seats available so reserve yours now if you’re ready to get your show out there.
AS A BONUS for attendees, I’ll be giving away a Free Lifetime Membership to the CASHFLOWPodcasting Course. This is YOUR chance to kick the excuses, take charge and build the brand authority you’ve been working at for months.