Product Description
Dan Kennedy – Magnetic Marketing
ATTENTION: Business Or Sales Professional Whose Looking For An “Unfair Advantage” In Their Marketplace…
“How To Quickly Increase Your Sales
And Take-Home Profits…
With A Time-Tested, Revolutionary SYSTEM ForMagnetically Attracting Your Ideal Customers And Clients…Regardless Of What’s Happening In The Economy…”
Sure, The Media Keeps Blathering About “The Great Recession” And That People Aren’t Buying Anymore…
But Keep Reading This Message To Discover How You Can Cherry-Pick Your Ideal Customers And Clients Who’ll Gladly Pay You BIG MONEY For Your Product Or Service…In ANY Economy!
Best Part: You Can Do It With NO Cold Prospecting…NO Cold Calling…
And NO 50+ Hour Workweeks (Imagine That!)
And 85% Of The Work Is Already Done For You!
Dear Renegade Marketer,
If you own any kind of business…or are a sales professional in ANY field…then get ready. Because what you’re about to discover in this letter is UNLIKE anything you’ve seen, read, heard, or possessed before.
Dan Kennedy, the “Millionaire Maker”, is a serial entrepreneur who has helped hundreds of thousands of small businesses go from broke to 7-figuresfollowing his uncommon marketing system.
And if you’re just getting started in business and are a “newbie”, then I’m about to prevent you from flushing fistfuls of money down the toilet…
…and wasting TONS of your time…to the point you want to throw up your hands and give up!
You might have had customers and clients throwing money at youin the past when the economy was bursting at the seams…
…Even though you were totally clueless as to what worked and what didn’t. What marketing strategies to spend your money on…and what to drop. And just getting by on plain DUMB luck without a fail-safe navigation system.
But those days are over, my friend.
“Big dumb” companies are starting to hemorrhage profits big time as their sloppy, wasteful “mass advertising” practices are catching up with them.
And the ‘secret cancer’ that has eroded so many of these big-name corporations has left them weak, fragile and vulnerable. Their death might be slow due to their size…
…But YOU Could Easily Be Slaughtered!
That is, unless you have a systematic, efficient, and affordable method to target your ideal, high value customers or clients who are ready to give you money over and over again.
Don’t have a system? Well, you’re in luck. Because today is going to be a true life-altering event for you.
Listen: if you’re a sales professional, you know that cold calling and cold prospecting is like coal mining. Dirty, filthy, ugly work best left to those who must make a living by brawn…rather than with brains.
It can be a soul-swallowing siege getting hung up on all the time, the door slammed in your face, and your follow-up calls ignored.
And the customers and clients you DO get literally suck the life out of you…or penny-pinch you to death. Making you wonder if you’ve “lost it” and are better off getting a 9-5 job.
But what if you could spend more…heck even ALL…of your time selling to IDEAL prospects, customers or clients ready to meet with you…
…Listen to you…
…Accept you as an EXPERT advisor…
…And pre-determined to do business with you with absolutely NO price or fee resistance?
Think about how what that would do for your life. How well you sleep at night. And the worry that’ll disappear when you have a proven system to attracting your ideal clients.
Is such a life in selling possible? Especially in today’s “dark-cloud” economy?
YES! And it is NOW more vital than ever!
Why “Brute-Force” Selling Just
Isn’t Going To Cut It These Days
Listen: making a top income through sheer persistence, patience, and thick-skinned immunity to rejection just doesn’t work in this new economy.
If you keep reading every single word of this message, I could make your business life more pleasant, lucrative, and FUN. And I could do it virtually overnight—just as I have for tens of THOUSANDS of people.
My name is Dan Kennedy. And I want you to check out my more valuable-than-ever System for attracting your ideal clients and customers.
Best part? 85% of the work is already done for you. That’s right, I’ve essentially REMOVED most of the “hard work” you have to do to market your business thanks to my “cut-and-paste” System.
Inspect it, examine it, and try it out. Prove beyond all doubt that this System is life changing and capable of creating HUGE income increases for you for a full TWO months.
Entirely risk free. No B.S.
If you aren’t “into it”, using it, drawing more from it day after day that you would wrestle six alligators buck-naked in a pit of hot coals to keep it…
…I certainly don’t want even a penny of your hard-earned money.
In 30 years of doing this, I’ve never permitted even ONE person to walk around claiming they wasted their money with me…and I’m not about to start now!
Get this system. Put it to work. You’ll know…fast…that it DOES work.
But, if for ANY reason whatsoever, you disagree, you can simply return it and get an instant, full, 100% refund.
This isn’t just a bunch of “pie-in-the-sky” hype. And I’m not some “instant expert” who pretends to know what they’re talking about. More on that later.
So, What The HECK is This System?
It’s Actually 3 Things In One…
First of all, it’s a set of groundbreaking, practical strategies that I’ve “moved over” from the direct marketing industry (once called ‘mail-order’).
This is where I honed my chops, have become a multi-millionaire serial entrepreneur, and have helped HUNDREDS of clients go from zero to millions.
Best part…this stuff can be use in ANY type of business. Large or small.
None of this is “the same ol’ wine in a new bottle”. Whatever you’ve gotten in seminars past, whatever you’ve read regurgitated in a zillion books, whatever you think you know WILL be challenged.
You’ll discover a different, better, saner, more productive path to business growth (regardless of the economy) by attracting ideal new customers or clients.
Think about it. Having your “slam-dunk” customers and clients come to YOU…without having to chase them with humiliating cold calls and cold prospecting.
Just imagine how much happier you’ll be. Think about waking up in the morning with a smile on your face…and not a grimace knowing you’re in for another day of struggle and futility.
Best part: these strategies are presented and explained in 12 audio CD’s supported by written transcripts for easy reference. So you can refer to them again and again.
Details on that later…
REAL Examples From REAL Businesses And
Salespeople…Not “Made Up Stuff”…
Second, this System it is a monster-sized…yet easily usable…TOOLBOX of ready and nearly-ready to use Examples and Samples.
This stuff is organized into 7 business categories (I KNOW you fit at least one!)….so you are not asked to listen, learn and then left to your own devices to do.
If you’ve ever put a toy together for a kid at Christmas, you know the instructions aren’t enough. You need that picture on the box of what it’s supposed to look like when you’re done!
Well, I not only show you every strategy actually implemented….I give it all to you as examples you can easily and quickly “tweak” for your own use – including examples marked “copyright-free” for that exact purpose.
If I did all this just for you as a private client, you’d pay over $100,000.00, and many do. In fact, there’s a waiting list.
I don’t want new clients…so don’t ask. And obviously, most small businesses and sales pros can’t justify my fees.
But I’m a passionate champion of the independent small business owner and the sales professional.
I hate seeing you targeted for criticism and abusive taxation by liberal politicians.
And it galls me that you (we) are not included when they say “hard working Americans”. As if we get our money handed to us by the tooth fairy….
And it further frustrates me to see you “shoveled” outdated, antiquated, tired, old advertising, marketing and sales ideas when you need REAL help.
So here I am. Having put together a TOOLBOX of “What Works Now” for you to implement…so that 85% of the work is already done for you!
You see, I recently did a book promotion tour, appearing for just a few hours in four cities in four days.
I zipped to each by private jet, then on to the next. Very uncharacteristic for me, because I typically refuse travel for business and all my clients must come to me.
With such short stops in each city, you’d assume only local people would turn out.
Not by a long shot.
In each place, over 400 gathered, many flying there themselves from outside these areas, many standing in long lines to get to shake my hand…tell me their “Dan Kennedy strategies success story”….thanking me.
I’m not telling you that to brag. I’m promising you that you’ll soon feel the same way.
You’ll not only find me “a breath of fresh air”, you’ll find the TOOLBOX I’ve put together for you to be so different and so useful and so valuable…
You’ll Feel Guilty About How Little
You Paid…And You’ll Want To Meet Me
In Person To Thank Me!
Of course, if you just want entertainment, I would NOT suggest getting my System. I think I’m a pretty entertaining fellow at times, but THIS is not something to be just listened to casually as you drive around town or cut the lawn on Saturday.
It is meant to be USED FOR PROFIT.
Third: it’s everything you need for a true Marketing SYSTEM. That means you go to bed at night…every night…knowing (not wondering, wishing, praying, hoping)…KNOWING where your next new prospects or customers are coming from…
…with consistency, reliability and predictability.
This system is in sync with the emerging new economy, where customers have more confusing and competing choices than ever.
You see, traditional ad media readership is falling and fragmented because people are overwhelmed with communication.
With this system, spending is more measured and thoughtful…with direct, targeted outreach to carefully selected, ideal customers – literally the opposite of costly, wasteful mass advertising and marketing.
This system also has “built in” competitive advantage…and ”built in” price resistance minimization…setting you apart from all others and letting you sell in a competitive vacuum.
That’s right, you’ll be able to trust and rely on Magnetic Marketing to achieve your sales goals. It’ll be your personal client and customer-getting machine!
Don’t worry, all the specifics are laid out at the end of this letter….so hang with me here. But I’m sure you’re wondering to yourself:
“Will Magnetic Marketing
Work In My Business?”
Listen: there’s something here for everyone! The strategies are proven in over 356 product, service, business, industry and profession categories, consolidated here into 7 categories:
•Sales Careers
•B2B & Industrial
•Professional Practices
•Service Businesses
•And of course… E-Commerce & Online Businesses
That said, some of the biggest and best breakthroughs are best found “outside the box” of your particular business and field.
So every example in this system can apply, and one “unlikely” example might be “The One” to light the biggest fire you’ve ever seen in your sales!
….but every business fits one of these Sections of the Tool Kit, so you’ll find directly relevant examples of the Magnetic Marketing Strategies for YOUR type of business.
This Stuff Ain’t “Classroom Theory…”
These Are Samples And Examples From
REAL-LIFE Businesses!
Every one of the more than 213 examples and samples is from actual, real-life businesses, entrepreneurs and sales professionals.
Some of the examples are from previous editions of Magnetic Marketing…while other samples are those written and developed for ACTUAL clients.
And others have been developed specifically for this tool kit…for your use…based on successful campaigns.
That way you can create your OWN campaigns in a matter of days…based on PROVEN principles…no “funny stuff” here.
That’s right…these are real-world strategies and examples tested and proven under fire. Not academic “theory” from stuffy Ph.D.s in Ivory Towers who have never started a business in their lives….
You see, I CRINGE when I see speakers, trainers and coaches standing up on stage or pumping out audio products…telling you how to do what they haven’t, don’t or can’t.
Seems these days there are a lot of “empty suits” popping up all over the place.
Well, not here.
You see, I live in the REAL world. Where they eat their young every day. And where results rule…and dollars can’t be wasted on “ideas”.
I put my money where my mouth is…in my own business and business interests. And I write copy and create marketing for clients who put HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars at risk on ads or direct mail on my say-so…
…and I HAVE to be right. Otherwise, my “millionaire-maker” status gets raked through the coals.
What I’ve provided to you in this System is real and it works. Guaranteed.
Now you might also be asking yourself:
“Who Exactly Is This For?”
Magnetic Marketing is for progressive sales pros that want top, top level incomes without ulcers and agony…
…And they don’t want to work 50-hour work-weeks either.
…Like a mortgage broker who’s making over $40,000.00/month.
…Like Craig Proctor, one of the top ten ReMax® agents in the entire world year in and year out. He has his entire business and his coaching of thousands of agents built on the solid foundation of Magnetic Marketing…and has been a client of mine for more than 10 years.
…Like the manufacturer’s rep who got his line into Wal-Mart after being rejected for 3 years, the very first time he used my System….
Magnetic Marketing is also for business owners eager to do big things. Like Chris Hurn of Mercantile Capital and Clate Mask of Infusionsoft, whose companies made the Inc. 500 List of fastest growth companies this year in finance and software…respectively…
….like the start-up franchisor who went from 4 to 140 operating locations in less than 18 months, using this System.
…like the local pet groomer who got on the famous Dog Whisperer TV-show not once but three times using this System, became an overnight celebrity, and has been flooded with customers…
YES, YES, YES – This Is For You, Too.
Do NOT Disqualify Yourself!!!
Do NOT insist that your business “is different” just because I haven’t specifically mentioned it here.
Do NOT cheat yourself out of this zero-risk, guaranteed opportunity to “reinvent” your business, ”turbo-charge” your marketing, and “liberate” your income.
And why should you take my word on this?
Well, I’m not some Johnny-fresh-out-of-the-box, new kid on the block who spent a weekend writing a book report and turned it into a product to sell to you.
Nor am I some burnt-out old-timer peddling buggy whips.
I’ve got a solid 35-year track record of making small business owners into millionaires and multi-millionaires…and sales pros into top 6-figure and 7-figure earners with these strategies.
I’m also as current as next year’s news…remarkably and demonstrably adept at accurately predicting business trends…and connecting smart marketing to them …waaaay ahead of the crowd.
That’s why I and this System are endorsed by hundreds of the very top advisors and thought-leaders in so many different industries and fields…
….like Rory Fatt of Restaurant Marketing Systems, advising over 5,000 restaurant owners.
….like Ron Ipach, advising over 2,000 auto repair shop owners,
…Like Chauncy Hutter, who used my System to build a $4-million per year tax business with 24 locations and 440 employees.
…Like Dr. Tom Orent, advising over 2,000 dentists…
…Like Dr. Charles Martin…who averages $10,000 per patient at his cosmetic dental practice thanks to my System
…Like Bill Hammond, advising over 1,000 lawyers and law firms,
…Like Dennis Tubbergen, advising over 2,000 financial planners, and…
…Like Dr. Ben Altadonna, advising over 3,000 chiropractors.
…Like Chet Rowland…who went from a dead broke bug guy to a marketing millionaire by using my System in his pest control business.
…Like Al Williams…a commercial lender who uses my System to close clients with fees in excess of $15,000 per transaction.
You name the category and there’s a celebrated, respected leader in marketing linked to me… coached by me.
And you just cannot be in a type of business where my MAGNETIC MARKETING isn’t already making somebody rich, relaxed, secure and happy!
But you don’t have to take anybody’s word for any of this…but your own. Why? Because you get two full months risk free as my judge and jury.
Having said all that, it’s time to introduce you to:
The Magnetic Marketing System
For The Emerging New Economy
Magnetic Marketing is simply the most POWERFUL toolkit you’ll EVER use in your business. You’ll be able to attract more clients…more customers…and get MORE leads than ever before.
This System will save you HOURS of time, DAYS of “false starts”, and YEARS of trial, error, and testing when it comes to attracting your ideal customers and clients.
Why? Because 85% of the work is already done for you. This is about as “cut-and-paste” as you can get…as you’ll get access to examples and actual copyright-free templates that takes most of the “hard work” out of creating a marketing campaign.
Just think about it. Opening your email inbox with more inquiries than you can handle. Your phone ringing off the hook. And not having to worry where your next customers and clients will come from.
You’ll get it all right here when you take action today and get your hands on this system that has helped HUNDREDS of business owners rake in the dough…like it’s nobody’s business!!!
Here’s what your toolkit will include:
- Extensive TOOLKIT Notebook with entire campaigns & notes in 6 Sections you can easily “swipe and deploy” for your own promotions (Sales Careers, B2B & Industrial; Service Businesses; Retail; Professional Practices and Restaurants)
- 12 Audio CD’s packed start to finish with real world, hands-on information you can take to the bank with your business. (In a sec, I’ll go over EVERYTHING on these CDs!)
- Printed transcripts on Audio CD’s for easy reference. You’ll have everything there—all the tips, strategies, and moneymaking ideas…right at your fingertips!
- Special Reports that answer the most commonly asked questions you may have. (How To Print As Much Money As You Want, Legally! – The ‘Secret Weapon’ of the Free Report, How To Turn Mailing Lists Into Money – Mailing List Basics, and Elements Of A Marketing System – Your Checklist)
First things first: Let’s talk about the Magnetic Marketing toolkit…because that’s where the money’s at. In fact, I’m just going to cut to the chase and tell you that:
The 513-Page Magnetic Marketing Toolkit Will Be As Useful As Your Right Arm Throughout Your Wealth-Building Journey!
Words cannot describe how much this Toolkit is going to save you TONS of time, money, and frustration. That’s because you’ll get over 213 examples of REAL marketing pieces you can “legally steal” ideas from for your OWN promotions.
But that’s not all: You’ll also get of copyright-free templates that are already 85% complete you can “copy and paste” into your own promotions. That way you don’t have to go through the mind-numbing frustration of “writers block” and figuring out “what goes where”…
Forget about that! All you have to do is insert the specifics for your business in to these templates and you’re all set. That’s it. 85% of the work is already done for you!
Seriously, this is like an opposing football team giving you their playbook before the Super Bowl. The Magnetic Marketing Toolkit is going to be the most treasured possession—considering the TIME it’ll save you…and the MONEY you’ll be able to rake in!
Here Are Just SOME Of The 213
Successful Magnetic Marketing Tools Used By REAL Business Owners:
You’ll get FULL examples and samples in your Magnetic Marketing Toolkit that includes the following:
- Target-Market Campaigns that’ll allow you to attract abundant customers and clients and make you sleep better at night.
- The Unique “Super-Strategy” Letters that pull an astounding 20%+ response bringing in new customers, for hundreds of different types of businesses.
- Cash Flow Surge Campaigns you can implement right away that’ll summon a surge of cash into your bank account.
- The ‘Miracle’ Newspaper Ad that brings in 400 NEW CUSTOMERS in a single week…even in a small market (its ‘secret’ can work for you too!)
- Amazing Personalized Postcards that produce $20 to $50 for every $1 spent. It’s almost like stealing the keys to Fort Knox!
- A Lawyer’s 14-Step E-Mail System that successfully produces new clients like crazy (he has a ‘waiting list’ practice!)
- An Unstoppable Service Biz Campaign that brought in $66,419.00 from $5,287.00 invested in the campaign (this could give you windfall profits too!!)
- The Ultimate B2B Campaign. Just 276 of these prospecting letters produced 73 clients…it’s almost impossible to do better!
- And DOZENS Of Examples From Top Online Marketers Covering: website conversions, traffic strategies including search engine optimization, pay-per-click and banner ads, as well as up to date advanced online strategies.
So, How Much Does This Thing Cost???
R-e-l-a-x. You’ll be PLEASANTLY surprised.
You could certainly blow thousands of dollars having some writer or ad agency put together just ONE campaign or promotion for your business.
BUT you could also build you a bank of tools to implement TEN major, highly profitable strategies for getting new customers or clients…and developing improved sales AND referrals from present clientele.
Going out to hire all that done…by anybody even reasonably competent…will require tens of thousands of dollars or more.
Instead of being dependent on others who do NOT intimately understand your business and your customers …and are NOT versed in Kennedy-style strategies that really work…
…you CAN be fully empowered to implement truly great marketing for yourself.
Best part: it won’t cost you $10,000.00. Not $5,000.00. Not even $1,000.00! Almost everybody expects this to carry a price over $1,000.00.
But, I’m not going to charge you anywhere near the conservative real value.
Now the full value for this program is at least $100,000. In fact, it’s really worth FAR more than that.
Why? Because the 85% done-for-you, copyright-free, ready-to-use campaigns are worth at LEAST as much—considering the money you would otherwise spend hiring a copywriter…going back and forth on revisions…and testing and tweaking…
…that is… if you were to start from scratch.
You see, any decent copywriter charges at least $5000-$10,000 for a 4-page direct mail piece. And some of them charge $25,000 and MORE!
So if you did a simple 3-step campaign, expect to spend at least $15,000-$35,000….
…Just for 1 campaign!!!
BUT…if you act NOW…you’ll get MULTIPLE campaigns that are already 85% done for you… AND the rest of the Magnetic Marketing package you can try out Risk Free for 2-months for just $497.00.