Product Description
Armand Morin – Marketing Tutorials – Oct08 – Jul10 (45 FLVs; 6 MP4s; 1 PDF; 2 HTML)
This is Armand’s $47 per month continuity program. Here are some highlights from his sales letter…
“What If You Could Be One of Only A Handful of People Trained By One Of The World’s Top Internet Marketing Experts Every Single Month?”
(The Exact Strategies That Have Built A $55,000,000+ Internet Business!)
You Have The Rare Opportunity To Be One of A Select Few People To Be Trained By Armand Morin Every Single Month and You’ll Choose The Topics! The Best Part Is… Everyone Can Afford This Training!
From: Armand Morin
Re: Marketing Tutorials
Dear Friend,
Yes, you read it correctly. I’m opening up a brand new unique and certainly rare opportunity for a select few people who will be part of a special group who I will personally teach my marketing methods, systems and strategies to every single month.
You need to listen to me closely… your time is running out! What am I referring to?
Every day which you are not accomplishing what you want to, is one more day of your life which can never be reclaimed. It’s lost. The time is lost forever and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it.
Tell me, does this sound like you? You start off with a question which appears to be fairly simp le. You start searching for the answers and all of a sudden, minutes turn into hours, hours turn into days and days turn into weeks and you realize you’re not any closer to the answer than you were on day one of your search.
It doesn’t have to be like this!
Did You Ever Wonder Why You’re Not As Successful As You Want To Be?
The reason why you’re not as successful as you want to be is simple. You’ve been learning the WRONG methods to build your business.
It’s not your fault. The bottom line is that with the advent of the Internet the so-called experts are popping up all over the place. Many of these “experts” are one hit wonders who have actually never built a solid long-lasting business. They found a trick or two or even worse yet, they’ve learned how to manipulate systems which as you probably already know, doesn’t last.
Tell Me… Who Do You Trust When It Comes To Learning How To Run A Successful Business? I have one of the most solid track records in Internet Marketing.
I’ve been marketing online since 1996, I’ve trained and continue to train many of the biggest names in Internet Marketing as well as many other industries, I’ve created some of the most popular products in marketing and my business has done over $55,000,000 in online sales.
This is not hype, this is FACT.
My businesses have now generated over $55,000,000+ over the Internet in the past 12 years. My business this year alone will generate over $20,000,000+.
I’ve taught hundreds of thousands of people how to build a true business on the Internet. I’ve trained and continue to train many of the top marketers online which you all know. It’s not uncommon for many of them to call me in the middle of the night to run their ideas past me.
I run the most prestigious and the largest Internet Marketing Seminar in the United States which has trained more people on Internet Marketing than any other seminar.
I write a monthly column in not one but TWO NATIONAL PUBLICATIONS
I’m a multi-million dollar a year speaker and trainer. This year alone, I’ve generated over $4,000,000 from speaking only 15 times to thousands of people all over the world.
I’ve shared the stage with almost every major marketer on the planet today and many of them have spoken at my own seminar.
People like Donald Trump, Kareem Adbul-Jabbar, Richard Branson, Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy, Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, John Assaraf, Bill Bartman, Loral Langemeier, Mark Victor Hansen, Robert Allen, Jay Conrad Levinson, John Reese, Alex Mandossian, Stephen Pierce, Jim Edwards, T. Harv Eker, Mike Stewart, Michel Fortin, Ray Edwards, Mike Filsaime, Mark Joyner, Andrew Reynolds and many others, too numerous to mention.
I’ve created many of the Internet Marketing community’s most popular software which is used by people all over the world.
I run an international corporation which does business in over 121 different countries.
Why am I telling you this? I want you to know, I know what I’m doing when it comes to marketing.
I’m Willing To Share My Covert Methods and Strategies With YOU!
Let Me Ask You A Question…
What If You Could Look Over My Shoulder and Watch Me Create, Design and Implement The Latest Techniques, Strategies and Marketing Methods Every Single Month?
This is exactly what you have the rare opportunity to do right now. I’ve thought long and hard about making a training like this available to the public. Many times I’ve trashed the whole idea of letting information like this out to the general public, especially at a price this low. Shouldn’t this be kept private?
Think About This For One Moment…
You’ll be getting the exact information which I personally use to build my own business, but it gets even better because, you’ll be only one of a select few people who will be given private access to this high-end marketing information. Just think of the advantages you’ll have over your competition.
Seriously, this training is NOT your typical light fluffy crap you see floating all over the Internet. This training is the real deal. You’ll learn the covert behind the scenes methods and strategies I personally use, and best of all, you’ll learn them way before the general public even has a clue about them.
Many of the methods you’ll learn will be 8-10 months a head of the rest of the industry.
If you knew the direction the market was heading and placed yourself strategically in front of it, what would that do for your business?
Could you make more money? Could you grow your business exponentially faster than ever before? Of course you could! As I said, I’ve been marketing online since 1996.
During this time, I’ve been able to read the industry and know exactly where its going. Its’ not some psychic power, it’s the simple fact that I have more data available to me than the majority of the public. I can easily see where the market is heading towards and then place myself right in front of it. Marketing, just like history, repeats itself. In fact, from what I’ve seen, on average, the marketplace repeats itself about every 5-6 years.
Imagine, not having to try and guess your next move. Imagine, being shown cutting-edge methods designed to explode, impact and dominate any market you choose to go into.
What would that be worth? What you need to know about me…
I don’t tell you what you want to hear, I tell you the real story based on facts. I don’t believe in THEORY I believe in reality and actual results. Many times I go against popular opinion, because many times it’s WRONG.
If I haven’t done it personally and proven it, I won’t teach it to you. I only teach you the strategies I personally use in my own business.
It Was YOU Who Told Me Exactly How You Want Me To Teach You Each Month
Not too long ago, I launched my flagship marketing course, Internet Marketing Explained. During my pre-launch series, I decided to do a series of instructional videos teaching some of the methods people would be learn learning in my course.
I did 10 videos. Over 100,000+ people watched these tutorials. The response was nothing less than phenomenal. The idea for Marketing Tutorials started right there, the marketplace was wanting more tutorials just like that. The most basic rule of marketing is to find out what the market wants and just give it to them.
But, it gets even better!
You’re Going To Have Full Say In What Marketing Tutorials I Will Be Creating
Each and Every Month
As I said, the market ultimately decides what they want. Inside of Marketing Tutorials, you’ll have a full say in exactly what I create every single month.
It’s a two step process.
STEP ONE – I’ll have an open suggestion form which will allow you to give us your suggestions. It can be about anything you want to know about marketing.
STEP TWO – I’ll then take the top 4 ideas and have the membership vote as to which one I’ll create.
Why am I teaching you this way? It’s quite simple. This way we’ll be covering exactly what the overall membership wants. If we don’t cover what you want this month, then simply suggest it again next month.
How many memberships let you decide the content? Imagine learning the latest marketing strategies each month with an easy to follow format just like this. You’ll realize very quickly, I can take the most complex ideas and strategies and turn them into easy to understand systems which you can follow immediately after watching the video.
The only thing holding you back from getting your hands on this information is YOU!
Get Your Membership Today and I’m Going To Give You 10 Bonus Videos To Get You Started!
I told you, originally I created 10 videos for my Internet Marketing Explained Launch, well, when you place your order today, I’m going to give you access to these amazing videos which were the original idea behind Marketing Tutorials
Be Like Bill – Learn my techniques for creating software anytime I want and how simple it really is once you know what you’re doing. The best part is that you don’t have to know anything about software to do it.
eBook Generation – Everybody’s doing it, are you? eBooks are a way which thousands of people from all over the world are making a tremendous living. Learn how easy it really is.
Perfect Follow-up System – It’s not who buys, it’s who doesn’t buy from you that makes the difference in your sales. You’re going to learn my system I’ve created and have taught to many of the top marketers online to ultimately get the sale.
Internet Marketing Model – This has to be one of the best videos I’ve ever created and it’s simple too. In order to make money online, you have to understand the marketing model behind all the processes. This video teaches you everything.
Linear Vs. Circular – Ok, once in a while I come up with something which shocks me. This was one revelation that made me feel like an idiot that I didn’t think of it earlier. The best part is you can implement this starting immediately after you hear it.
Massive Traffic System – I received over 250+ responses to this video once I released it and for good reason. This is the one Google technique which all the big companies on the Internet use and I explain it to you in simple to understand terms.
Membership Sites – You have heard the rage over membership sites and what they are. What you haven’t heard is my methods of membership sites. It’s not what you think and anyone can do it.
Opt-In Page Secrets – This is the video I gave you to get to this page right now. I reveal to you a simple method with an understanding of how opt-in pages work and why you should use an opt-in page to build your business.
Out of Sequence – Here’s one that hits close to home an you’re probably suffering as a result of it. It’s a term I coined early this year called “Outofsequentialism”. Everyone has it at one point or another and you’re going to want to know the cure.
Quick eBook Creation – In this video I teach you how to create an ebook literally in 48 hours. Yes, it’s true you can do this and I’ve had plenty of students who have. You can be next!
A total of 10 videos which will not only get you started, but give you plenty of work so you can get on the fast-track to an immensely successful online business.
The Question Still Remains… How Much Does It Cost to Be Trained Personally By One of The World’s Top Marketers?
Shocking Answer: Less Than The Cost of a Cup Of Coffee A Day!
I’ll be honest with you, deciding how much to charge for Marketing Tutorials was not an easy task. I wanted to provide the best information available and I wanted to make it so, the average person could gain access to it as well.
How many times have you seen the latest course out there only to be disappointed in the fact that you couldn’t afford the training. How did that make you feel? That’s why I’ve priced Marketing Tutorials at a fair price ANYONE can gain access to this knowledge.
Understand this… I charge private clients $5000 an hour just to talk to me. The good news is you won’t pay anything close to that.
The good news is you can gain access to Marketing Tutorials for just $47. Yes, you’ll get access to my world class Marketing Tutorials for just $47 a month. You can’t beat that price anywhere. The best part is I’ll be teaching you every month.
Think About It… That Equals A Little More Than $1.50 A Day… Less Than The Cost Of A Cup Of Coffee!
So let’s recap…
Each month you’ll receive full access to my world-class Marketing Tutorials where you’ll receive access to the latest marketing strategies, methods and tactics which I personally use every day to build my own business.
You’ll be able to give your input and suggestions and you’ll be able to vote as to which tutorials I create each month. You have full say as to the content which you receive each and every month.
Start Your Membership Today and Get Access Immediately!
If you’re tired of spinning your wheels trying to figure out everything yourself, then I urge you to act now and literally STOP the insanity that you’re putting yourself through.
Imagine being able to shortcut years and possibly even decades from your quest to build a solid and long-term business. Time is one thing you can never get back. By allowing me to teach you my proven principles which have worked for thousands of people from all over the world, you too can achieve what you set out in business to do.