Product Description
Mike Dooley – Playing The Matrix – Lesson 5 [Webrips – 7 FLV]
After 15 years of teaching and speaking on the nature of reality and the miraculous mechanics of manifestation, Mike Dooley is sharing his system for manifesting and bringing to life all you’ve ever wanted in a new online video course, Playing the Matrix.
Mike knows about using the Law of Attraction and taking inspired action in order to get what he wants…and he wants you to realize the power you have as a conscious deliberate creator!
If what you really want is eluding you and creating doubt that you really can manifest your deepest desires, Mike Dooley’s video course has the secret you’ve been waiting for… When you understand and apply Mike Dooley’s system of manifesting, you’ll experience miraculous changes beyond your wildest expectations. You were born to thrive, and programmed to get what you want!
- You don’t know what you really want or you know what you want but you just don’t know how to get it
- You are unfulfilled in your job or career, your relationships or you struggle with your health right now
- You are at a crossroads, having to choose between two disparate paths and you see no other alternatives
- You struggle in day-to-day details, unsure of which action steps to take, or you have become so overwhelmed on your path that you’ve almost given up believing you can have what you want
- You simply don’t take any action for fear of taking the wrong action or choosing the wrong path
- You don’t understand or are not aware of the mechanics of manifesting and how manifesting really works
- You don’t believe you are the creator of your life
What’s really holding you back or keeping you from getting what you really want?
These feelings and situations are what lead you to undesirable destinations you had no idea you were following. But, that’s okay, because knowing that you feel or act this way is the first crucial step in becoming a deliberate creator and this also helps you re-route your course!
The Matrix reveals the interconnectedness of all your dreams and how they flow together. When “played properly,” the Matrix reveals how this flow ultimately brings you your greatest happiness and fastest breakthroughs. By understanding the actual physical and metaphysical mechanics of every earthly manifestation, including your role in this process, you can deliberately orchestrate the changes you most wish to see in your life.
In this transformational online video course, Playing the Matrix, you’ll:
- Learn the secret mechanics of manifestation and reality creation from the ground up – from thought to reality
- Learn how to leverage the Universe in getting everything your heart desires
- Discover the nature of reality and the truth of your existence, who you really are, and why you are here
- Master the nuances of manifestation, step-by-step, and tap into your abilities as a natural-born creator
- Learn why you’ve hit roadblocks or have had “hit or miss” successes and how to bypass them with ease – never again get in your own way or second guess your dreams
- Navigate your limiting beliefs without even knowing what they are to create the limitless life you desire
- Fall in love with the details of what you most want without attaching to them
- Refine your grandest vision for your life by developing trust in the Universe and the “end result”
- Create your own customized action steps to call in permanent change
- Harness the power of creative visualization and bring forth your greatest desires into reality
Playing the Matrix and Getting What You (Really) Want is a simple, yet profound online course for creating major life changes and living deliberately unlike anything shared by other teachers, past or present. You’ll learn how “manifesting” really works and understand how to apply the 7 steps of Playing the Matrix, which are designed to help you navigate the 3 slipperiest areas of intentional creating: avoiding contradictions and self-sabotage, avoiding attachment to unimportant details, and steering clear of the “cursed hows” – all three of which get in the way of you getting what you want.
- Save $200 When You Register Now
- BONUS: Q&A Session with Mike Dooley
- BONUS: 2 Additional Audio Lessons with Mike Dooley – included as a free gift when you sign up for Playing the Matrix!

Brought to you by Hay House University.
Customers in the United Kingdom & Australia: You will be prompted to pay for the course in your currency, course price includes any VAT/sales tax or GST as applicable.
For a Limited Time Only!
Own it and revisit this online video course as often as you like!
Lesson Overview of Playing the MatrixOnline Video Course:
Discover the zenith of your brilliance, and learn about the nature of your existence – who you really are and why your existence is nothing less than a canvas filled with probabilities. After this lesson, you’ll never again get in your own way of creating miracles.
Topics covered in this lesson include:

Lesson 1:
- Defining the Matrix and ground rules
- 7 Steps in Playing the Matrix
- The Miraculous Mechanics of Manifestation
The Matrix is a powerful tool and doorway into life’s magic—it is the key to creating transformation in your life. Learn the secrets to the Matrix and how to navigate your most limiting beliefs—without even knowing what they are. In this lesson, Mike explains step-by-step how to master the Matrix and manifest whatever your heart desires.
Topics covered in this lesson include:

Lesson 2:
- Breaking down the Matrix: The ethereal to the material
- Happiness as the ultimate end result
- Navigating objections and seeming contradictions
- Understanding your motivation
Knowing what you really want is key in playing the Matrix. But rest assured—if you don’t know yet, you’re in a great place. Learn how to access infinite possibilities, and discover why what you’ve always been taught about specificity is outright wrong. After this lesson, you’ll never doubt or second guess your dreams again.
Topics covered in this lesson include:

Lesson 3:
- Getting from question marks to exclamation points
- Is it ever okay to quit on a dream?
- Determining your highest priorities for change
Learn how to relish the details of everything you want to attract, but no longer attach to them. Mike explains the intricacies of Chaos Theory, and how our Universe is truly smoke-and-mirrors, completely created by our thoughts. Discover that you are, indeed, a true sorcerer cloaked in the illusion of matter.
Topics covered in this lesson include:

Lesson 4:
- Understanding The Chaos Theory and how it affects you
- Leaving room for magic
- Dressing up the details and making them work for you
Learn the crucial difference between a “how” and a “cursed how,” and why taking action is vital to finding clarity—and not the other way around. Find out how to leverage the Universe and be the spark to its fire, and watch the miracles arise.
Topics covered in this lesson include:

Lesson 5:
- Concrete steps in taking action
- Tips for avoiding the “cursed hows”
- Stirring up the magic to create a spark
Learn how to use your thoughts, words, and deeds in playful ways, independent of the Matrix, to manifest and create at an accelerated rate, all by creating a heightened sense of anticipation and expectation!
Topics covered in this lesson include:

Lesson 6:
- Using your thoughts to create the things you want
- How to use guided visualization
- The importance of choosing words wisely
- How to use pretending to create change
- The four-part letter
- Getting playful in being a deliberate creator