Product Description
Hale Dwoskin – Loopable Processes (Releasing Loops) from Sedona Supercourse + Effortless Creation [77 Audios – MP3]
These are 77 Sedona Method Process Loops by Hale Dwoskin in full quality and ready to be uploaded to your iPod.
There are already other Sedona loops on this tracker, but I found that they were either low quality or lacked descriptive file names. I could have done some releasing on that, but instead I just went ahead and created a new and complete set of loops — neatly organized into folders and with sequential numbering and descriptive file names.
The package contains ALL PROCESSES from:
1. The Sedona Method Supercourse (contains Basic Course, Effortless Wealth, Effortless Health and Effortless Relationships)
2. The Sedona Method Effortless Creation Course