Product Description
Bill Poulos – Market Mastery – 4 times the profit potential – Trade in 20 minutes or less [Siterip (MP3/DOC/PDF/MP4)]
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = Market Synergy
Let me just say this: I love trading, and teaching folks like you how to trade the markets! Some people like golf, movies, or fast cars. I’d rather be trading, or teaching people to trade. That’s why I still spend a crazy amount of time in front of my charting software, tinkering with various techniques or methods. I’m always testing new ideas.
To be honest, I already have plenty of methods that I’m happy with, and I’d be happy if I just traded those methods for the rest of my life. But I just get a kick out designing new methods and creating new ways to trade the markets, so I’m always tinkering away in my “trading lab”. But not everyone is as “passionate” as me about the markets – most people just want a quick and effective way to trade the markets so they can spend the rest of their time enjoying what they truly love.
Just a short time ago, while experimenting in my “trading lab”, I discovered and fine-tuned four separate but equally powerful swing trading methods. Each method by itself is packed with specific techniques that I’ve tried & tested over the past three decades in the markets. As I was testing and trading these four methods, something amazing happened – I realized that they could all be used at the same time, traded together, in a synergistic manner.
This is a BIG DEAL, and the more I tested this 4-way approach to trading the markets, the more excited I became. So I spent countless hours in my lab, and chart after chart of painstaking analysis with these four methods confirmed I was on to something HUGE.
Do you want to know what it is?
Einstein Was Right: Simple Is Better
After 30 years of trading the markets, I’ve discovered a few things. Namely, there is no “holy grail” of trading, and also that “simple is better”. Einstein was right when he said, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”
Here are the top three reasons why I believe simple is better when it comes to trading:
- Using too many or the wrong indicators is counterproductive, as the information that those indicators provide is counterintuitive and just plain misleading.
- Using a few simple indicators in a uniquely powerful, uncommon way can provide the right information necessary to make good trading decisions.
- With the right indicators and patterns, you will be far more likely to trade with discipline because you will be able to understand an objective set of rules that the right indicators and patterns can provide.
Spend No More Than 20 Minutes A Night
Trading So You Can Spend The Rest
Of Your Day “Having A Life”
I don’t know about you, but I can only sit in front of the computer for so long staring at charts before my eyes dry out and my brain starts to shut down. Yes, I understand that some traders just love the “thrill” of day trading. But to be honest, after 30+ years in the markets, I believe that day trading, or even just trading methods that are so complex they require hours of study every day will just plain burn you out in the end.
That’s why I designed my four methods specifically for use with end-of-day stock trading. Every night after the market closes, spend no more than 20 minutes applying these methods. That’s it! Sure, you’ll probably need to spend more time in the beginning as you’re learning things, but after you master it, it should take you no more than 20 minutes a night.
That’s pretty liberating if you ask me, because it gives you the opportunity to be a trader and still “have a life”. Of course, there will still be times that I may want to analyze charts for hours upon hours, but I want that to be my choice. I don’t want it to be a requirement of my trading method.
Step-by-Step Toward Market Mastery
Because I believe these four methods together achieve a level of synergy that’s unparalleled compared to other methods I’ve seen, I decided to invest thousands of dollars of my own money in the latest, cutting-edge educational presentation software. I wanted to make sure that I could accurately and efficiently teach you how to effortlessly master these methods.
After spending weeks in the recording studio, I created 13 professionally-produced CD-ROMs jam-packed with step-by-step “video screen capture” tutorials that show you exactly what’s on my trading computer, and let you hear my voice as I hold your hand from entry to exit, over and over again, until my four methods become crystal clear and fused into your brain.
*No representation is being made that these results can or will be obtained in the future, or that losses were not incurred subsequent to the date on which the testimonial was provided. There is a substantial risk of loss associated with trading futures, forex, stocks, and options. Only risk capital should be used. |
And I’ll go out on a limb right here and right now…I believe this program is far and away the best and most extensive stock trading educational program I have ever seen for traders. I know that’s a gutsy claim to make, but here are the facts. As I said above, I’ve spent more money than I can remember (thousands and thousands of dollars) on trading systems and methods over the past 30+ years, so I believe I’ve seen nearly everything on the market. Based on what I’ve seen, I can’t think of any other program that compares to the Market Mastery Protégé Program.
Let me give you a taste of what I’m talking about and show an actual “sneak peek” video pulled directly from one of my lessons. This short clip is from Module 1, where I discuss the four components of each trading method. I also briefly show you a few actual charts and where some of the methods identify trading opportunities.
Click here to view this sample video clip.
In fact, you’re going to be totally blown away when you experience this program for yourself. And not only that, the stock trading education market is about to get turned on its ear. This program is going to raise the bar so high that I personally think some programs out there may need to be completely overhauled and re-done if they hope to compete with the quality, content, and effectiveness of the Market Mastery Protégé Program. I’ve invested a lot of my own money in making sure this program is absolutely the highest quality on the market.
I want this to be the last stock trading program you’ll ever need; one that you can pass on to your family and children for generations to come.
Introducing The Market
Mastery Protégé Program
This program is so huge I didn’t think I would ever get it done. My son, Greg, finally had to lock me in the recording studio for nearly a week straight so I could record 13 full CD-ROMs worth of step-by-step instruction.
Here’s how it works… the core Market Mastery Protégé Program content is taught via 6 pre-recorded modules over these 13 CD-ROMs. Further, you also get transcripts of each module, and full-color chart references. There’s a whole lot more, too, which I reveal below…
After teaching thousands of students from around the world since 2001, I’ve found this to be one of the quickest ways to effectively absorb and retain all this invaluable trading knowledge.
Let me walk you through each component of the program, so you can see exactly what you get when you become a Market Mastery Protégé Program student.
Everything you need to quickly master the Market Mastery methods is revealed over 6 carefully-designed and professionally recorded modules. Each module is jam-packed with “screen capture” video tutorials which let you see exactly what’s on my computer screen as I walk you through the 4 Market Mastery methods and show you dozens of charts and examples. The whole time, you hear my voice explain everything in very easy-to-understand language so you know exactly what to do.
There’s no confusing trading “jargon”. I speak in plain English. Trading doesn’t have to be difficult, and I do my best to make it as simple as possible.
In fact, let me give you an example of what one of the lessons looks like. This is from Module 6, where I discuss risk management and trading discipline.
MODULE #1: Background, Overview, This module covers the Market Mastery Protégé Program background and structure, what to expect, the basics of the methods that will be covered, and a whole lot more. It concludes with a lengthy review of some actual stock charts to give you a feel for what it’s like to trade the Market Mastery method. In this module, you will learn:
MODULE #2: Method One, This module covers all the trading rules and examples for the “Profit Pipeline” Method, where the aim is to buy on weakness into support in an uptrend and to sell short into strength in a downtrend.
MODULE #3: Method Two, This module covers all the trading rules and examples for the “Trend Validator” Method, where the aim is to buy on confirming strength after the market has retraced down to key support levels in an uptrend and to sell short on confirming weakness after the market has rallied up to key resistance levels in a downtrend.
MODULE #4: Method 3, This module covers all the trading rules and examples for the “Velocity” Method, where the aim is to buy on confirming strength after the market has retraced down to key support levels in an uptrend and to sell short on confirming weakness after the market has rallied up to key resistance levels in a downtrend.
MODULE #5: Method 4, This module covers all the trading rules and examples for the “Countertrend Cash” Method, where the aim is to sell short after an extended uptrend on potential weakness when bearish divergence occurs and to buy after an extended downtrend on potential strength when bullish divergence occurs.
MODULE #6: Bringing It All Together This module covers risk management, position size and mix, near term market direction, how to determine bull and bear swings, discipline and psychology, and other critical components to round out the Market Mastery Protégé Program.
BONUS MODULE: Trading Basics If you’re just getting started, or want a refresher, this bonus module covers the basics of stock trading that will be used throughout the program. If you’re already experienced, you can probably skip this module. However, reinforcement is always a good thing, so I encourage everyone to watch this at least once.
Market Mastery Trading Blueprints I understand that whenever you’re learning a new trading method, it’s often helpful to have some kind of quick summary of the method for easy reference.
For each method, you get a Trading Rules Blueprint, where you see the specific, step-by-step trading rules clearly laid out on one page. You also get a Search Criteria Blueprint, which details the search criteria formulas you’ll use to filter the universe of 8,000 stocks to find those stocks that are setting up for high probability positions. As an added bonus, I also include a ninth blueprint with Module 6 that makes it ultra-easy for you to keep track of your trading positions. After you go through all the modules, you’ll want to keep these handy cardstock blueprints right by your trading computer so there’s no doubt as to how to apply the Market Mastery methods, day after day, again and again. |
The Quick Start Guide
That’s why I prepared this special 12-page Quick Start Guide to show you how to go about studying and learning the Market Mastery Protégé Program “experience” in the most efficient manner possible. This guide also includes some basic technical information to help ensure you’re able to seamlessly access all the video lessons on the CD-ROMs.
PART 2 – STUDENT SUPPORT When I began investing in educational products years ago, my biggest “pet peeve” was that the “guru” would disappear right after they made the sale. While the product may have been good, if I had questions, I had nowhere to turn. This drove me CRAZY! That’s why, when I started my company, Profits Run, in 2001, I made a promise to myself to always provide student support so that the individuals who invested in my products could ultimately achieve the goals they had in mind in the first place. This is so important to me. So let’s examine all of the extra support “goodies” you get when you become a Market Mastery Protégé Program student.
PART 3 – BONUS “INSIDER TOOLS” When I drew up my original plans for the Market Mastery Protégé Program, everything you’ve seen so far was on that list. And I believe that if you only had the material listed above in Parts 1 & 2, you would already be far and away more knowledgeable and effective in the stock market than most traders will ever hope to be. But remember what I said earlier about my commitment to making sure you “get it”? I wasn’t kidding. I’m passionate about watching my students succeed. And that’s why I decided to add on these extra tools and services for FREE if you become a Market Mastery Protégé Program student today. These are only being offered to the first 950 students. If I ever release the Market Mastery Protégé Program again in the future, I can’t guarantee these will be included, so if you want the maximum learning experience to help you master the stock market, I urge you to take action and enroll today, or risk missing out on these items forever.
Join My Exclusive, Limited Group By now, you’re probably excited about the potential that the Market Mastery Protégé Program has to offer you. I’d like to invite you to become a member. However, not everyone will qualify, and honestly, you may not be ready yet. This program is truly only for very serious traders who are committed to taking full responsibility for their trading success. It is also only for traders who understand that the “holy grail”, the perfect system, of trading does not nor will ever exist. So if you’re still searching for the “holy grail” of trading, then this program is not for you. I really only want to work with individuals who want to learn how to become the best trader they can possibly be. And in order to do this, you must have an open mind and be prepared to “unlearn” some of the bad trading habits and beliefs you may have picked up along the years that are potentially preventing you from achieving the success you know you deserve in the markets. Sorry to sound so harsh, but I believe in telling you the truth. I don’t like to sugar coat anything because I just don’t think it’s fair to you. I want you to have all the facts so you can make an informed decision about joining me in what could quite possibly be a life-changing program for you. So if that sounds good to you, I need to tell you one more important thing. I am strictly limiting enrollment in the Market Mastery Protégé Program. I haven’t set a hard cap on the number of new students I will let in. However, when the number of students gets to the point where I can comfortable support them without overstretching my team, I will close enrollment with little or no warning. I’m doing this for several reasons:
So if you want “in”, you need to act NOW. No kidding. |