Product Description
Dan Kennedy – Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs Seminar
WARNING: This could be the most important information you will ever read about wealth attraction and creating gigantic financial breakthroughs nearly overnight.
Discover The Little-Known (and never talked about) Success Philosophies, Beliefs, Thinking And Personal Behaviors That Allow Millionaire and Multi-Millionaire Entrepreneurs To Attract Maximum Money and Create Maximum Wealth in Record Time
If You Could Change Just A Few Things You Think, Change A Few Things About The Way You Do Business Just A Few – And Suddenly Experience A Lifting Of Stress, Struggle, Anxiety, Frustration And Uncertainty Accompanied By A Much-Multiplied Influx of Cash, A Much-Multiplied Influence With Others, An Accelerated Accomplishment of Your Goals Would You Want To At Least Experiment With Those Changes?
The other is the amazing potential that exists to lift someones income and financial success purely and solely by lifting certain barriers from their thinking. Frankly, you can?t do that with the stuff I usually teach – it requires people to do things, to implement, to alter the way they conduct business. But you can actually alter nothing but the way you think and feel about money and see some direct, almost immediate improvements in your financial reality. It is as close to authentic magic as anybody can get. Its kind of a kick to wake people up to this and watch what happens. I?m already getting some mind-blowing reports from those who were at the seminar.
Regrettably many of these letters cannot be published or shared, because they not only deal with money results but with other, profoundly personal matters. A man writing to me about coming to grips with his horrible childhood of poverty and abuse for the first time. Another about a dramatic realization about his self-sabotage. And so forth.
Anyway, you can rest assured I havent gone soft on you. Im very much into practical strategy and real, measurable results, into keeping score in dollars.