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Distilled – SearchLove Boston 2014 Conference [18 Videos (FLV) + 17 Slideshows (PDF)]
Searchlove Boston 2014
Aaron Weyenberg – Listening & Learning: A Story of a Redesign
There’s an old African proverb that says “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” In this session, Aaron will share how this maxim helps guide TED’s product decisions in service of ideas worth spreading. You’ll hear about TED’s redesign and how it involves its user community – from research to agile deployment – to inform product development.
Adam Melson – Listening to Your Customers’ Wants to Achieve their Needs
Listening to the voice of your customers in as many ways as possible and really getting to know them is essential to driving success. By giving customers what they vocally want and what they are looking for, you are alleviating the need for them to go out and find it elsewhere while providing an even more meaningful and engaging experience. As a fly on the wall, you’ll be able to fully absorb their needs and learn how to fulfill them with content that is shareable, linkable and worthwhile to the engines.
All Speakers – Let’s Get Real
One rule: no tweeting whilst you hear all of our speakers give-up one awesome tip. The only way to see what is shared is to be there.
Chris Savage – Building Audiences with Video
Building audiences with content can be a very scalable marketing tactic. Chris will be focusing on how video used in the right way can be one of the most powerful forms of content for audience building. Get excited for concrete examples of effective video marketing campaigns, and tips to make the video production process more approachable and more likely to succeed.
Darren Shaw – How to Prioritize Your Local Search Work
Local search can add a mountain of additional tasks on top of your existing workload. How do you fit in these extra tasks when you’re already overwhelmed with everything else on your to do list? Darren will walk you through his detailed Local Ranking Blueprint, and show you which local search tasks are the most important, how long they will take, and which tasks can be pushed lower on your priority list.
Joanna Lord – The Loyalist Advantage: How to Measure & Increase Customer Loyalty
In today’s hyper competitive landscape, customer loyalty is quickly becoming a key differentiator. Marketers are now finding themselves in charge of the second half of the customer lifecycle, and are expected to track and improve customer loyalty. But how can we do that? Joanna Lord will walk us through ways of leveraging traditional digital marketing channels to increase loyalty, and introduce us to a model for measurement. If you want to win in today’s market your brand needs to be investing in loyalty and Joanna will show us how.
Josh Braaten – How to Build a Data-Driven Company
You have more data today than ever before, but creating insights and driving action can still be far from easy. Josh will demonstrate where traditional analytics processes fall down and how to find or create the right data to drive your company towards better insights and outcomes. Get ready to learn about both short-term and strategic steps to help your company make better decisions and be more data-driven.
Margot Bloomstein – Slow Your Roll: Driving Results from Slow Content
Online experiences can be fast, efficient, easy, orderly—and sometimes, that’s all wrong! Users click confirm too soon, miss important details, or don’t find content that aids conversion. In short, efficient isn’t always effective. Not all experiences need to be fast to be functional. In fact, some of the most memorable and profitable web engagements employ “slow content strategy,” content speed bumps, and surprising content types that aid interaction. We’ll examine examples of content strategy in action that demonstrates how to identify and control the pace of user experience, adding value for both our users and the businesses that engage them.
Mark Johnstone – Lessons Learned from the Creative Industry
While many believe the future is digital, they often dismiss the big ad agencies. Why not learn from those who have been doing this for years? Mark will talk us through what he has learned from others, his own experiences in Creative over the last few years, and how these lessons can help us in our own work.
Marshall Simmonds – Log File Analysis
At Define Media Group, Marshall and his team have been spearheading deep reviews of some of the biggest publishers’ raw data files. It’s intense work but what they’ve learned is insightful and applicable to all industries. Marshall’s going to be sharing those insights with you.
Matthew Brown – Learn from the Herd
Triumphant SEO wins can be had if you know when to zig when the competitors in your space are stuck on zag. By blending together industry metrics, web technology statistics, and the wealth of data available in his product development role at Moz, Matthew will provide forward-looking insights to inform your SEO strategies.
Melanie Spring – Rock Your Brand
Building a business is tied to having a great product or service and your ability to sell it. Building a successful brand is about getting your customers to feel something with every touchpoint. Melanie will show real-life examples of businesses living their brand and how they did it. You’ll walk away with ways to rock your brand and kick your competitors’ butts in the long haul.
Rand Fishkin – Why Great Marketers Must be Great Skeptics
The world of web marketing is filled with common wisdom, best practices and tactics based on past experiences, but some of these industry standards may actually be holding you back. Watch as Rand dives into stories and examples of those who’ve broken patterns and found value through counter intuitive marketing. This presentation will cover a wide variety of marketing channels including SEO, social media, content marketing, CRO and more.
Rick Backus – From Content to Clients
With B2B inbound marketing at the core of its growth, CPC Strategy was able to go from a small, 4-person team to a thriving multi-million dollar agency. Rick will break down how their content marketing strategy enabled the company to penetrate and succeed in a larger, more competitive market. You’ll learn how to use inbound marketing to grow your B2B business and hear specific examples in which the content has to evolve to adapt to company growth.
Rob Toledo – The Hunter/Gatherer
Influencers are likely to be the first to find and discover the next big thing on the web. This makes pitching your content or brand to a journalist or blogger almost immediately lose some of its appeal. Rob will talk about the ways in which you can get your brand and content in front of these influencers without traditional email outreach.
Sheena Medina – Community Building in a New Social Era
Thanks to social media, people are more connected and empowered than ever before. How can we continue to reach people in a way that is meaningful and brings real value to their lives? In this session we will explore ways to break through the clutter and tap into the power of social to build an army of advocates for your cause.
Stephanie Chang – Stretching Your Search Skills
As the industry has undergone an evolution, a lot of our day-to-day work has also changed. The good news is that the skill sets we’ve adopted can make us really effective marketers outside of search. This session will tactically describe different scenarios on how your skill sets can be applied to other areas of marketing.
Will Critchlow – The Golden Age of Digital Marketing
As digital marketers, our focus on analytics has served us well in driving direct, measurable sales. The dominant form of brand marketing, however, has remained offline with TV taking the lion’s share of the budget and attention. We believe that as TV faces disruptive technology and business models, digital marketers have an opportunity to grow their influence and impact. Will is going to set the scene for SearchLove with a walk through of statistics and forecasts for the future of marketing.