Product Description
Amy Porterfield – FBInfluence 2.0 [23 Videos ( 21 WEBM, 2 MP4 ) + 20 Audios ( MP3 ) + 63 Ebooks-Slides ( PDF )]
Discover The Secret System
Smart Facebook Marketers
are using
With FBInfluence Amy Porterfield will show you exactly how to drastically increase traffic, leads & sales
FBInfluence – Your New Secret Weapon
FBinfluence covers the core strategies you need to know, and gives you
‘Homer Simpson Proof’ instructions on how to execute them.
When it comes to Facebook, you need a tailored strategy that works for your business. As time goes by, Facebook proves to be more important. You’re starting to see a widening gap of those who get it and those who don’t.
Amy Porterfield is the co-author of Facebook Marketing All-In-One for Dummies and a Social Media Strategist for entrepreneurs and small businesses. Many consider Amy the go-to person for all things Facebook Marketing.
With 14+ years marketing experience, Amy has worked with mega brands like Harley-Davidson Motorcycles, along with Tony Robbins International where she designed and managed his digital and social marketing campaigns. She currently consults with entrepreneurs, and small and large businesses on social media strategy.
Put to Work
the Same Simple Facebook Strategies Amy Uses Every Day
Have you put off using Facebook to generate more business?
Has a fear of not knowing where to start kept you
from moving forward?
Today, that’s all going to change!
You Can’t Afford to Ignore Facebook:
Facebook is currently the largest social network with over 1.19 Billion Active Monthly Users.
93% of marketers use social media for their business.
Facebook has 728 million daily active users.
Facebook Like and Share Buttons are
viewed 22 million times a day.
There are over 50 million Facebook pages.
Facebook is an incredible, unlimited source of hot leads.
Here’s what your Facebook strategy will do for you:
Automatically create a huge flood of leads for your product or service
Attract highly-targeted prospects who WANT to do business with you
Get testimonials with social proof
Position yourself as the most sought out leader in your industry
Grow a vibrant community of raving fans around your product and service
Turn fans into Super Fans that are eager to buy what you’re selling
“Every successful busi-
ness depends on people – Facebook is where they are spending their time online. Either you will use Facebook and succeed or you will not embrace Facebook and fail.“
-Sean Malarkey-
Click here right now to tap into the power of Facebook.
Imagine what all those visitors, leads and
customers will do for your business.
Here is exactly how this program will instantly transform your business:
How to get automated leads and SALES 24/7
The little-known trick to attract highly-targeted prospects who WANT to do business with you
A simple but powerful way to get your testimonials on autopilot day in and day out
How to be instantly recognized as the most sought out leader in your industry
The simple paragraph that creates a vibrant community of raving fans who happily spread the word about you, your products and services
You already know it’s time to stop wasting your energy and make Facebook work for you. This program will turn your Facebook fans into SUPER FANS, action-taking raving fans who are eager to buy what you are selling.
If your FBInfluence 2.0 purchase fails to meet your expectations, you may return it within the first 60 days for a full refund.
Only $97Add to cart
Check Out this Testimonial
-Marie Forleo-
“Amy’s the real deal. She has a genuine desire to share her knowledge of social media marketing and always has her client’s best interests in mind. I recently worked on a high-profile project with Amy and thanks to her tenacity and passion, the project was an amazing hit! I look forward to working with Amy again any chance I get.”Marie Forleo, Best-selling Author, Speaker, Online-Entrepreneur,
-Mari Smith-
“Amy is masterful at building solid, profitable relationships and developing creative social marketing strategies to catapult her clients’ fame and quickly improve their bottom line. Amy knows the inside secrets of how to monetize social media with less effort. If you get the chance to have Amy on your team, go for it – she’ll make you money!”Facebook Marketing & Relationship Marketing Speaker and Author,
-Michael Stelzner-
“When I decided to launch Social Media Examiner’s Facebook page I turned to Amy Porterfield. Not only did Amy help me build a super attractive Facebook page, she also took an active role in the day-to-day management of our page. In less than 10 months we grew an active fan base of more than 16,000 people using Amy’s techniques. I strongly recommend her.”Michael Stelzner, CEO and Founder, Social Media Examiner
How You Can Turn Your Facebook Page Into a Traffic-Attracting Machine in Four Simple Steps with FBinfluence
#Step 1 – will show you the simple foundational keys to set you up for Facebook success
This first valuable step will be easy for you to complete, but will create a magnetic pull literally dragging your ideal audience to your business. This step is all about branding your Facebook Page and making sure it’s optimized to attract your ideal fans.
Once you quickly complete this step, you’ll sit back amazed by the quality fans clicking the like button and joining your Facebook community in record numbers.
#Step 2 – – will show you how to find and attract a lucrative fan base that is eager to hear from you again and again
This second step includes the highly-advanced, and unbelievably effective strategies we’ve used to attract highly-targeted prospects who WANT to do business with you! These fan attracting strategies are so powerful they can skyrocket your business but so simple you’ll wonder why everyone isn’t using them.
There is no doubt these strategies will instantly help you stand out in the most lucrative social media hot spot of them all..
#Step 3 – you’ll find the easy-as-pie way to create ongoing, massive engagement while you establish yourself as an authority in your niche
This simple formula will create quality content specifically for your Facebook page, increase your engagement score, and give you the essential tools needed to master, monitor and track your Facebook success. You will receive proven, results-focused, advanced strategies you can’t afford to miss.
These are the same powerful tactics Amy has used to help people like Tony Robbins generate massive results.
#Step 4 – you find the simple yet powerful technique you can use to turn your fans into loyal customers
In this final step you’re going to receive the FBinfluence Blueprint that will reveal the secret strategy Amy uses with her high-dollar clients to turn their Facebook Fan Pages into perpetual lead-generation machines.
This blueprint includes specific details on the most successful strategies used to turn fans into customers, along with three little-known techniques that will drive your fans to want to buy!
Module #1
The Foundation for Facebook Success
Ask Yourself . . .
What do you want from Facebook? Why are you marketing on Facebook? To help you sort through the many layers of Facebook marketing, there are 7 core rules to consider as you create your Facebook Page.
The 7 Core Rules of Facebook Marketing – Just #2 can mean the difference between success and failure.
How to Strategically Brand Your Facebook Timeline Page – 90% or more do this one wrong!
Top 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Facebook Pages – Finally get the answers yo’ve been looking for all along!
An Insider’s View of Your Facebook Page Dashboard – Do you know what the most important part of your dashboard is? It’s not what you think.
Monitoring and Measuring Tools To Track Your Facebook Success – The simple, powerful tools for success.
Inside You’ll Discover
Module #2
Growing a Lucrative Fan Base
Here’s What You’ll Learn…
With more than a billion active users, more likely than not, your brand will find an audience on Facebook.
How to use the BEST EVER search tool inside of Facebook – you will be amazed what you can find out about your ideal audience with this simple tool.
5 Proven Strategies To Grow Your Fan Base – Why reinvent the wheel? These are proven to work.
Creating Custom Applications That Convert – These apps will get your fans to take real action!
How to Create an Inexpensive Ad Campaign to Grow Your Fan Base – this is the one Facebook ad that will skyrocket your Fan base!
Quick Tips to Make Your Facebook Page Mobile-Ready – With over 70% of Facebook users logging in daily via their smart devices, you can’t ignore mobile marketing on Facebook!
Inside You’ll Discover
Module #3
Building your Authority and Becoming the Go-To Source
When building your authority, engagement is the key.
Learn how to develop a relationship with your audience
Facebook Content: What To Post & When To Post – Almost everyone gets this wrong.
Surefire Strategies to Create Engagement – You’ve got to get your Fans talking and I will show you how to make it happen.
Tips to Build Your Authority on Facebook – Find out which Facebook super features can do for your Facebook engagement success.
Tips and Strategies for Facebook Contests and Giveaways – These tips can boost your likes, comments and shares and build your email list instantly!
How to Delegate the Management of Your Facebook Page – The right choice can make you a hero–the wrong one can make you a zero.
Inside You’ll Discover
Module #4
Turning Fans Into Loyal Customers
Find your fans, keep your fans, and turn them into PAYING CUSTOMERS with Module 4 of FBinfluence.
How To Collect Quality Leads on Facebook – Leads are the fuel of your business-here’s where to get them.
Tips and Strategies to Supercharge Your Facebook Ads – It’s easier than you think!
How to Sell on Facebook – There’s a right way and a wrong way to do it and I will make sure you are doing it right!
How To Promote Your Events on Facebook – Fill your next event with raving Super Fans.
The Instant Action Plan to Get Momentum Today – In 24 hours you can change your business!
This program is for you!
The Entrepreneur
You’ve recently created your own business, or you’ve been at it for awhile, and are looking to increase your exposure, leads and sales. You want to know more about Facebook marketing so you can do it yourself, or at least know how to do it so you can then hand it over to someone on your team to execute.
The Marketer
You work for a business and are responsible for or involved with your company’s social media presence. You want to know what to do, how to do it and how to get results so you can increase your company’s bottom line (and show upper management that social media marketing is working for your programs and services).
The Business Owner
You own a business, you have some Facebook knowledge, but you know there is a bigger opportunity waiting for you on Facebook once you fully understand how your business can claim it’s place there. You might not do it all yourself, but you know you need to understand it first before you hand it off to someone else to manage.
Just Getting Started
You know Facebook is important, but you have no clue where to start or what to do. This program works for beginners and also works for those who have been using Facebook for awhile. Our baby-step instructions make it easy for anyone to succeed. You will instantly know what strategies to implement to get real results quickly!
Plus… You’re About to Receive
$982 in Extra Goodies
Content Marketing Power Plays:
50 Strategic Facebook Posts You Can Model to Boost Your Overall Engagement ($47)
If you’ve ever wondered what REALLY WORKS on Facebook, look no further. Here are 50 great examples of posts from various niches and brands that are really getting it right.
If you are looking for more engagement, these 50 posts will help you increase your Fan base, likes, comments, and shares. (Plus, they will spark some serious creativity!)
Use these examples to increase quality leads and boost your sales. With this guide, you won’t ever have a loss of Facebook content ideas again!
3 Ways to Use Facebook Groups to
Attract and Keep Customers ($197)
One necessary component of a thriving business is a strong list of qualified leads. Collecting names and emails is essential so you can communicate with your ideal audience on a regular basis. Some business experts say that without a list, you don’t really have a business!
Many business owners think about Facebook in a one-dimensional way: Create a Page of your own where you can promote your brand and products or services.
But there’s potentially a lot more to it than that! One underutilized strategy is creating Facebook groups, which provide an easy way to segment customers. With groups, you can create communities around particular products, improve customer service, provide a networking forum for customers and even drive new sales. This bonus training will show you how to do just that!
50 Stunning, Ready-Made Image Quotes To Increase Your Engagement($197)
Did you know that images are the #1 media that Facebook fans engage with the most? Fans love liking, sharing and commenting on great images.
We have made engagement building simple as 1-2-3! As a FBinfluence member, you will have instant access to 50 different stunning images with inspiring quotes that will grab the attention of your ideal fans on Facebook.
The best part of this bonus is that we have done all the work for you! Get ready to spark engagement with these easy to implement, attention grabbing images!
The 3-Step Lead Generating Facebook
Blueprint ($47)
One necessary component of a thriving business is a strong list of qualified leads. Collecting names and emails is essential so you can communicate with your ideal audience on a regular basis. Some business experts say that without a list, you don’t really have a business!
There are many ways to grow your list, and one of the smartest marketing moves is to create an opt-in strategy on your Facebook Page. This blueprint will show you how to create your own traffic-generating-machine on your own Facebook Page.
One of the most important pieces of a list building strategy is to understand how to create Facebook ads that convert to leads. In this Blueprint, you will also find out which Facebook Ads work best when focusing on list building and tips and strategies to streamline your ad campaigns.
New “Members-Only” Training Workshops Each Time Facebook Makes a Major Change or Update ($97)
You’ve heard all the hype about the recent Facebook changes, right? This training will teach you:
You know that Facebook LOVES to change things up, right? It can be frustrating at times, but don’t worry. We’ve got you covered! As a FBinfluence member, you will get access to special real-time trainings related to any big changes that may occur. When Facebook makes big changes to their platform, Amy will create a specific training for FBinfluence members to help you understand the changes and show you how to take advantage of the changes to turn fans into buyers. Some Facebook changes are not important to pay attention to while other changes are CRUCIAL to your business. You no longer need to worry that you are not keeping up with what really matters on Facebook. Amy will keep you in the know when it matters most!
Full Access Member Support with our Pri-
vate FBinfluence Facebook Group ($397)
Need Help? Have a question? Get the support you need to make sure your Facebook strategy is a success with our members-only group. Every single day members are helping each other move through any roadblocks you may come up against as you create your Facebook plan.
To keep you accountable and give you a unique networking opportunity, we have created a Private Facebook Group – ONLY FOR MEMBERS of FBinfluence.
You can get advice, give advice, ask for peer feedback and find out what other members are doing to see real Facebook results. This exclusive group is an opportunity you don’t want to pass up!