Product Description
2016 NACAC National Conference
2016’s most valuable professional development event for College Admission Counseling
LL01 Location-Based Enrollment Marketing
LL02 Traffic is Vanity; Conversions are Sanity
LL03 Engaging High Schools Through Gamification and Change Leadership
LL04 Tearing Down Silos to Improve Customer Service: Lessons in CRM Implementation for Admission, Orientation, Financial Aid, Student Accounts and Records
LLOS Advising Students Toward Health Professional Programs
LL06 Utilizing Online Tools to Strengthen the K-12 Recruitment Pipeline
LL07 Considerations for Becoming an International School Counselor or Admission Officer
LL08 How to Use US/Canadian Funding in Other Countries
LL09 Using Appreciative Inquiry to Authentically Differentiate and Focus on Students Most Likely to Thrive at Your Unique School
LL10 Counseling for College Readiness
LL11 Best Practices for International Recruitment
LL12 Evaluating College Access Programs
LL13 Using Data to Create a Custom Strategic Recruitment Plan for Your Territory
LL14 How to Improve a Personal Statement in 20 Minutes!
TL01 Predicting Student Paths through Posts: the Impact of Social Media in the College Admission and Scholarship Process
TL02 Be Smarter Than the Technology: Investing in Staff to Leverage Technology and Innovate Your Admission Office
TL03 Run a Counseling Office From Your Mobile Device: How to Use Social Media and Apps to Engage Students
TL04 Inspire, Inform, and Interact: Using Video to Increase Engagement
TLOS Optimizing Mobile for Your Future Students: Findings from the 2016 Social Admissions Report
TL06 Txt4Success: Effective Strategies for Using Texting to Engage Students in the Admission Process
A01 The Relationship Dynamic: How Prospective Students Form a Relationship with Your College, and Why it Matters in Your Ability to Grow and Control Enrollment
A02 How America Pays for College 2016: What Counselors Need to Know
A03 Beyond the Obvious: Shaping the College List
A04 Test Optional Admission: Best Practices, Implications and Next Steps
AOS From Albania to Zimbabwe – Searching for Best-Fit Interna tional Students
A06 A CONVERSATION WITH: David Coleman, President and CEO, The College Board
A07 It Isn’t Your Imagination: Rapid Societal Shifts Are Chang ing the World of Colleges and Universities
A08 College Matriculation and Degree Attainment for Young Men of Color
A09 What National Transfer Trends Mean for Access, Admission, and Success
A10 NACAC’s Statement of Principles of Good Practice: Consid ering Change in Changing Times
A11 Strengthening College/CBO Partnerships to Improve the Ad mission Process for First-Gen and Underrepresented Students
A12 How Numbers Are Used (and Misused) in the Admission Process
A13 FEATURED SPEAKER: Jeff Selingo — Launching from College: The Sprinters, Wanderers, and Stragglers
A14 Challenging Your Lens: Training Admission Readers for a Changing Demographic
A1S Recruiting and Serving the Self-Service Generation
101 College Readiness, Access and Success for Low-Income and First-Generation Students
102 Higher Education and the Redesigned SAT – New Strategies and Learnings
103 Prior Year and You: Managing Change and Identifying Opportunity
104 India – An Emerging Market to Recruit Undergraduate Students
BOS The Cambridge Student
106 Uber, Lyft or CAB? How to Hail a Counselor Advisory Board
107 Multiple Options for Optimum Results: Effective and EfficientTransfer Pathways
108 College Admission en Espanol
109 The Housing Bubble, The Stock Bubble ..The International Bubble?
110 Pairing, Partnering and Producing: Develop Ways to Better Prepare Our Students for College-Level Work
111 National Focus on Highly-Selective Schools
112 Naviance Update: What’s New and Notable for 2016-2017
113 Advising NCAA Prospective Student-Athletes
114 Race on Campus
B1S Accepting Portfolios for Admission: Lessons from Early Adopters
C01 Reframing the Discussion on ROI
C02 FEATURED SPEAKER: Claudio Sanchez, Education Corre spondent for National Public Radio
C03 Admission Essay 2.0: Learn How to Think Like A Writer to Guide Your Students
C04 Federal Service Academy Application Process
COS Recruiting Latino Students: Tips, Strategies, and Best Practices
C06 Identifying, Attracting and Supporting International Students from US High Schools
C07 Women and STEM Fields: A Continuing Conundrum
COB Underserved Learners: The Condition of College and Career Readiness and Best Practices for Meaningful Impact
C09 Understanding Test-Optionalffest-Required Admission Policies
C10 #WeArelnThisTogether – Becoming the Best Ally for Your LGBTO Students in the College Search Process
C11 New Regulations Pertaining to Overtime Pay
C12 When the Parent is More Ambitious than the Student C13 Implications of the Fisher v University ofTexas Decision C14 The FAFSA: What You Need to Know for 2017-18
C1S The Common Application and the Path to College Enroll ment
D01 Barriers to Admission at Selective Institutions for Low-In come Students
D02 Replacing Personal Statements with More Personalized Questions
D03 The Legal Ramifications of Disclosure
D04 Reasons to Go Regional: Implementing Regional Admis sion Officers
DOS The Access Triangle: Creating an Effective College, High School, and CBO Partnership
D06 College Exploration and Middle School: The Power of the Partnership
D07 A CONVERSATION WITH: Marten Roorda, CEO, ACT, Inc.
DOI “Times Higher Education Rankings: Shaping Students’ Study Choices”
D09 College Readiness and College Success: Developing Noncognitive Assessments for Distinct Outcomes and Populations
D10 Navigating the UK Education System and UCAS Application
D11 Students with Learning Disabilities and Applications
D12 Recruiting and Retaining Generation Z: Assembling the Pieces for the Right Fit
D13 Help Me Help You: Managing Alumni/Parent Volunteer Recruitment Programs
D14 Test Optional, Required or Flexible
D1S Addressing the Turmoil: Recruitment and College Counsel ing in Uncertain Campus Climates
D16 What Admission Deans Think: Results on Hot Issues in the Field
E01 Innovative Strategies for Recruiting Right-Fit Students
E02 Advising US Students on Pursuing University Options Abroad
E03 Tomorrow’s Jobs: The 2014-24 Employment Projections from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
E04 Developing an Effective Professional Learning Plan…