Product Description
Inside of the Transformational Storytelling Training Dr. Riggio will present the way you can use stories to shift personal, interpersonal and organizational experience. The focus will be on the stories you hold that shape your perceptions and behaviors, and how you can access and modify these stories to improve performance. Then Joseph will expose the techniques you need to use metaphors to create meaningful transformational change with others conversationally. This is the essence of indirect influence and persuasion … probably the most powerful form of communication human have ever used.
First, we’ll be using the structure of story to uncover the most hidden aspects of your way of being in the world.
Next, we’ll connect that way of being to your behaviors … both those that limit you and those that empower you.
Then, we’ll demonstrate how you can use the power of story to change your life by changing your default behavior.
After that, we’ll move onto showing you how to pick up the storyline that another person offers … semantically, in what they say … and somatically, in how they behave.
Finally, we’ll make sure before the week is out that you know how to use the structure of story to create transformation with others!