Product Description
David Siteman Garland – Create Awesome Online Courses [24 Videos (23 .Mov + 1 .Flv) + 14 Audios (MP3s) + 19 Documents (17 PDFs + 1 Docx + 1 .Pages) + 16 Images (JPGs)]
One of the biggest frustrations I hear all the time is, “David, how can I monetize my blog/web show or podcast?”
And I totally get it. There is so much information out there about monetization that it can be can be massively confusing. And confusion sucks.
Because, as a mediapreneur with an online platform, you’ve been busting your butt. Creating great content. Building an audience who loves you (and trusts you!) But, the who bling bling aspect can be overwhelming.
Tell me if this sounds familiar: You think to yourself, “What should I do?”
Should I create an information product? If so, what type? Should I create software or something (how the heck do you do that?) Advertising? A membership site? Coaching program? One-on-one coaching program? Group coaching program? Live events? Products with a high price point? Product with a low price point?
And, perhaps more importantly, what can I create and sell that I’m actually PROUD of and don’t get that “ick” feeling from?
OMG. Brain going to explode.
If this sounds like you, you are in the right place.
I started online in 2008 with a blog and web show. I had no idea what I was doing.
No fans. No “biz” connections. No “real” biz model. Not shockingly, I struggled for years.
But, here is the funny thing. I became pretty solid at building my platform. Solid at building an audience. Solid at building relationships. Solid at building trust. Sweet, right?
BUT, I continually struggled to generate epic revenue. The bling bling.
So, being a little bit of a nut…I went a little crazy and researched and read everything I could get my grubby paws on.
I Interviewed hundreds of mediapreneurs who generated the MOST revenue in their niche (And did it a non-jerky way…you should be excited about your business model, right?)
Spent thousands of hours researching, interviewing, attending events. Yeah, I’m that guy.
How do the most successful mediapreneurs make the bling and live an awesome lifestyle?
Because it is one thing to make a lot of money, but how much would that suck that in order to make that money you had no time to do anything else in your life? Meaning you are tied to a computer or working with people 24/7? That’s not freedom. That’s a problem.
What did I uncover?
#1: The top mediapreneurs create their own information product teaching step-by-step something they already know.
More specifically…
#2: The most successful mediapreneurs make the bling bling by creating & selling their own step-by-step Online Course
If you look at the top of your niche, meaning those with the
- Top revenue
- Top reputation
- Top following
you will find more often than not they have an awesome online course.
A big question for you to think about (I had the same question):
With so many options out there to monetize, why have they all decided to go with online courses?
With so many options to monetize, why an online course?
Punches dollars for hours in the face
Creating an online course is HUGE leverage for your time. Instead of constantly trying to charge dollars for hours (which, as you know, is nearly impossible to scale and can fill up your schedule in a hurry), you do a bunch of work up front and then generate automated revenue 24/7…for years.
Packaging up & selling WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOW
You already know something other people want to learn from you. Right now. Seriously. Unlike other forms of monetization that might require you to go out and learn a brand new skill or hire people, an online course leverages what you already know right now.
You don’t need a huge amount of buyers
Online courses sell at a premium (more than, say, e-books). Premium prices = premium revenue with less buyers needed. Heck, one buyer a day for a course you create that sells for $497 generates $181,405 a year (and that’s just 365 customers!)
Positioning in the marketplace as an expert
It is awesome to be known as an expert. And having a blog, web show or podcast certainly helps position you as one. However, having a course compounds your expertise. More people will take notice of you and your work and your perception as an expert will definitely increase as a result of your online course…and that is GREAT for your business.
Big backend opportunity
Once you have your course out to the world and have the marketing funnel created (and I will show you exactly how to do this…don’t stress about this yet!) EVERY TIME you are interviewed, get some delicious PR, write a guest blog, etc. you will be brining in more leads and more sales for your course. Sweet.
What holds people back from creating, promoting and profiting from an online course?
A few interesting “myths” about online courses:
MYTH #1:
“Who am I to teach something? I’m not an ‘expert’?”
MYTH #2:
“The technology is going to be hard/confusing”
MYTH #3:
“I need a huggggeeeeeeeee list of subscribers!”
MYTH #4:
“What I’m teaching isn’t 100% unique or revolutionary”
MYTH #5:
“I have to sell a lower priced product first before a premium course!”
MYTH #6:
“I can’t do this. It is too overwhelming/confusing/takes too much time!”
MYTH #7:
“My course has to be PERFECT.”
Does this sound familiar?
After hearing all this, I was convinced but, honestly, pretty darn nervous. My confident side was saying: “Darn it if these folks did it. I can do it too!” Then I had my nervous side (sound familiar?)
– Didn’t know what to do!
– Is my list big enough?!
– What topic?
– How do I make it? Price it? Package it? Ahhh!
– How do I sell it?
– Also (one of the big hold ups!): How do I sell to my fans without them hating me?
So, I went back to all these course creators. Tapped into their secrets and methods. Obsessed like a crazy person.
Took the best of what I learned and implemented, tweaked, tested, etc… put my own spin on it. Sort of like a mad scientist.
What happened?
So, I did it anyway and here’s what happened
Here are my results of my course Create Awesome Interviews:
– Multiple six figures in profit despite a “small list” (when my course launched I had just a few hundred people on a prospects list…no crazy numbers)
– Turned fans into customers
– No longer had to trade dollars for hours…freedom
– Still generating sales!
– Hired my dad (full time!) with profits from the course
+ Passionate customers getting big results (it is all about your customer’s results)…
My entire business changed as a result of creating my own online course. And trust, If I can do it so can you.
You can create an awesome online course On a topic YOU already know RIGHT now and sell it your audience.
My mission is to help you quickly & easily turn your platform into bling bling (without trading $’s for hours) by creating, promoting & profiting from your own online course (on something you already know.)
This is where create awesome Online Courses comes in:
Imagine… Your course is created. Your audience is buying it like hot cakes and getting big results from your expertise. You wake up, roll over, check your phone and you’ve made a sale while you slept (no better feeling!)
That’s when folks ask you “So, how do you make money?” you get to tell them about your kick butt course.
Not trading dollars for hours but instead bringing in $ 24/7 from something you ALREADY know (for years!) You have someone that has gone through this (with awesome results) to hold your hand through the process.
I’ll tell you exactly what to do step-by-step AND keep you organized. Eliminate confusion, ambiguity. Completely concrete. Pretty cool, right?
You might be thinking: “Will this work for me?”
Here’s what I can tell you:
Can I guarantee your massively epic results? (That would be a jerkface/sketchy move.) Obviously I can’t guarantee exactly how much money you will make, BUT… I can give you the EXACT (and I mean exact) blueprint.
Create Awesome Online Courses is different. Lots of folks out there say “Go create a course,” but they don’t tell you EXACTLY what to do step-by-step.
Check out what one our subscribers, Umar said about his biggest struggle. He said he knows he wants to create a course, but he can’t find anyone who says, “do this, step 1, step 2, step 3″ instead everyone just says, “create one.”
I’ve gone through all the “figuring it out” so you don’t have to.
And that is exactly what you will be getting with Create Awesome Online Courses.
The exact proven step-by-step system. No confusion. No ambiguity. Complete hand holding. Telling you EXACTLY what to do and walking you through the entire process.
Create Awesome Online Courses is designed for mediapreneurs who have an online platform (might be a blog, web show, video blog, podcast, etc.) and an audience of some kind (doesn’t have to be *huge* but definitely has to I said, I only had a few hundred people on my prospects list initially when I launched Create Awesome Interviews).
It isn’t designed for folks that are just getting started, haven’t launched their platform, have a negative attitude or don’t want to put in the work. Simple as that.
What you are going to get right away today when you register (and what you are going to learn how to do)
As soon as you purchase, you will get immediate access (via user name and password) to Create Awesome Online Courses.
-Lifetime access and login 24/7 (it is all digital + downloadable so you can login to access the content & download the course and take it on the go with you as well)
-Content is available in video + slides (.MOV), audio download (.MP3) and slides (.PDF)
- 12 Kick Butt Step-by-Step Modules (to attack at your own pace)
- 3 Holy $%@ Limited Time Bonuses
12 Kick Butt Step-by-Step Modules
Coming Up With A Course That SELLS! The 5-step proven process for coming up with your idea & testing it for $0.
-The 5 step proven process for coming up with your idea
-Testing your idea for $0
-Key rookie mistakes to avoid (and more)
Hook, Line & Sinker: How to name, position & price your course to be freakin’ irresistible
-The secrets of positioning to make sure your course sticks out from the pack
-How to create a sticky hook
-pricing, pricing, pricing!
Planning Like A Champ: The EASIEST template for creating your course (including the 5 types of content that will get the best results)
-The 5 types of content that will get the best results
-How to create a simple outline
-How to come up with awesome bonuses to include in your course
Recording, Editing & Creating Your Course (without going crazy)
-How to record your course (in the least stressful way possible)
-How to avoid overwhelm & get the darn thing done
-Tech recs to keep things simple (yet amazing)
Delivering Your Course: The fun road map of delivering your course, accepting payments & getting that tech stuff out of the way
-The fun road map of delivering your course
-Tips on accepting payments and getting that tech stuff out of the way
The Art Of The Tease: The 4-step process to get folks drooling over your course and ready to buy (before it is on sale!)
-The 4-step process to get folks drooling over your course and ready to buy (before it is on sale!)
-What to send folks that are interested in your course…to keep them interested
The Mediapreneur VIP Launch Method Part #1: How to get your course out there a bang (without being a pushy jerkface)
-VIP Packaging
-Overview of “the launch Videos”
-Get opt ins for your VIP Launch
The Mediapreneur VIP Launch Method Part #2: How to get your course out there a bang (without being a pushy jerkface)
-The 6-step outline to creating your 3-part video series of awesomeness
-Complete step-by-step walk through of what exactly to include in each video
How to create a non-jerky sales video and sales page that will captivate and convert
-Creating Your non-jerky sales Video & sales page that will captivate & convert
-Special surprise from video marketing expert James Wedmore (and a cheat sheet)
The Mediapreneur VIP Launch Method Part #3: A complete hand holding (step-by-step, day-by-day) on how to crush your VIP launch
-How to crush your launch like a pro
-How to pour fire on the launch process
You’ve Launched. Yay. Now what? The secrets to ongoing sales well after your launch
-The secrets to ongoing sales well after your launch
-Bringing in promo partners
-2 special bonus sessions: Creating killer high-converting webinars (this is from a private coaching session I did for high-end clients) & Automating sales (with marketing master Clay Collins also from private coaching sessions)
Testimonials, Pirates & Refunders….Oh My: How to tackle the little details that can make a big difference
-How to tackle the details that make a difference
-Pirates, refunders, group buying and other annoying things
-Getting & promoting testimonials
3 Holy $%@ Limited Time Bonuses