Product Description
Bill Glazer – The Ultimate Information Marketing Shortcuts
Hello, this is Bill Glazer,
The Best-Selling Author of OUTRAGEOUS Advertising That’s OUTRAGEOUSLY Successful and I have an important message for anyone serious about discovering shortcuts to superior marketing results
Let me ask you a question… actually three questions:
Question #1: Do you ever struggle to come up with fresh new ideas for marketing your business?
Question #2: Have you ever been frustrated by the disappointing results of a marketing promotion where you had invested a lot of time and money?
Question #3: Have you ever wished there were shortcuts for quickly creating winning marketing promotions that attract customers and prospects like the Pied Piper?
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then you and I are a lot alike because not long ago I was the frustrated owner of a bricks and mortar business struggling to find effective ways to market my business. But that was a long time ago before I discovered the POWERFUL strategy I’m about to share with you.
If it would be worth a few short minutes of your time to make all your marketing concerns and frustrations disappear…then you’ll want to read every word of this important message.
As you read on, you might think the investment should be 10 times what it actually is… but you’ll be SHOCKED to discover how little it is.
Do You Make This Common Marketing Mistake?
Do you make the BIG mistake of “following the herd” in your industry and doing what EVERYONE else is doing? This “me too” type of marketing will hardly get you noticed and won’t produce the kind of fantastic results you want. After all, if you do what everyone else does, you’ll get the same mediocre results everyone else gets. Right?
Back in the days when I had a brick and mortar business, I was following the blind and the results were predictably poor… but then I wised up, started looking at other industries, and using their best marketing strategies to promote my business… and S & D Marketing was born.
What EXACTLY is “S & D” Marketing?
S & D Marketing is a simple but very POWERFUL Strategy that is the cure for mediocre marketing . If you’re not familiar with that term, you might be wondering what EXACTLY is “S & D” Marketing?
“S & D” is short for “Swipe & Deploy”. To put it in simple terms, you discover what’s working for others and follow their example by “swiping” their marketing ideas and “deploying” them as part of the marketing arsenal that promotes your business.
To be crystal clear, it does NOT mean taking someone else’s marketing and claiming it as your own. That would be plagiarizing and that’s not good business. What we’re talking about here is taking the idea and applying it to your business. This is nothing new. It’s been going on for decades and it’s a very smart shortcut to achieving spectacular breakthroughs in your business.
A great example of “ S & D ” marketing is the drive-thru window.
Drive-thru windows are common in today’s society. Drive-thru windows started in the banking industry years ago and now it’s hard to count how many businesses applied the “S & D” strategy and implemented drive -thru windows as a way to grow their businesses.
The fast food industry comes to mind first. But there are also “drive-thru” dry cleaners, pharmacies, liquor stores, and on and on. So you see, all these other business “swiped” an idea that was working in the banking industry and figured out how to “deploy” it in their own businesses.
“S & D” Marketing goes way beyond drive-through windows. You can “S & D” almost ANY idea. It could be a letter, a post card, a newspaper or magazine ad, or any other type of direct response marketing. Great marketing is great marketing and when smart marketers see it, they figure out how they can use the idea to promote their own business.
Why waste your time “reinventing the wheel” when it’s so much easier (and faster) to take an idea being used successfully in another business andtweak it for use in your own business. That’s the essence of “S & D” marketing.
One of the key points that most marketers miss is looking outside their own industry… If the fast food industry had “tunnel vision” and only looked at their own industry for ideas, they would never have built drive-thru windows. But they were smart enough to look outside their industry, find an idea that banks were using, and apply it to increase profits in the fast food business.
And you can do the same with my S & D MoneyMaking Marketing Library.
How You Can Get Your Hands on My FAVORITE
TOP SECRET “S & D” Resources
Here’s the Story…
Subscribers to the popular No BS Marketing Letter receive the “S & D MoneyMaking Resource of the Month” included in a black sealed envelope. Subscribers love it because it makes creating, and more importantly implementing, a winning marketing campaign so EASY.
The “Top Secret” sealed packet delivered each month contains a complete “Swipe & Deploy” sample of a tested, proven, universally applicable marketing item.
One month it may be a direct mail piece, another something to use at a website, another a seasonal program…
Our goal is to get as close to handing you a Turn-Key, Ready-To-Use Money-Making Tool as possible given to literally thousands of different kinds of businesses that use Glazer-Kennedy Style Marketing. Our members love the monthly “S & D” feature because it makes every month a quick-to-moneymaking-action month.
And since I know how well these “S & D” marketing campaigns work and I know they can ease your marketing frustrations by saving hours, days, weeks, even months of hassle, “pulling-their-hair-out” frustration, and wasted marketing dollars I’ve decided to assemble the first 11 “S & D MoneyMaking Resources of the Month” into what I’m calling the “S & D MoneyMaking Marketing Library”
What Kind of Proven, Time-Tested Marketing RESULTS
Will You Get with “S & D” Marketing?
Let me be perfectly clear.
This is NOT another boring marketing course with the same worn-out, tired marketing advice. These are proven, time-tested, actual ready-to-use marketing campaigns that have been used successfully in hundreds (if not thousands) of different types of businesses.
And I’m willing to bet they will work in your business too… but more on that later.
Here’s a Glimpse of the “11” MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotions…
MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #1 |
MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #1 is a Holiday Greeting Card Promotion. No! NOT Christmas cards…I recommend you STOP Sending Christmas Cards IMMEDIATELY. WHY? Because your best customers, clients, and prospects are receiving a lot of other Christmas cards at the same time. In fact, the average person receives 42 Christmas Cards every year and YOUR Christmas Card gets lost in the clutter.This solution will set you apart from the clutter, demonstrate that you care about your customers, and drive them to do more business with you . This is the EXACT same mailing that I used to send out to my best 15,000 customers that drove my brick and mortar business to record levels and is used repeatedly and successfully in more than 46 business categories. |
MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #2 |
MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #2 uses a marketing tool that has been around for ages but is way underused today. You can use this tool to GRAB attention. It will be the first thing people see when they get home … and it’s NOT in their mailbox.I regret that I never used this promotion when I was operating my brick and mortar business (anyone doing business on a local level should strongly consider using it). This marketing tool costs a fraction of what direct mail costs per piece and is more likely to get noticed and read. The fact is if you’ve got a local business, you can use this marketing tool as a cost effective “New Customer Acquisition” media. |
MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #3 |
MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #3 is an ONLINE “S & D” Tool and one of the most ingenious ideas I’ve seen in a long time. If you’re looking for a very “low-cost” and effective marketing strategy to deliver a sales message to customers, clients and most importantly prospects in order to attract newbusiness, then you’re going to love this one. It can also easily be used in offline media to drive prospects to an online marketing message.The more your customers believe the communication is personalized specifically for them, the higher the response and this tool leaves no doubt in the prospect’s mind that the message is for him or her. We used this method to promote our Info-SUMMITSM and conservatively 74 attendees registered through this process. |
MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #4 |
Back in the 1990s, Dan Kennedy used to say that Dr. Greg Neilson and I were two of the best at developing and implementing OUTRAGEOUSLY effective advertising so of course we were on each other’s mailing list. One day in my big pile of mail,I received MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #4… an oversized envelope from Dr. Neilson that grabbed my attention like a Playboy Playmate at a bachelor party.It was so good that I figured out how to use it to promote my bricks and mortar stores… and now it has become the “S & D” example that has probably been used successfully by more Glazer-Kennedy Members than any other marketing promotion. I don’t know ANYONE who has ever failed with this one. |
MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #5 |
If you’re wondering how to keep a steady stream of “new” customers, clients, or patients coming to your business(es) every month, you’ll loveMoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #5. One of our “elite” members came up with one of the most profitable “marketing discoveries” of the past several years suitable for EVERY type of business, easily used to attract existing customers, clients, and patients back to your businesses.It’s common knowledge that birthdays are a great time to send a marketing message. This promotion puts a new twist on the birthday promotion which enables you to contact customers twice as often… and you don’t even need to know their birthdays.
This promotion OFTEN produces dollar returns of 10-to-1 to 30-to-1. You can do it yourself or have it done for you. And it works regardless of economic conditions. It’s proven in dozens of different product, service, and professional categories. |
MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #6 |
MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #6 is perhaps the “best” NEW Customer/Client/Patient Acquisition Direct Mail Strategy that I’ve been teaching for years. If I had to pick 2 things that will increase the effectiveness of your advertising, they would be credibility and believability. What others say about you and how they say it is infinitely more powerful than anything you say about yourself.S & D Marketing Promotion #6 is the quickest path to achieving BOTH credibility and believability.This is a favorite of cream of the crop of direct response marketers, like Gary Halbert, Ted Nicholas, Zig Ziglar, Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle™ and many of my clients and coaching members, who use it to attract NEW customers. You’ll love this promotion if you like “sneaky” tactics that get great results. |
MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #7 |
MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #7 is the ONLINE equivalent of “S & D” Marketing Promotion #2. It will be the first thing people see when they get on their computers.It’s an ONLINE marketing tool that combines just about each and every marketing trick wrapped into one deliverable campaign. This tool is on the CUTTING EDGE of a completely new, yet powerful tool that will deliver repeated impressions to your audiences while building your list and providing instant access to the business owner.
This is one of the smartest ways to use media online where you can stand out from the crowd and get in-the-face of every one of your customers when they go online in an extremely cost effective way. |
MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #8 |
Some prospects prefer to watch; others prefer to listen… but it’s difficult if not impossible to determine which media will work best. MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #8 is a multi-media tool that solves the dilemma. Your prospect can either watch or listen… whichever they prefer.Should you send a CD or a DVD? Yes… whenever possible you should send out either a CD or a DVD included in your direct mail package because it presents another media that will definitely increase response… especially if you are sending a sales letter.
There are advantages unique to CDs and advantages unique to DVDs. With this solution, you have no dilemma over which to send because you can send both a CD and a DVD on a single disc. |
MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #9 |
MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #9 is a quick response marketing weapon that offers your customers or prospects something that is already incredibly familiar to them and immediately presents a R-E-A-L Value…Nearly two-thirds of consumers during the holiday buying season plan to purchase them, according to a survey by Deloitte. And 55% of consumers say they would like to receive one. In other words, people are already very familiar with this tool and are demanding it. With statistics like this, why wouldn’t you add this weapon to your marketing arsenal? |
MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #10 |
MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #10 is a direct-mail piece that is a surefire way to grab attention. This is another one which many Glazer-Kennedy members have used with HUGE success. In fact, I used it in several ways when I owned a bricks and mortar business and many others in just about every imaginable business have used it as well.One of the BIGGEST MISTAKES entrepreneurs make when attempting to market their business is “assuming” their prospects will open and read their marketing message. Many a good offer has failed because the message was never looked at by the recipient. This tool has consistently worked well to cut through all the “clutter” in the mail box in order to get NOTICED!! Curiosity will practically force prospects to open this promotion. |
MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #11 |
And last but not least is MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Promotion #11. Most business cards suck and worse yet, don’t do anything to make people take action. I teach that the ONLY reason to invest money in marketing and advertising is so you can make more money and unlike most boring business cards, that’s what this one does.It’s a ready-to-use business card that any entrepreneur can use to grab prospects’ attention and make it almost impossible for them not to keep it and show it to their friends, family members, and co-workers. |
So there you have it… A Complete Library of 11 Time-Tested, MoneyMaking, Turn-Key, Ready-to-Use “S & D” (Swipe & Deploy) Marketing Promotions.
Phillip Campbell
Gold+ / Newsletter
“You are AWESOME! I get such a charge out of reading your books and newsletter. You are an incredible source of ‘let’s get on with it’ advice that has made a big impact on my business and my life. I’m an accountant who has always been turned on by the idea of creating copy, putting it in front of prospects, causing them to take the next desired step. Now I have moved in that direction, having written a book: ‘NEVER RUN OUT OF CASH: How To Eliminate Your Cash Flow Worries And Take Control Of Your Business’. I wouldn’t have done it without your brilliant advice.”
Who Benefits the Most from This Power-Packed Library?
These 11 “S & D” Marketing Promotions have been used on the over 40 business categories listed below:
- Dentists & Orthodontists
- Car Dealers
- Insurance Agencies
- Deli & Catering Businesses
- Chiropractors
- Restaurants
- Language Schools
- Attorneys
- Marketing Consultants
- Real Estate Agents
- Fitness Businesses
- Retail Businesses
- Business Consultants
- Tax Accountants
- Appliance Stores
- Carpet Cleaners
- Financial Services
- Landscaping Businesses
- Travel Agents
- Property Management
- Real Estate Investors
- Photography
- Auto Repair Shops
- Coaches & Consultants
- Mortgage Brokers
- Hearing Services
- Printing Services
- Textile Businesses
- Beauty & Hair Salons
- Roofing Contractors
- Home Inspectors
- Martial Arts Schools
- Home Security
- Personal Safety
- Health & Nutrition
- Energy Solutions
- Pool Maintenance
- College Planning
- Book Publishers
- Heating & Air Conditioning
- Commercial Lending
- Jewelers
- Golf Lessons
- Home Cleaners
- Plumbing Businesses
- Barber Shops
- Painters
- Builders & Contractors
If you struggle at times to come up with your next marketing promotion OR if you’ve ever beenfrustrated with disappointing results of marketing campaigns in which you invested a lot of time and money, then this library of11 MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Tools is the solution.
Stop struggling. Stop guessing. Stop wasting time and money. Stop the headaches, hassle, and frustration.
This complete library of 11 MoneyMaking “S & D” Marketing Tools is theULTIMATE Shortcut to quickly creating effective marketing campaigns. There’s no guessing or hoping. Based on past results in dozens of different industries, these promotions produce predictable results as sure as the sun rises every morning.
And I’m making it even more brain dead simple for you by giving you the contact information for all the vendors we use to help implement these “S & D” Promotions.
So putting these proven marketing materials to work promoting YOUR business could be as simple as making a phone call.
Does that sound easy or what?
So How Much is all this Worth?
The typical fee for me to create a single marketing campaign is no less than $25,000.00… But don’t worry, your investment is only a tiny fraction of that. I mentioned earlier that you’d be SHOCKED at the low investment and I wasn’t kidding…
If you’re sick and tired of the pain, hassle, and frustration … the wasted time and expense of coming up with marketing promotions that actually produce predictable results then this will be an easy decision for you. Or maybe you just want to add 11 proven marketing promotions to your arsenal for a small investment of two payments of $59.97 –and when you order today I’ll even cover the shipping & handling.
Either way, you can strengthen your marketing and minimize hassles and headaches by clicking on the link below.You can either rack your brain and waste your time trying to “reinvent the wheel” or you can take thesmart and easy route by clicking on the link below.