Product Description
Andre Chaperon – ASM Alternative
Firstly, I’m going to presume you’re at least interested in ‘Amazing Selling Machine’ by Matt Clark & Jason Katzenback.
With that said…
The other day I buzzed my buddy, Dave Tropeano on Skype.
I know he’s been selling physical stuff on Amazon for a while now (he also has a Kindle publishing company).
So asked him if he’s been through ‘Amazing Selling Machine’.
And if so, what were his thoughts on it.
We got chatting…
He told me about his experience with ASM. What he’s been doing on the Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) platform…
And what he’s learnt since starting (the good, the bad, and the ugly).
I don’t want this email to drag on, so I’m gonna be really upfront and honest (err, well … I’m always ‘honest’).
Meaning, no sugar-coating.
I have no desire in putting down ASM in a low-blow attempt to flog my own stuff.
ASM has its flaws, like every product.
The first module is just intro. Dave said overall the course felt “slow” with a weekly drip-feed of the modules.
The last few modules he didn’t find very valuable (felt like filler).
With that said…
Dave’s words were, “The content in the middle – the how to – was excellent and the advice was excellent.”
So overall the product is solid (see P.S. later on).
However, here’s a kicker…
It costs $3,497.
That’s not a small investment.
It gets worse.