Product Description
Vic Johnson – Getting Rich with eBooks 3.0 [8 DVD RIPS (MP4) + 13 CDs (MP3) + 11 workbooks (PDF) + 5 workbooks (DOC) + 4 spreadsheets (XL)]
If you’re sick and tired of all those ‘make-money’ offers promising everything under the sun… but promoted by no-name “experts” who haven’t made a nickel themselves… Here’s something refreshingly different from someone who has and who will help you…
“Discover How to Turn Your Hobby or Passion (or Any Idea for that Matter) Into a Simple eBook That Floods Your Bank Account With Cash 24 Hours a Day Automatically…”
My friend David made $108,142 in one day with his eBook!
A 74-year-old Florida grandmother has sold more than 210,000 copies of her eBook
A teen skateboarder makes almost $300 a DAY from the eBook he created when he couldn’t find the help he wanted
A simple eBook launched me on the way to a seven-figure business and I’m going to show you step-by-step how to do the same thing.
“Announcing The First A-Z “eBook How-To” Workshop-in-a-Box That Almost Anyone Can Use to Create Your Own 24/7 Cash-Spitting Internet Money Machine”
Even if…You flunked high school English and have never written anything in your life (and don’t want to)
Even if…The Economy is upside down and in the tank (I actually launched my first eBook in the middle of the last Recession and it helped me earn six-figures the first year)
Even if…You’re technically challenged and don’t know the difference between a bit and a byte
Even if…You’re cash-strapped and don’t have much to invest
Even if…you don’t have a clue about what your eBook would be about
Even if…You only have an hour a day (or less)
From: Vic Johnson
Date: Thursday, 11:38 AM
Dear Friend,
I’d like to hand you my blueprint to an eBook business model that can create a six or seven figure income for you within 12 months – even part-time. And I can say that with certainty, because that’s what it did for me.
Actually, it’s a common business model shared between thousands of webpreneurs you may have never heard of. In fact, you’d probably be amazed at just how many people are making five, six and seven figure incomes that start with a simple eBook.
And when I say simple. I mean so simple a child could do it…
Case Study: Teenage eBook Author
Well, maybe not a child — but TEENAGER Tony Waters turned his love of skateboarding into an online empire that took him a few hours to set up, and is now earning him more than most Americans make in a year!
Tony wanted to be a pro skateboarder but was disappointed in the skateboarding videos and books he found so he decided to create his own skateboarding tips and sell them as an eBook.
His fellow skateboarders went bonkers for it!
Tony sells about 10 books a day at $27 each. On my calculator that says he’s making almost $100,000 a year!
But what about $100,000 in one day?
Case Study: $108,121 in One Day
My friend, David Riklan, did just that with his eBook The Top 101 Experts That Help Us Improve Our Lives. We’ve had that eBook on our site since it came out. On one day of promotion after it launched, David made a kewl $108,121 in ONE DAY from a product that existed only in electronic bits and bytes. That eBook has also helped him build a subscriber list of almost 1 million subscribers!! And get this: he got the content for his book from information that was readily available to ANYONE searching the Internet.
Case Study: 74-year-old Grandmother Does Millions
Margie Garrison has her own eBook story. A 74-year-old Florida grandmother, Margie suffered with arthritis for 43 years. After being told she’d soon need a wheelchair, she found a natural cure for living free of arthritis pain. She turned her experience and findings into a $40 ebook she sells around the world from a simple website. To date, she’s sold more than 210,000 copies and raked in more than $2,800,000! (you read that right — two million, eight hundred thousand dollars — from an eBook!)
Case Study: From 14 Jobs in 28 Years to Coaching Maven
By her own account Robin Harpe, a Florida-based HR consultant, spent over $80,000 finding out why her life was headed in the wrong direction, why she was sick, tired and broke all the time. After 14 jobs in 28 years, a failed marriage of 21 years, and enormous debt she was sure something was wrong with her. In the process of helping herself, she also developed a huge passion to help others struggling with their own demons. And an eBook was one of the ways she saw that she knew would help.
When she started in the Getting Rich With eBooks program she said the only thing she knew was “The importance of the database list and total confusion on how to get started with my Internet ventures. “
After completing the program she says she developed “a thorough understanding of the basic fundamentals for Internet Marketing. So many other programs have been a 50,000 foot view. This program went straight to the heart of how to create an Internet presence starting with eBooks. It is a true step-by-step guide.”
And that step-by-step guide helped her get her eBook site up and operating at to support her exploding coaching business.
My eBook Story
If you know my story, you know that in 1996 my family and I were evicted from our home and given 48 hours by a judge to find another place to live. A year later we lost our last automobile to repossession and had to drive a 12-year-old bomb I borrowed from a friend for more than a year.
In 1997 I earned so little money (just $14,027 for the year) that we qualified BELOW the U.S. Poverty Level.
After rebounding back from that disaster (that’s another story), I launched a simple eBook site in 2001 that generated a six-figure income in its first year of business. To date we’ve GIVEN AWAY more than 400,000 copies of that first eBook and it’s propelled me to a seven-figure business, a waterfront dream home and vacations in some of the hottest spots in the world.
eBooks have earned me more than $7.7 million and frankly, with what’s about to happen in the eBook business, that’s pocket-change compared to what I expect to earn in the next few years!
Over the years people have been pestering me about not only the secrets of my Internet success but specifically about my eBook business.
So what this IS about, is I would like to invite you to check out the opportunity to get into a very elite group of people who will personally learn from me the secrets of turning a very simple eBook into a raging inferno of business in a very, very short period of time.
You don’t need any skills, any experience — you don’t even need an idea right now. Part of what I’m going to show you is how I go to a “deep well” of never-ending ideas that might keep you awake at night with all of the possibilities you have for creating an ongoing eBook income.
If you already have a business or product, I’ll teach you how to use an eBook to turbo-charge your existing marketing and create a tsunami of hungry prospects. I took one of my existing businesses, created an eBook for it, gave it away, and in one day created more than $200,000 from the leads that it created.
What is an eBook and Why It’s The Best Way to Create Your Own Online “Oil Well”
The truth is some days it’s so good that I ask myself why sell anything else.
Early on as I was exploding to a six-figure income in my first year with eBooks I remember thinking about an idea that seemed right out of a science fiction movie.
Here I had created these eBooks with a little bit of kinetic energy (my fingers typing on the keyboard). Otherwise they were pure electronic energy. They were then sold electronically. The money was collected electronically and went into my bank electronically. I then turned around and spent it electronically.
In this whole process nothing material that you could put your hands on ever existed. So if it didn’t exist on the physical plane then it wasn’t subject to physical laws — which meant it wasn’t subject to space and time. In other words — it was UNLIMITED. And it is.
If my “weird” idea is a bit much for you, let me give you some practical reasons why eBooks are such a hot ticket:
eBooks satisfy the customer demands of people who want information now (and are willing to pay for it).
Has little development costs and ZERO inventory cost (you’ll never be overstocked on an eBook).
Creates passive and residual income. Margie has been selling her eBook, virtually unchanged, for years.
Has a very low return rate (almost next to nothing if you deliver what you promise). About the only return requests you ever get is from the occasional person who can’t get the download to work and the occasional dishonest person.
Has very low customer support cost. 99% of any potential customer challenges can be answered with automated scripts.
Industry experts predict more than fifteen million new eReaders, like the iPad and Kindle, will be sold this year. Yahoo News reports that eBook sales will multiply FOUR TIMES — read that again — FOUR TIMES — just in the next 18 months.
There is an incredible first-mover opportunity RIGHT NOW to have your eBook formatted for both the Kindle and the iPad Very little competition (and a hungry market of new users) at this point. We also have the resource who can do this for you!
Is the best no-cost way I’ve ever found to build a fast and productive customer list that can produce millions over a lifetime.
Here’s What Others Have Said:
“He’s sold more eBooks in one year than a lot of authors in a lifetime.”
“He’s built up one of the largest libraries of personal development/self-help eBooks on the web. He’s just done a phenomenal job with eBooks. He’s sold more eBooks in one year than a lot of authors in a lifetime.” – David Riklan, Founder of, Author of The Top 101 Experts Who Help Us Improve Our Lives.
“One of his ideas added over $100,000 revenue in one month.”
“Vic Johnson is a great friend. His advice has added tens of thousands of dollars to my business over the past year. In fact, one of his ideas added over $100,000 revenue in one month. Pay attention to him and his material, you will be glad you did. Vic is one of the best things that has ever happened to my business.” – Bob Proctor, star of The Secret DVD and International best-selling author of You Were Born Rich.
“He understands and applies the principles of successful Internet marketing as few in this industry do.”
“I’ve watched Vic Johnson come into an industry with no experience and no connections and in just a few years develop one of the most successful personal development sites on the web. He understands and applies the principles of successful Internet marketing as few in this industry do. He’s the real deal!” – Kyle Wilson, Founder, Jim Rohn International
“Vic is brilliant at Internet marketing.”
– Loral Langemeier, best-selling author of The Millionaire Maker
“If your goal is to create a six-figure income via the Internet listen to Vic Johnson — he’s truly a master.”
“Vic is truly a master. He took an idea, a dream, a vision he had, and methodically built it into a mini-empire. Vic is not only one of the most prolific marketers on the Internet today; from dealing with him personally on numerous occasions, I can also vouch that he’s one of the most honest, ethical and downright nicest, as well. It’s often been said that ‘if you want to find the diamond mine, first get yourself the best possible map.’ If your goal is to create a Six-Figure income via the Internet, then the map – in this case – has an actual name. It’s Vic Johnson!” – Bob Burg, best-selling author of Endless Referrals and The Go-Giver
“Vic always under-promises and over-delivers.”
There’s a lot of people teaching Internet marketing who are glad to take your money and they don’t always deliver. Vic always under-promises and over-delivers. He’s someone you can trust. He knows what he’s talking about with Internet marketing. – Michael Angier, Founder,
I’ve worked with some other Internet gurus…with Vic there’s a simple business model. I trust him.
I’ve worked with some other Internet gurus and I don’t doubt they probably know some stuff, but with Vic there’s a simple business model. It’s calm, it’s organized, it’s thought out. I can talk to him, I can ask questions, get answers. – Philip Humbert,
In Getting Rich With eBooks You’ll Go Step by Step Through a Simple Process to eBook Success
Through each step I’ll be sharing the exact blueprint (including the actual tools and techniques) we use every time we create our own new projects. Once you’ve learned how to do it, you can duplicate the process as many times as you like. It’s the same each time.
Here Are Just a Few of the Million Dollar Proven Strategies You’ll Discover in This One-of-a-Kind Workshop-in-a-Box
Quickly and easily create your very own eBook based on work you’ve already done
How to package the SAME basic information, but get back 10-times the profit?
Why people are willing to spend big money on information, especially downloadable information (and that puts big money in your pocket)!
Easily automate all aspects of order taking, order fulfillment, affiliate tracking and back-end sales. (You want to be able to take off to Italy for a month and see no impact on your sales.)
Powerful outsourcing techniques that get you professional content for under $100 AND get it FAST!
The guru’s secret for turning a simple eBook into an automatic five-figure income on the first of every MONTH
How to uncover the hidden PROFIT potential inside something you already love doing. Instead of chasing markets your not interested in you NOW can turn your passion into profitable products.
How to take a public domain book and convert it into your own unique publication no one else can ever copy – positioning you for a lifetime of income (this is the most underused secret that made Walt Disney millions)
The secret to creating a mailing list that you can milk repeatedly for maximum profits – one mailing alone could net you enough cash to buy a new car.
In-depth lessons of how some of the most successful eBook entrepreneurs develop and test their eBook ideas.
How to create an original eBook in one weekend without writing a word
Quickly and easily discover demand that triggers a FRENZY of buying behavior.
So What’s Your eBook Going to Be About?
This is the fun part because there are so many real possibilities.
You might create an eBook around one of your hobbies. It might be on another interest you have like raising your child, starting a business, dating etc. It might be relationship or health related. Margie turned her experience with arthritis into a multi-million dollar cash cow.
The important thing to understand is you’re going to be selling INFORMATION. It might be information that you already possess from your own knowledge or experience. Or information you uncover through research. Remember my friend David who made $108,142 in one day from his eBook. His book was based on some Internet research he did and that anyone could have done.
Your eBook might be information you purchase from someone else and turn around and re-package and sell. Sometimes you don’t even have to re-package it. You buy the rights to it and sell it as it is. I once paid $200 for the rights to an eBook that has produced over $30,000 for me and it’s still selling.
Or it might even be information that’s in the public domain (meaning anyone can use it without a fee). That’s what I’ve done a number of times and it’s made me hundreds of thousands of dollars. You might have seen Matthew Lesko on late-night television peddling his books for Free Government Money, Loans and Grants. All of his information came from government publications that any citizen is entitled to for free. He re-packaged it and has made millions!
I’ll show you how I pick profitable eBook topics that have a built-in niche market waiting to send you gobs of money when you produce the information they’re looking for. And then I’ll show you how to determine where the best place to get the information is.
And here’s something important you need to remember: You don’t have to know how to write to produce an eBook. So if you don’t know how, or you don’t like to, don’t worry about it, you don’t have to.
Here’s a Quick Glimpse of the Workshop Recordings
First we took the more than 12 hours of our “no-holds-barred” live Getting Rich With eBooks webinar training and converted them to first-quality DVD’s that will play in your computer as well as most any DVD player anywhere in the world. On top of that, we threw in all of the mp3 audio recordings so you can load them on your iPod or burn your own CD’s.
All together, they represent the most complete “eBook How-To” Workshop-in-a-Box available anywhere.
Getting Rich With eBooks 3.0 DVDs
DVD 1: Introduction to eBook Marketing
DVD 2: Simple Ways to Test Any Idea
DVD 3: Guru Secrets for Creating Your eBook
DVD 4: The Technology Made Easy Part 1
DVD 5: The Technology Made Easy Part 2
DVD 6: How To Sell Truckloads of Your eBooks
DVD 7: Ninja Marketing Secrets
DVD 8: How to Get Your eBook to the top of
DVD 9: mp3 Audio Recordings and Unadvertised Bonuses
PLUS Order by November 20 And Get This $1,995 Real Dollars Bonus
When you order today I’ll also include ten feature-length videos from our closed-door Internet Millionaire Boot Camp where we gave participants a look behind the curtains of our seven figure business along with the step-by-step formula that has created freedom in my life. These videos were only available for a short time and are currently not available — except with this offer!
Video 1: Introduction and Your Big Idea
Video 2: Case Study: $203,381 In A Day
Video 3: Creating Boatloads of Traffic
Video 4: He (She) Who Has The Biggest List Wins
Video 5: Success From The Sales Offer
Video 6: What Will You Sell? Content and Products
Video 7: A $1,500 Mini-Site That Generates Six-Figures
Video 8: Your Most Frequently Asked Questions
Video 9: Operations and Technology
Video 10: Customer Relationships and What’s Next
Customer Reviews
The Bonus Material Is Worth More Than The Tuition You Charge
By Michael Teplisky, MD (
Getting Rich With eBooks has taught me many things that I could not have hoped to learn by myself in the next few years. As it happens, I was thinking of writing a book when I received your email about the course. I knew nothing about ebooks, how to write them, how to market them, etc. Your course was wonderful (5 stars) because it not only supplied all the necessary step by step instructions, but also motivated me to reach higher than I would have aimed without the knowledge you have so generously imparted.
I also appreciate all the bonus materials that you have provided. The names of various vendors that can be helpful in every stage of the process, from book cover design to order processing to autoresponders. The bonus audio was especially useful in broadening my horizons as to what information technology can do. I firmly believe that the bonus material is worth more than the tuition you charge for the course.
As to my ebook, I am almost finished with the book itself. I have registered the domain name and have ordered the book cover from the vendor you have recommended. I am still studying the Google pay per click offerings and plan to create an account with them soon. I am also grateful for the information on ezines and how to submit articles to them.
I have started with an idea for just one ebook, but after listening to you and to the bonus materials I have come up with the ideas for multiple books that I think will be very successful.
I have now published 6 eBooks at
By Gary Bennet, Sadler, TX (
I have now published 6 eBooks at and have my website operational. I am looking for my next eBook to publish in conjunction with marketing the existing books I have already published. Vic thank you again for a great course.
None have delivered the step-by-step approach that you delivered
By Barbara Chung, Scarborough, ON
I didn’t know much about public domain material, and what constitutes public domain material, and where to look for it or how to verify a work is in public domain — this was really an eye opener for me.
I have a products website, and much of the information I obtained to set up the site has been piecemeal — I really like the start-to-finish approach of Vic’s course.
I definitely got what I was looking for in this course and more. I liked the format of homework assignments each week because it gave me concrete action steps to follow, and to continue to follow as I work through the process. I learned material that I can apply over and over again. Thanks Vic for a wonderful course. I would have to say, it’s the best course I’ve participated in this year!
I am always comfortable purchasing a program from Vic because he shoots straight
By Laura Hickey, Banner Elk, NC
Almost finished with my first ebook and several good ideas for #2, #3, etc. Before I started, I saw the process of writing and marketing an ebook via internet as rocket science. I was confused by all the pitches on what was needed for a website and drawing traffic. Now I know the baseline info of what I need to do to choose a niche, choose market key words, test words and marketing copy, and get a mini-site up. Vic’s rolodex of “helps”, freelancers who will do the parts I do not wish to do, is invaluable. Excellent program – I expect it to pay for itself many MANY times over.
I am always comfortable purchasing a program from Vic because he shoots straight about the realities of internet marketing – straight in terms of honesty and in terms of experience.
I became more and more convinced that I can do this!
By Karen Alison, Toronto, ON (
Before this course, I knew nothing about the information Vic taught us, so I was starting at zero. So far, I have gotten several new ideas for ebooks, have begun writing a bonus book, am revising my current book for one or more ebooks, have read Cialdini and books on writing sales letters and have practiced writing marketing material for other people as well as myself (rewrote someone else’s homepage as a sales letter for them), have learned much from listening to the bonus material, have been motivated to find web support to help me create a new website (and found it), am in the process of researching the business structure I need to support my ebook business, am reading the SEO material…should I go on?
I found this course very exciting and motivating. With Vic’s well-planned lessons and comprehensive information, every week, I became more and more convinced that I can do this! Vic’s constant encouragement not to be afraid of the tech side was extremely helpful, especially as it was backed up by his fantastic, clear and complete information about the art and business of selling on the net. I also appreciated Vic’s abundance attitude and the underlying theme that there’s enough for everyone and we can all succeed. It ’s easy to see that this course took a lot of organization to create and rests on extensive practical knowledge and experience, which Vic shared freely with his students. On all levels, teaching, content, resources, and bonuses, this course receives top marks from me. I would recommend it to anyone who is serious about wanting to develop an ebook/information marketing business.
blown away by the fact that no information was held back
By Samuel Torres, Pasadena, CA
I had nothing but ideas prior to this course. This ebook course carefully outlined steps, took away the mystery of the unknown, taught me how to outsource to get more done, and bottom line helped me get my feet moving.
Everything you need to know about the ebook process from start to finish was covered in detail. Knew it would happen, but was still blown away by the fact that no information was held back. Everything was given except for the book, website and box to hold them in. Found the course to be mentally stimulating and benefiting towards re-discovering old passions as well as discovering new ones.
Who is this program for?
One: This is for people who are already in a small business, or consider themselves entrepreneurs but are struggling right now. This includes people who don’t understand the web, or don’t understand information marketing or even the basics of advertising in a Web 2.0 world. (Did you know more LOCAL searches are done on the web today than in your phone book’s yellow pages — that ought to tell you where you should be going with your LOCAL business advertising).
Two: If you are in a position where you think it’s time – finally for you to stop working for other people and start working for yourself. Or at least find out what you need to know and need to have in your little bag of tricks to be able to work for yourself, then teaming up with me is going to be a mind blowing experience.
Three: If you like (1) going to work in your pajamas, (2) reducing your commute from many miles to a few steps (3) working on your schedule instead of someone else’s (4) worrying about where to spend your money instead of worrying about how much you’ve got to spend, then you might want to check this out.
I will lay everything out for you in a straight-forward, easy-to-understand model to eBook success. You get my entire system in an easy-to-follow blueprint to make real money with a simple eBook business.
“Knew it would happen, but was still blown away by the fact that no information was held back. Everything was given except for the book, website and box to hold them in.” – Samuel Torres, Plumbing Contractor, Pasadena, CA
It’s a step-by-step process that can take even a raw rookie and teach you how to get going very quickly to start making money right away. The ultimate goal is to fund your dreams of working for yourself and creating a lifestyle rather than making a living. (There is a major difference.)
There are a lot of secrets you’re not going to learn on your own, you need a mentor. I am that mentor when it comes to eBooks and Internet marketing. And you don’t have to believe me on that….
“Vic, This Program Must Cost a Fortune”
Well, it should. When you consider that I’m going to be sharing secrets that came from my own marketing education that I’ve spent more than $100,000 for. Not to mention the money I’ve lost (a small fortune) because of my stupid mistakes — that you don’t have to make if you’ll follow the blueprint I’m going to layout.
When you consider that you can take this information and make six-figures with it THIS YEAR, how much does that make it worth?
Let’s compare it to some other options for creating income:
Average truck-driving school tuition $4-$5,000 (and that enables you to make an average of $32,000 your first year, driving your fannie across the country).
Invest an average $12,000-$20,000+ in tuition (plus the value of your time) and you could add a Master’s degree to your Bachelor’s and you can earn an extra $10,000 a year (hmmm…)
The Orlando Bartending School will charge you just $595 tuition to teach you how to be a bartender (but you have to show up, stand on your feet every night and put up with all the drunks in order to earn any income).
By comparison, our program should command a tuition of $20,000 at a minimum, wouldn’t you agree?
And if we priced it at what original participants paid for the workshops it should sell for $3,000 (and many workshop participants said it was worth far more than what they paid of it).
I think it’s easily worth $10,000 and more. But the truth is, about the only people that could afford that aren’t the ones who need it.
Believe me, I still remember what it’s like to live hand to mouth. It might have been ten years ago but you never forget the pain of some things.
So I’m willing to offer it at less than one-tenth it’s real value, so more people can access these secrets and put them to work. PLUS I’m so confident that anyone who uses it can make this blueprint work, you can use it with no risk for a full 180 days…
My Crazy 180-Day “Broken Glass” Guarantee
Claim your “Getting Rich With eBooks A-to-Z Workshop-in-a-Box” today and tear into it, watch the videos, listen to the audios, go through all the written material, try out the ideas for any kind of eBook for the next 180 days. And if you’re not so thrilled that you’d walk over a mile of broken glass and swim a river of alcohol just to keep your copy, then send it back and I’ll gladly refund every penny of your purchase. No questions asked and no note from your mother required.
Also these bonuses:
Info Millions 24 Audios. How a small town Kansas couple created a $10 million a year empire selling information from their kitchen table. 24 full length mp3 audios. Sells for $497. FREE Bonus when you order by November 20
One Hour Training Call with Internet Marketing Legend
Yanik Silver
A young thirty-something he’s already made millions from the Internet while cultivating some of the most powerful friends on the planet (here with Sir Richard Branson). This one-hour recording on eBooks that we did with Yanik is ELECTRIC! $97 Value
Resell Rights Profits
Some of the very best (and easiest) money I’ve made from eBooks has been through buying resell rights. Here’s a primer with all of the who, what, when, where and how. $39 Retail
My Million Dollar Rolodex
Here are the actual vendors and resources I’ve used (including web hosting, merchant accounts, shopping cart, affiliate program and more) to earn seven figures from my Internet businesses. I even include some that I no longer use and I explain why! Value: Priceless! (this item alone is worth far more than the cost of the program in the money it can save you from making the wrong choices).
“Vic’s rolodex of “helps”, freelancers who will do the parts I do not wish to do, is invaluable.” – Laura Hickey, Banner Elk, NC
It’s Time To Get Rich With eBooks
Instead of the regular $2,982.00 that original participants paid for this training– you can grab the Complete “eBook How-To” Workshop-in-a-Box” for just $897 plus FREE shipping! Or you can pay for it in 4 easy payments of $249 spread 30 days apart (plus shipping and handling).
There’s no doubt you’re going to spend way more than $897 this year in your business anyway. It might be for a new copier, ad campaign, mailing or even a new computer. In fact, I just bought a new laptop that set me back almost $2,000 and the thing will be obsolete in less than 2 years. But learning how to create and market with eBooks gives you a lifetime of freedom and a ready-way to create cash.
If you look at it another way, your total tuition comes down to just $2.46 per day. That’s less than it costs for a fancy-smancy “coffee-latte-espressocino-mochiata” drink. Do you really think there is a better skill you can invest a measly $3 dollars a day into that can reward you so richly? I seriously doubt it.
Please Make Your Selection:
Now the truth is I could easily write another 10 pages and give you a million reasons why you want to be a part of this elite group. But the fact is you should have figured out on the first page, when you read the account of Margie Garrison, Robin Harpe, Tony Waters and David Riklan, that this is the opportunity to live life on a lot different level than you’ve probably been living. If that’s not enough reason to get started now then I frankly don’t know what else I could say.
So I hope you’ll go ahead and claim your workshop-in-a-box today.
And I hope you don’t get tired of hearing this — but I really do appreciate you supporting our site
P.S. If you’ve ever BOUGHT an eBook, I shouldn’t even have to convince you of the
money-making potential. So the big question you probably have is can I deliver the goods and really give you the blueprint so you can do it? The answer is YES, and your assurance is my “365-Day Broken Glass” Guarantee above. Go ahead — you’ve got nothing to lose and your very own cash cow eBook to gain.