Product Description
Master Reed Byron – Complete Mind Control System [ 5 CDs – 4 FLAC, 1 MP3]
Here are (almost) all of Reed Byron’s Mind Control CDs. It is the Complete Mind Control System, plus version 1 and version 2 (the better 40 min version) of his other Mind Control Hypnosis CDs. The manual isn’t where I remembered putting it, however it was pretty much just a rephrased and printed version of the lecture CD IIRC. THe only thing I don’t have is the AAT Mind Control CD he sells separately. If someone wants to be a pal, buy it, FLAC it and post it, that would be awesome. Descriptions are below.
Learn the Secrets of Ancient Chinese Monks to Control Others Thoughts…
Dear Friend,
Are you ready to learn how to control others minds? A simple system that has been used over the last 5 years by several members of a secret association?
A system that can literally be put into action within a few hours of listening to it?
If your answer is yes, then The Complete Mind Control System is what you need to listen to and study immediately. In it is explained exactly what YOU need to do to create the secret and covert mind control power over others. It will allow you to forget about all the ‘secrets’ people want to sell you and begin controlling others thoughts with what works starting today.
Here’s some of what you’ll learn in this complete system….
•The Simple System To Gain Total Control Over Another’s Thoughts!
•This System Works In The Same Room Or At ANY Distance!
•Learn To Develop The Powers Of Your Own Mind!
•How To Get Others To Work For You
•Harness and Master Your Psychic Power To Control Others Thoughts!
•Discover The Only True Psychic Mind Power That Works
•The Easiest And Fastest Way To Focus Your Mind Completely For True Personal Power (And Power Over Others!)
•How To Take Easy Advantage Of Other People Without Them Knowing!
•How To Tap The Potential Of Your Unconscious Mind For True Power!
•Learn To Project Your Thoughts So Forcefully That Others MUST Carry Out Your Commands!
•Complete Instructions Ready For You To Begin Using It Immediately!
•And You Will Never Have to Speak a Word Out Loud!
As you listen and study The Complete Mind Control System you will understand how the Masters of the mind can create entirely new events almost overnight and take control over them almost immediately.
Not only that – but these new powers that you will soon possess are so incredibly powerful that as soon as you begin using it, you will most likely be amazed at what you are learning! It’s so easy I don’t understand why more people haven’t caught on.
This system includes 3 Audio CDs with a manual of instructions. These audios include one (1) dual induction mind control hypnosis track. One (1) standard mind control hypnosis track. These two audios come on one CD. They also have embedded subliminal messages to bring about the psychic power you want without conscious resistance! There is also a (1) CD which utilizes dual binaural beat technology with subliminal messages and commands that you can actually hear! You also get a (1) pure audio instruction CD on how to develop this power from within you. Also, there is a complete manual that explains the necessary visualization/psychic development exercises so you can control others minds. All material is copyrighted. This is the ONLY totally complete system!
Imagine controlling others thoughts and having them think the thoughts were there own ideas? Imagine all the possibilities that exist with this new psychic power that you will soon develop and use! You can literally control others without them knowing it! If you think that is fantasy you will be surprised when you learn how well you are able to control yourself too! There are real people that have done this. It’s not a fantasy. It is very real and people who understand the simple concepts are doing it all around you right now.
This system does require work. You have to actually do the exercises and use the system for it to work, if you don’t do your part, it will not work. You have to be willing to dedicate at least a half hour a day for the next few weeks to develop this psychic mind control power.
Just one of these CDs in this system has sold for over $100.00! For just one CD! This system is Complete and includes ALL the CDs and the manual and still sells for less than the cost of two CDs!
So, go ahead and order today and find out just how easy it can be to make others do your bidding. You won’t get bogged down in hundreds of pages of filler information. There is no filler in this system. You’ll understand the concept within a few hours and will be able to get started the same day you receive The Complete Mind Control System.
This system is not sold in stores and unless you are a member of the secret organization, you’ll never be able to get a copy! You will love and enjoy what you will soon discover…
Here’s the description of Instant Mind Control (version 1)
Automatic Mind Control CD™
“I couldn’t believe it… She did EXACTLY what I was thinking and I didn’t even try…”
My friend, that is precisely what one of the listeners of this “Automatic Submission CD” said after only using it for 2 days.
That’s right — he used this CD for 2 days and found that people were doing what he wanted them to do…
he didn’t SAY anything…
he made NO conscious effort…
it simply HAPPENED! ZAPP!
Look — you will acquire the POWER to AUTOMATICALLY Control EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT of anyone you choose! These techniques are very powerful and will work for you effortlessly — all you have to do is listen to invoke any state you want upon others and INSTANTLY & AUTOMATICALLY have TOTAL Control over them.
This CD is so much more POWERFUL than anything you’ve EVER seen before — it is the ULTIMATE in Mind Control —
So, how did he learn how to do it? This is what Reed Byron said about this AWESOME Brain-Talk™ CD in his Inner-Circle Ezine…
“I know I work on other projects but because of the TIME and extensive training and studying I’ve done on this subject and all of my work seems to focus on this, I have some new discoveries to share with you. So read on…
My team and I have been working to finish a new project that I’ve been planning since the beginning of the year. It has taken a lot, but this new tool will amaze you all — I wish each of you can experience this. Some of my students of Mind Control will really enjoy this new CD — why? because it trains your mind to be able to get that control over other INSTANTLY —
but it’s BETTER than instantly because the new CD allows you to do it UNCONSCIOUSLY — without trying — We call it “AUTOMATIC SUBMISSION”
What would you do if those around you began to AUTOMATICALLY follow your thought/commands?
Think about it — INSTANT MIND CONTROL —
you wouldn’t have to SAY anything or even consciously THINK anything…
It is designed for those who have taken the Complete Mind Control System training and KNOW the basic technique… but it takes it far into the NEXT level. It does this by first taking you into a trance — then, begins the work. Your mind is programmed to USE the technique that you’ve learned WITHOUT consciously thinking about it!
Now, that’s amazing!
I have personally used this CD on myself because I’ve noticed and my students have told me that even though they know the technique… often, they either forget to use it, or don’t have the time to get the skill to do it with eyes open and on the fly… which is the reason we’ve developed this CD…
And the best part of it is that it does all the work for you (as long as you’ve learned the basic technique) You listen for at least 10 days and then you start to use the techniques AUTOMATICALLY. Yes, it’s true, then other people AUTOMATICALLY submit themselves to YOUR WILL —
And think about it — you didn’t even TRY to do it! It just HAPPENS! Now that is something to RAVE about, isn’t it.
Now, I know how some people are — they read what I’ve just written and probably think “I bet it’s no different than something else out there” or “I wonder if this will work for me”
Friends, let me just say, I have studied the Ancient Arts.
I have learned the Chinese Secrets, I’ve been taught by the Hindu Priests and have continued to immerse myself with the magical arts of hypnosis, NLP, DBB, Brain-Talk, Subliminals and ALL of the mind sciences… and Friends, let me just say…
That this new CD has some things NO ONE has EVER used on CD before. I have used SPECIFIC Covert Commands that have come DIRECTLY from Ancient Magickal Sources and they will work for you.
Yes, there are truly “MAGICKAL” suggestions on this CD that will begin to work in you, around you, and through you WITHOUT CONSCIOUS EFFORT! — that’s the best part isn’t it.
It will change the way people will treat you, see you, and THINK about you because they will AUTOMATICALLY begin to SUBMIT themselves to YOU, PERIOD. Why? Because when your thoughts have been altered, you can then alter theirs, easily and without effort! Remember, this will program you to USE what you’ve been taught.”
By now you’ve realized that this brand new CD from Reed — will literally allow you to control others WITHOUT TRYING! — Reed’s been there and done that — and there is simply nothing out there that comes even close to “Automatic Mind Control”
And Version 2:
Control Other People’s Thoughts Now! Wherever You Are, Wherever They Are, Instantly, Effortlessly, Naturally, and Do It Without Saying a Word!
Patented Mind Science Technologies That Will Turn You Into A Mind Control Machine!
Imagine having the INSTANT and covert power of unconscious mind control. With this powerful and new audio hypnosis CD – you’ll instantly gain the unconscious mind control techniques of Ancient Chinese Monks and Hindu Priests.
This CD incorporates the latest mind-bran technology including NLP, Hypnosis, Dual Binaural Beats, and a Secret Dual Induction.
You’ll instantly have the power to: *Implant Your Thoughts & Suggestions into anyone’s mind. *Implant direct commands unconsciously! You might even gain the ability to *Gaze in someone’s eyes and place them in trance! ….. instill states of command, curiosity, desire, lust….. whatever you want! Effects will be noticed with 5 – 21 days – and you will notice people naturally following your thoughts.
I will not accept ANY responsibility for damages you may cause with these techniques – YES IT WORKS! Just because this has worked for other is NO guarantee that this will work for you.