Product Description
$100k Social Workshop
Session 1: FB/Social CPA Introduction
The beauty of our system is you don’t even need to sell ANYTHING.
The concept is simple…you put a little bit of money in, and you get money out. We will show you how to quickly and easily turn the money in into a much higher money out value.
(The same steps our newbie student used to reach $60,000 in his first 2 months)
Session 2: Choosing A Niche/Offer
Many people fail simply because of this step…they choose the wrong offers.
We pick the right offers and run traffic, and PROFIT right in front of you…so just follow along and use the niches we’ve already tested ourselves and given to our students instead of pulling your hair out testing failed niches.
Session 3: Researching Ad Angle/Copy
This is actually so simple when you have it handed to you, and that’s exactly what we’re doing.
Copy our SIMPLE ad copy which is perfected to convert.
No more guessing on what MIGHT work, we know this works and we’ve got the proof to back it up!
Session 4: Setting Up Lander/Hosting/Tracking
This is so SIMPLE the way we lay it out. These are our “money pages”.
Do this work once and then move on to Module 5 where we turn on the money in/money out.
Session 5: Setting Up Facebook Campaign
Our money pages are ready, now we’re turning on the traffic to our money pages, things start to get really exciting here.
Session 6: Campaign Tweaking/Optimization
Now that our money pages are up and running with traffic, we show you how to convert the traffic into money, and spit out more on the other end than you’re making.
Profits will come easier than you thought was possible, because you’re learning from true experts here.
Session 7: Scaling The Campaign
Now, maybe you’re putting $5 in and getting $10 out.
You want to SCALE this right? Perhaps to putting $50 in and getting $100 out, or putting $300 in and getting $600 out.
Learn the simple way we scale our money making campaigns, it only takes a few minutes to scale each one and go from $5 profit to hundreds in profit with each campaign.
Session 8: Outsourcing
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, we can actually pay a virtual assistant $3 an hour to do most of this work FOR you.
Insane, right? Learn how to outsource any grunt work and keep your work hours ultra low for maximum time spent with friends, family, yourself, or whatever you want to use it for.
and… multiple Q&A sessions
For sure you have doubts when you are inside the wrokshop.
Earlier students asked plenty helpful questions that inspire you what they think and how they process.
Learn from there mistakes and problems, you progress faster.