Product Description
Keith Livingston and Geoffrey Ronning – Practical Guide to Covert and Conversational Hypnosi [2 CDs – Rip][1 – PDF]
roduct Description: 2 CDs & 1 Manual PDF – 55 pages scanned & bookmarked.
This two volume CD course comes complete with two packed full audio CD’s. Volume 1 is 45:49 in length, Volume 2 is 48:47 in length. That’s over 90 minutes of high-powered instruction from two of the world’s best! You also get an over 40-page workbook that oozes with practical knowledge you will be applying the day you get it, for as long as you live.
More Details About What You Get:
Pacing (how to connect deeply with anyone)
Mind Reading (a powerful technique for gaining credibility – nothing to do with psychic powers)
Linkages (use current communication strategies we all naturally utilize in new, empowering ways)
Six Different Kinds of Presuppositions
Deletions (simple and comparative)
Unspecified Referential Index
Negative Commands
Tag Questions
Conversational Postulates
Ambiguities (phonological, syntactic, scope and punctuation)
Geoffrey Ronning and Keith Livingston are two of the world’s top trainers in personal change and development technologies. Between the two of them, they’ve trained hundreds of hypnotists, hypnotherapists and NLP Master Practitioners. They’ve taught countless people hypnotic and NLP-based techniques for personal development, therapy and entertainment purposes. They’ve appeared numerous times on television radio and in print. People have come from all over the world paying thousands of dollars to attend their trainings.