Product Description
Adam Urbanski – Overnight Authority 2012 [22 Docs (PDF) + 26 Audios (MP3)]
Is This You?
1. You provide a great service and already have some great customers, AND you want to attract a lot more clients, get paid more and be recognized as a leader in your field.
2. You are great at what you do, BUT you are not sure how to differentiate yourself and get your message out in a bigger way so getting new clients is always a struggle.
3. You have great skills and know-how, AND you want to find out HOW to turn that into a business that makes an impact in the world and makes you good money! *
* If this is you… pay especially close attention! The game has changed and being good at what you do is no longer enough! You must know how to quickly POSITION YOURSELF AS AN AUTHORITY in your field, package your services into irresistible offers, have a message that gets attention, and charge (and get paid) premium fees… Or you will be left in the cold and struggling to make your business work!
… Then Here Are 7 Reasons Why You Should Position Yourself As An Authority On Your Topic
More Clients – When you are recognized as an expert, you don’t have to chase prospects and struggle with marketing. High-quality clients who can afford, and will happily pay, the fees you charge, will actually seek you out.
When a copywriter genius Michele Pariza-Wacek made a few tweaks to her message to clearly communicate her authority on the subject of marketing, she immediately attracted four new clients who paid her more than twice her previous fee!
More Money – If you think charging low fees will bring you more business you are fast on your way OUT OF BUSINESS! When you are recognized as an authority clients expect to pay more for your services and don’t ask for discounts!
Look, low fees are a sign of low-quality and, often, low confidence in your ability to deliver on your promises. When Georgina Sweeney, an authority on increasing personal profit potential, doubled her fees, her business soared! In fact, she increased her original fees more than four times and grew her business from nearly zero to over $100,000 in just four months.
More Influence – I get it – you genuinely care about people and want to make a difference. But it’s hard to do when you’re the kept secret! It’s so much easier to impact the world when your voice is heard and you are invited on BIG STAGES to share your message.
Today, Suzanne Evans is a world class philanthropist, using her money to make a big impact world-wide. AND it was because she positioned herself as an Authority on Showing Help-Preneurs How to Grow a Heart-Based Business and transformed herself from working as a secretary to owning a seven figure empire!
More Recognition – Right now the idea of ideal clients actually coming to you may sound unbelievable. But when you seem to be “everywhere” and your reputation proceeds you, people really do approach you and want to do business with you!
And it happens fast too! Michele Scism floundered around for a few months when she started her consulting and coaching business. But when she claimed her Authority on Social Media Marketing her fame (and business) exploded. Within 90 days she was a daily guest on teleseminars and buzzing around the country to speak at other people’s events!
Less Selling – Let’s get one thing straight – you must master the art of selling. Period! But, as an authority, you are doing a lot more of is teaching. And the selling conversations are powerful consultations and not the manipulative “brow beating” other people employ!
A decade ago a good friend of mine, and today’s global Authority on Optimum Performance, Melanie Benson Strick, struggled to make a $1,000 a month and worked hard to “sell” her services. Things changed rapidly for her when she used my system to create “multiple doors” for clients to enter into her world and built a simple, education-based marketing machine that propelled her making six figures in only nine months!
Less Work – Establishing yourself as an authority is not a bunch of tricks and tactics. Granted, the hoopla around the “latest secret” and getting in on the “little known-loophole” sounds so much more exciting, but it just keeps you buying one $97 bright shiny object after another!
Instead, the strategies you learn and master at Overnight Authority Live Event are long-term. They work year after year, so you don’t have to work so hard. For example, Donna Kozik, famous Authority on Writing a Book In Just One Weekend, was heading down the “popular path” of creating info products when she first became my client in 2007. Then she learned how to stand out from the crowd with the right positioning and developed a system, and a business model, that’s EVERGREEN!
Today she works just four days a week and is on track for making seven figures a year – doing the same thing over and over again and not having to waste time trying to learn and figure out the latest gimmick every Tom, Dick, and Harry are trying to peddle each day!
Long Term Success – The real money in any business is in repeat transactions. And that only happens when you build real relationships with your customers.
I’ve been doing this work since summer of 2000. And I regularly do business with people who have been my customers (buying my products, listening to teleseminars, and attending my seminars) for nearly that long!
Personally, the strategies I teach have allowed me to put myself in the top 1% of income earners in the world. And, a recent calculation revealed that these strategies have generated over $50 million in new revenues for just my top clients, students, and friends – in the last four years alone!
So, the question is, when are you going to join us?
The Most Compelling, Transformative, Actionable Learning Event on Making Money as an Expert!
Step Into the Spotlight – Unleash Your Brilliance and profit from it. Take what you are great at and love doing and match it to what your ideal clients already are looking for and want to buy.
Build Fearless Confidence – Stop hiding behind your computer, doubting if you are good enough and worrying what others might think of you, bust through your fears and boost your entrepreneurial confidence.
Create Powerful Positioning – Use these step by step strategies to become the “First Choice” and the “go-to” trusted authority in your customers’ mind.
Craft Irresistible Packaging – Turn your services and products into “Unique Solutions” your clients are naturally attracted to and want to buy.
Say It Powerfully – Reach your customers where they are and guide them to trust you and buy from you with a clear and powerful marketing message.
Gain Instant Credibility – Use strategies to gain potential customers’ “money and time trust”. HINT: Without credibility, they might pay attention to you… but they won’t buy!
Attract Clients Fast. Use the best strategies that are working right now to Attract Clients Like Crazy!®
Discover Your Fastest Path to Cash – Become a Money Magnet. Learn the six Money-DNA Blueprints and how to recode your own MoneyDNA for automatic wealth attraction.
Build Up Your Sales Fast! – Use the same strategies, and the exact thinking, I teach my clients that enable them to often go from a standstill to earning over $100,000 in as little as six weeks.
Find Hidden Profits – Uncover huge profit windfalls hiding in plain site in your business. Ramp up your success or turn around a bad situation fast using these quick-start solutions and proven money-making blueprints.
Use Proven Money Making Models – Want to do webinars? Host your own workshop or a seminar? Create and launch your own product? Learn the best ways to share and monetize your expertise fast and figure out what model will work best for you.
Elegantly Influence Buying Decisions – Sell without being salesy! Overcome years of negative “anti-selling” programming and mental blocks, and use sales conversations to facilitate rapid, deep transformations for your new clients.
Discover Money Making Technology Shortcuts – Use the latest, cutting edge technology to gain visibility, get your message out, and find, build and monetize your tribe. Employ simple yet powerful techniques to power-up your blog, Pinterest, Facebook and YouTube presence.
Create Your Big Impact Money Plan
Create Your Sales Funnel – Structure a solid path your ideal clients can follow so you make more sales and keep your customers longer.
Rapidly Build a Responsive List – Discover the biggest thing that’s keeping your list small and the simple strategies to make your list grow fast!
Automate Your Marketing – Know exactly which components of your marketing to focus on developing in which order and how to put your lead generation, follow up, sales and customer retention on total auto-pilot. That’s right – it really means work less and make more!
10x Your Personal Productivity – Improve your focus and get twice as much done in half the time with my proven strategies how to translate ideas and goals into action steps and daily habits.
Build Your Amazing Support Team – Make your next team member the most amazing person you ever hired – without having to pay them a fortune – with our proving hiring system. (works for employees and for outsourcing)
Free Yourself from Doing “Stuff” – Outsource the boring, tedious, time-consuming tasks fast to people who love doing them and don’t charge a fortune.
So What Is This “Live Online Event” Exactly?
The Overnight Authority Live Event is transformational training delivered via a live stream from our event broadcasting studio in San Diego. A handful of live audience members and nearly 500 passionate entrepreneurs worldwide will gather to learn and practice the best strategies for getting visibility, making an impact and prospering from sharing their expertise with others.
Starting December 13th at 1pm Pacific, for two and half days you’ll participate in interactive workshops, listen to fireside-chat conversations with my guest experts, ask questions and get answers, and networking and collaborate with a global tribe of transformational entrepreneurs just like you – all from the comfort of your home. All sessions are also recorded and you can access them again at any time after the event.
The best part of the Live Online Event? You can skip the hassle, expense and time waste associated with having to travel to a typical conference! You get to participate on your own term. Attend the sessions live (definitely recommended), or listen to the recordings at your own pace. In fact, you don’t even have to get dressed for the occasion (but we’ll leave that up to you!)
What’s the True Value of This Event?
Most people confuse price with value. One is simply a dollar amount. The other is what you receive from your investment. This is simply the best training available on how to get your message heard, monetize your skills and passion, and supercharge your business growth by positioning yourself as an authority.
So how do you figure out the value to you? If you can use what you’ll learn to get just one new client a month – how much of a difference would it make? What if you land a large corporate client? A lucrative speaking gig? A book deal? How about making just one connection with a new promotional partner that can introduce you to hundreds, maybe even thousands of ideal potential clients? What’s the worth to you?
But the true value is even bigger. Because the biggest challenge of being a transformation entrepreneur, a messenger and a change-maker is feeling alone. That nagging sense of isolation can be paralyzing and even demoralizing. That’s why you want to be a part of a larger tribe of like minds who can inspire you and encourage you to come out, step into the spotlight and play big.
So the value is huge! And the price? Well, we wanted it to be a total no-brainer for you to say YES and get your ticket. So the full price of the Live Online Event is only $397 (and you might even score a special discount if you act fast!) That’s less than a price of a half an hour consultation with any one of our guest experts you’ll be learning from. If we break it down it’s just $19.85 per training hour! Compare that to the expense of attending a regular conference where you’d pay much more, plus the cost of travel, and you wouldn’t even get an ongoing access to the recorded training afterwards. See, I told you – it’s a no-brainer!
And You Are Fully Protected by My Risk FREE, 100% Satisfaction & Money-Back GUARANTEE!
Attend the entire event and learn all the strategies. If at the end of the program you are not convinced what you learned will help you make a lot more money in your business, and if you are not 100% satisfied and ecstatic about the information, simply let us know (our contact info is on the website and in every email you get from us) we will refund your entire tuition – and you get to keep the bonuses and everything you’ve learned!