Product Description
Kelly Lynch Real Estate Bandit Sign Course [6 Audios (MP3) + 9 eBooks (PDF), 2 DOC)
“Who Else Wants To Learn
How A Military Screw Ball Threw
His Career In the Trash To Market
Real Estate With Only Bandit Signs
And Now Dominates His Market
In Just 2 Years Flat”
“Oh Momma” Get The Smelling Salts.
Learn How To Bank At Least $10,500.00 per Weekend Seducing
Sellers and Tenant/Buyers Using Nothing But Bandit Signs!”
Check out this unbeatable guarantee:
“I’m Convinced That Anyone Can Use My Bandit Signs To Make A Personal Fortune And Not Get Busted By The “Fuzz” That If You Do Get a Ticket From The Sign Nazis While Using My “Ultimate and Complete A-Z Advanced Bandit Signs Marketing Brain-In-A-Box Home Study System” I’ll Pay The Fine Myself!”-
(Keep Reading to Find Out Exactly How You Can Get Kelly to
Personally Make-Over YOUR Bandit Signs)
Dear Friend,
Do me a favor?
Jot down three numbers
1. Your ideal monthly income.
2. Number of houses you want to buy and sell and multiply it by 2.
3. The amount of money you want from each tenant/buyer that you come across.
Alright, got it done? I hope so. Because each of these 3 numbers is very possible (even if you do only half of what I’m going to teach you) when you discover how to turn words into money.
There is truly a mystical voodoo power available to you.
You can have the “Midas Touch” once you master this ONE skill…
and that’s, Designing Bandit Signs that draw in buyers and sellers like the Pied Piper!
It’s the ultimate security in a very un-secure world. It seems like the real estate market is tanking all across the country. Most sellers are taking huge cuts on deals and letting any old “deadbeat” tenant /buyer move into the house. But once you harness the power of words, you can write your own check and pick only the cream of the crop tenant/buyers for your properties.
Trust me, you’ll feel like a mystical alchemist when you start a sign campaign knowing that it’ll generate at least 10 houses (within one zip code) in a month.
Your day will begin like this, you wake up, get the paper, fire up your computer to check your email. You’re cheerfully greeted to an inbox of about 30 desperate sellers begging to give you their deeds. Or how about this, your assistant calls to let you know that you’re scheduled to receive 5 down payments from tenant/buyers.
Simply put, no other letter I have ever written has as much potential to change your life for the better as this one. Imagine the power you possess when you can create money out of thin air.
I’ve made a personal fortune and shown my students how to do the same- just using the right words.
I’m pretty fortunate that I learned early on in my life the power of marketing, influence and persuasion. Going back 100 years, there probably isn’t a single source that I haven’t uncovered about these subjects.
Making money with bandit signs is an in depth study into marketing, advertising, real estate cycles, selling, behavioral psychology, and math.
Specifically, it’s become an obsession for me and one that has paid off richly.
Proof Positive Of My Marketing Skills
-Here’s Just a Peak at My Track Record
$10,500.00 from just two Tenant/Buyers in a weekend.
Filled a property with a “winner” and collected $7000.00 (plus another $500.00 bucks…just because I asked for it.)
World Savings Check Kelly’s check from a tenant/
Got $4000.00 from a tenant/buyer even before the property was ready.
Got the deed, and never met the seller.
Sellers deeded me a house in perfect condition with $30,000.00 in equity.
A sign designed three years ago still pulling strong today. This opened up a completely new way for me to pull prospects that no one else is doing.
Truthfully, once you understand how to market with bandit signs it’s no big deal to dust off $10,000.00, $20,000.00, or even $50,000.00 in a month, without stressing if you’ll get paid or not.
It’s simple really, once you have the “juice”- that I’ll teach you.
This reminds me of my favorite stories from Sir Paul McCartney and John Lennon. They knew they had the “juice” when they were sitting around writing the song “Help” to pay for Lennon’s swimming pool. When the song was finished they we were like, “Hey, this is going to be a hit!”
They knew they were set for life at that moment (at least until Heather Mills showed up). And that’s the same power of designing winning bandit signs. You can sit and write whatever you want… a new boat, car, house of furniture, 3 month vacation, a small island, etc, anything your heart desires.
For me, I wanted a brand new Acura TL. This puppy has 270 horsepower, leather all around, carbon fiber, 6-speed, the works. For real, I really, really wanted this machine. I would go to the dealership at night and practically make out with the damn thing. Yeah, I know it’s a nutty thing to do but oh well- I can live with myself.
I went to the dealership and test drove one in the Texas Hill Country. I was pulling damn near a “g”, on some twisty back road scaring the hell out of the salesman, when I made the decision to buy the car in no less than 1 month’s time. I went home and designed a series of “ice cold killer” bandit signs to pay for my dream.
Here’s the one I got in black (of course) with grey leather interior.
Picture of Home &Car- Kelly’s Acura &House’
Now I’m not telling you all this to talk big or showboat but to open you up to the unlimited income possibilities available when you master bandit sign marketing.
But enough about me. This is about you..
Truthfully, you can learn how to design 5 and 6 figure bandit signs. You don’t need to learn a software program or even how to draw. It’s a simple five step process that I could train a lobotomized chimp to master.
In fact, you don’t even need to be the creative muse type either.
There are simple garden-variety, fill-in-the-blank templates and examples for you to pull from. With a bit of cutting, pasting, and sticking it together you can be on your way to having a million dollar bandit sign that brings home the bacon.
My students are the best testament to my teaching ability though. Their results speak for themselves.
Alamo Title Co. #1- ‘Josie’s $9,951.56 check from using’
Alamo Title Co. #2- Josie’s $26,034.56 check from using
What’s It Like To Make
$36,000.00 in 90 Days?
Josephine’s Life Before “Bandit Signs Made Easy”- It was a nightmare. I had a TON of debt, a repo on my record, and working a crappy dead-end job 90 miles from where I lived. I got into real estate to make a change in my life. I had a little success, but it was a painful learning curve. I really didn’t know a lot about marketing and I knew I needed help.
Josephine’s Life After “Bandit Signs Made Easy”- Amazing! I never thought I’d make that much money in such a short period of time. When I got the first check that was close to $10,000.00 I was like, “I would have made the same amount after working my butt off for three months on the job. Then as I continued to apply Kelly’s system I got another check for $26,000.00. I can’t describe the feeling…it’s unbelievable how easy it is to make money. Kelly’s Bandit Signs and marketing system really work. I was a little hesitant at first since all the “gurus” say use several marketing pieces. But, I trusted Kelly, well actually it was kinda hard to doubt a 33 year old single man living in a huge house and say he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Seriously, I wish I had applied his system to my marketing earlier. Today my life is on the fast track…I shop when and where I want to and I have an ever growing collection of COACH purses and Movado watches. Thank you Kelly for all your help!!
Do Other “gurus” Show You
Proof Like This?
Truthfully, I don’t waste my time with those tiny “Mickey Mouse “deals. I train my students to completely gut and bone every single dollar possible out of a deal. We take it all, even the escrow money (which amounts to at least $2000.00-$3000.00 per deal).
Because of un-heard results like this, I’ve had a flood of people begging, pleading, and pressuring me to reveal all my most closely guarded secrets in advanced bandit sign marketing. Frankly, I resisted because I knew it would take time away from my real estate business (and because I wanted to hoard all the deals myself). But I finally gave in and laid it all on the table once and for all.
This Was a Mammoth Project
It took me well over one year to carefully cull over my own marketing “book of tricks”. I took out my very own “swipe file” and even beefed it up with new examples. It took a toll on my personal life and business but it’s finally ready, “The Ultimate And Complete A-Z Advanced Bandit Sign Marketing Brain-In-A-Box, Home Study System”.
Unlike other seminars you’ve listened to or been at, theres no one trying to waste your time with a sales pitch. You get me divulging all there is to know about doubling, tripling, or quadrupling the amount of houses you can buy or sell.
Listen, this seminar is dedicated to nothing but mastering bandit signs. The lucky few that get first dibbs walk away with real life, nitty-gritty examples of how to turn bandit signs into money at will. You’ll get loads of examples, a bulging swipe file, and every trick in the book to consistently buy and sell houses month after month.
I’ve made for you the most brain-dead simple, comprehensive “All the Work Done For You” Audio CD version and study manuals of this one time workshop at a fraction of the cost you’d pay in person.
This Is What Comes In
The Ultimate And Complete A-Z,
Advanced Bandit Sign Marketing,
“Brain-In-A- Box” Home Study System
This is the proverbial Tour de France of marketing with Bandit Signs.
First, you get the complete workshop on Audio CDs. It comes out to a library of 6 professionally recorded and digitally mastered audio CD’s (none of that annoying static or hissing), almost 2 days worth.
You’ll be able to listen to these CD’s anywhere. Be it in the car, working out, lounging around the house, wherever. You’ll want to listen to these CD’s over and over again to “engrave” all the revelations, concepts, tactics, and dirty secrets into your brain.
Next you’ll get THREE MONSTROUS Manuals for you to go through. They consist of a complete brain dump of all I know about bandit sign marketing. They contain all the exhibits, my swipe file, and close to ONE HUNDRED+ examples of real life bandit signs that you can choose from.
That’s right! You’re going to get the same exact reference works I use to create my bandit sign campaigns. This will be the resource that you’ll want to come to again and again when designing your own signs.
Just so you know, the materials are over 5 lbs and over 300+ pages of the most applicable examples ever amassed in one place.
Make no mistake, there’s no else on the planet teaching this stuff focused exclusively for bandit sign marketing, with this level of detail, and then showing you how to amplify this skill. Take a peek into what you’ll discover inside of Kelly’s Ultimate and Complete A-Z Advanced Bandit Sign Marketing “Brain-In A- Box” Home Study System?
Check out what’s in this package!
The three different types of bandit signs. (and when you should use each)
When and how to place your signs depending upon the season. (did you know there’re tricks for different parts of the year)
How to duck the “Sign Nazis” and have them chasing their own tails.
The key “must have” criteria when using your bandit signs to market.
How if you’re using “We Buy Houses” signs you’re totally destroying your business. (most seminar-circuit gurus recommend these but they haven’t bought a house in years.)
When your sign should be drop dead gorgeous and when it should look like a baboons ass.
The winning combination of signs I use to draw a herd of buyers to my properties.
How many signs to use in your first promotion.
The 4 dumb-dumb pitfall mistakes most investors make with their marketing campaign.
Exactly how to phrase your bandit sign “copy” to sucks in sellers who are on the fence.
Which colors works the best to hypnotize your prospects without them knowing.
How to place your signs to draw a herd of motivated buyers, EVEN IF they’re a ton of signs already posted.
The exact 11 sources of pain for your prospects, and why if you miss even ONE, the deal can be blown.
The DEATH word that will completely screw up your marketing to sellers and buyers. (most investors say this word at least 10 times
in a presentation and lose out on deals and never know why)
Don’t reinvent the wheel! Here’s how to use the exact phrases and power words your competition will never know about. Perfect for “Prospect Pain Amplification”!
What to do if your Sign bombs!
The absolute best days to place your bandit signs. You’ll see a 40%-60% drop in calls if you don’t place your signs on the right days.
What a “prequalifier” is and how I use them on signs for a double whammy!
The sneaky way to prey on your buyers and sellers pain and how to open the “CUT” and pour salt in it. (This technique practically crashes my Outlook nbox when I use it)
The little known method of anticipation will have your buyers and sellers panting like dogs for you to call them back.
Which master words to use on tenant/buyers to have them want to drain their 401K or sell a kidney to come up with the down payment.
My weapons cache of 100 plus “done for you” proven bandit sign designs. (these are time tested “money in the bank” designs)
How I build a super-motivated buyers list in only a week’s time
When you should use handwritten signs and you absolutely should not.
What to say to the sign shop guy should he knows you’re not some seminar wannabe.
Why you must order a “p”. before any work gets started. (Most investors skip this part, then cry, “This ain’t what I ordered!”)
7 key criteria in choosing a sign shop.
The exact materials needed to place your signs.
Treasure map of where to place your signs when looking for buyers or sellers. (This list is worth at least $10,000.00 by itself.)
How to effortlessly place signs by yourself in record time.
Getting your signs copyrighted so no one can steal your work.
How to use vivid language to paint a picture for your prospects.
Which colors whip your prospects into frenzy, and which completely turn them off.
3 things that MUST be addressed before you even think about designing one sign.
CASE STUDY: Daniel Lewis
MARKETPLACE: Rehabbing Pretty & Ugly Houses
“On Track To Control Over $3,000,000.00
in Real Estate This Year…”
DANIEL’S PERSONAL LIFE BEFORE: Before learning some of these strategies, I was working 20 hour days trying to work fulltime, run my rehab business, market my properties, and spend time with my girlfriend.
DANIEL’S PERSONAL LIFE AFTER: I have become more marketing centric and actually spend less time trying to market. I take about 3 mini-retirements per year…bought a beautiful 4000 square foot home in a gated community…an Aston Martin DB9 to park on my new driveway. All the tedious work is now outsourced so I more time to start building a family.
DANIEL’S BUSINES BEFORE: I was all over the map with my marketing. I tried everything including bandit signs, but I just could unload my inventory fast enough.
DANIEL’S BUSINESS AFTER: After using your materials and strategies…that same business generated over $225,000.00 last year and is on track to break $500,000.00 this year.
THE BOTTOM LINE: The people with the best information are the most successful. Don’t try to figure all this out on your own-it’s much better to leverage what other people have already discovered that works!
As a general rule, the most expensive resources, seminars, products are usually the ones that add the most to your bottom line! Look at it as an investment in your future, and always, always re-invest in new tools to grow your business.
CASE STUDY: Douglas McBride
MARKETPLACE: Short Selling
“…Making Serious Bank In
The Most Crowded Market…”
DOUGLAS’S PERSONAL LIFE BEFORE: I know everyone pretty much hates their jobs…but I truly hated mine. It took all I had not to walk in there with an UZI some days. I was a lab technician working with some of the fattest fatties you’ve ever seen. All they wanted to talk about was their favorite things to eat and how screwed up their marriages were.
DOUGLAS’S PERSONAL LIFE AFTER: Praise Jesus! I am so done with the laboratory. I plan on never seeing another stool sample or tube of blood as long as I live. After mastering how to use bandit signs in my business the gates opened up. I just came back from a month in Pattaya, Thailand and bought myself a new car and motorcycle.
DOUGLAS’S BUSINES BEFORE: What business life? I had no idea what worked or how to make it work. And I as a short-seller, I have a ton of competition in the market. I needed an ace up sleeve so to speak.
DOUGLAS’S BUSINESS AFTER: O.K…after applying Kelly’s system everything started falling into place. Those cold shoulders I was getting from people when I went knocking on their doors are long over. I follow Kelly’s “permission based marketing” tactics to get qualified leads as I sleep and I having totally outsourced my sign placement hassle.
THE BOTTOM LINE: First of all, stop ^$&*^# around. Sorry for being so blunt, but the fact is you either gotta be very desperate or very motivated to take action. I was desperate and therefore motivated…but being in a situation like mine can be a very bad thing too. So really, whatever money you’re going to spend is NOTHING compared to the years of trial and error. Do whatever you have to do to motivate yourself. Most people in this world live average lives because they have average motivation and average habits.
CASE STUDY: Michelle Becon
MARKETPLACE: Subject -To & Lease/Option
“Mom Rakes In Over
$25,000.00/month In Deals”
MICHELLE’S PERSONAL LIFE BEFORE: After developing a tear in my SI joint I was in constant pain. I was not really able to perform at the job and I was constantly medicated. All the relief the doctor could prescribe was a Cortisone shot. With that I was usually out of work for a week to let it run its course.
Then when I got home I had to run my son to and from baseball, pickup around the house, prepare dinner, check my leads and attend to my business. I was wearing every possible hat there was.
MICHELLE’S PERSONAL LIFE AFTER: I found the right tools in Kelly’s marketing materials. After applying only 2 or 3 techniques I was able to quit my J.O.B. and find the time to get a procedure performed that corrected my SI for good.
Now I have the time to devote to my family, my business, and myself. I’m taking the kids on a 2 week trip to the Atlantis resort-and there’s no telling what other opportunities will come my way.
MICHELLE’S BUSINES BEFORE: I started investing in real estate as a hobby in 2004. I hoped to buy and sell maybe 2 houses a year. Then the market crashed as I had houses that I couldn’t move. I was shelling out over $2,500.00 for houses that I wasn’t even living in. I was days close to letting my dream go.
MICHELLE’S BUSINESS AFTER: It was almost divine the way things worked out. I was actually out putting up my own signs one night when a cop stopped me. I was surprised and scared so I just came clean about what I was doing. To my surprise the officer was a real estate investor himself. He mentioned Kelly’s course to me simply because, “A lady shouldn’t be out at this time of the night doing this.”
I went home and looked up Kelly to see what he was about. I had been burnt by many other guys selling stuff so I wasn’t going to give my money up that easily. In the end I decided to go for it and the rest is history. Kelly’s course is the real deal.
THE BOTTOM LINE: Kelly’ tools have been so instrumental for me, because I had been willing to work with them. After all, I haven’t even begun to use 30% of what I’ve learned yet. Plus, if someone like myself with no marketing skills and a totally insane schedule can do it hey…the sky’s the limit.
Sign Up Now!
I know this stuff rocks so I’m going to give you a preview of
this material. I included a few clips to give you a better
idea if this is right for you.
Just provide your name and the email address
you check most often to get the “Peep Show”.
This is the same juicy information others would
easily charge you for but it’s yours FREE
Enter Your First name:
Your Primary Email:
We Respect Your Privacy
Order Now To Get The Entire Package Shipped Immediately
Okay, I bet by now you’re thinking?
“The Price Tag For All This
Is Going To Be Huge Right?”
Look, this ain’t going to be cheap nor should it be. This is a very specific and detailed subject no one else is covering. This isn’t some newbie, first timer material full of basic, run-of-the-mill information. This is graduate level education that commands an especially high price tag. You need to be thinking of a big number. This isn’t some rink-a-dink, all foam no beer course. This is a big money heavyweight seminar in a box.
In fact, I’d bet that none of the big name “gurus” out there even have a course like this. This isn’t some rehashed, squished together marketing course. This is all original content from a man who’s in the field everyday making money.
Now that I think about it, next time you spend your hard earned money on your education, ask yourself this…does the person make the bulk of his income doing what he preaches or just “pitching information”.
Personally, I attended The University of Texas and studied accounting, finance, marketing, and numerous other business courses, but I learned the most about this business from getting in there and screwing it up.
In fact, it’s not just my experience but my expensive experience that you’re learning from. My hassles from the sign nazis, nosey neighbors, the competition, all that. I’ve been over those humps that most people quit at and arrived where I’m at today.
This is a decision for only you to make. Not your spouse, or friends, only you.
So How Much Should I Charge
To Spill The Beans On This?
Since I’ve had clients tell me they would pay well over $3000.00 to learn this at a seminar and some even more, I was going to initially charge that. But truthfully what I want is for you to actually succeed at this. I want you to be able to buy what you want, go where you want, when you want, with who you want. No more playing politics at the job and trying to live your life between Friday afternoon and Sunday evening.
I don’t want to put this out of reach for most people, however I’m not going to let it go cheaply either and have everyone copycatting my techniques, especially considering all the hard work and sweat that went into putting this together.
So to that end, I’m going to discount the course to $979.00. That’s over a $2000.00 discount from a live seminar price. Now if you’re the type of person who “gets it”, you’ll jump at the offer, but I realize some need to be convinced?
Still Need Convincing?
Let’s put it in perspective, there’s no doubt that you’re going to spend WAY more than $979 on your real estate business this year. It may be for a fax, copier, some software, or a new computer. In fact, this year I bought a new Mac that set me back $3000.00 bucks, and that’s before I even bought all the software applications.
To put it another way, your investment comes to a measly $2.68 per day. That’s less than one of those frou- frou chai tea lattes. Where else can you spend that $2.68 that can reward you so richly?
However, if $979 is a lot of money to you I’ll make it as easy as pie. I’ll split the payments into 4 easy installments of $262.50.
And for the digital version your investment is $674 if paid in full or 4 easy payments of $197.43.
You could be a brain dead, flesh eating zombie, and still walk away with hundreds time your investment.
I foresee you earning back your tuition in the very first month, even if you take just one of my pre-made designs and simply add your phone number to it. Thing is, it takes just one decent, not even spectacular sign to bring in a torrent of lathered up sellers and buyers.
And I’m still not done yet?
Take a look at these beginners who very quickly
became incredibly astute bandit sign marketers:
“…When I was first getting into this his name just kept on popping up. I found a bunch of his articles online and on some forums. Whenever someone had a question about bandit signs he always more than fully answered it. It seems like he really knows his stuff.”
“Then when I found his Bandit Sign Workshop, a couple years back, I thought this is the first thing I’m going to get from him. So I spent…I think it was close to $1000.00 to get the massive course workshop sent to me. It was expensive. But I knew as soon as I got it I had made the right call and got all his tips, tricks and techniques.”
“From there I’ve just used the information that he gave me to pretty much explode my business…The five months after going through everything, I’ve been able to get about 13 solid leads a week compared to 1-2 before.”
-Aaron Barker, Dallas Texas
“…I started using Kelly’s system because I wasn’t getting enough leads using direct mail and post cards. I was bringing in about 5 calls a day through my call center but they were mostly duds or tire kickers. The thing is, people know bandit signs are the best way to generate leads but just don’t know how to get around the Sign Nazis or are just plain afraid.”
“…and when I received my course I flipped immediately to the section on how to deal with the Sign Nazis. I was so blown away and pissed at myself because I had been doing everything backwards. After resetting my business I’ve been able to close out deals this year totaling over $300,000.00”
-Vincent Whitehead, Toronto Canada
“Before getting serious about investing in real estate I went from earning over $125,000.00 at Sony to working at Pier 1. I had to move back in with my parents and quit paying bills just to get by. With the job market so sketchy, I had to find a way to be my own boss. After sinking my last bit of savings into a seminar I was ready to get going but finding motivated sellers was the problem.”
“…I heard about Kelly’s course at a real estate investor meeting and decided to work overtime to get it. Doing so has been the best decision I could’ve made.”
“Kelly may not want me to tell you all his secrets in his course, but what got me back in the black was his section about targeting your bandit signs to businesses that are in trouble in your area. That way you’re speaking directly to those employees. Oh yeah, I’m out my parents house and into my own, no more debt, and financially free.”
-Paul Carter, Philadelphia, PA
Special Bonus If You Act Now!
Even though this material is no doubt the best there is, I’d thought I’d spice things up a bit with a couple of bonuses.
Ultimate At Home Bandit Signs Made Easy
Home Seminar in Box Bonus #1
You get 3 Bandit Sign Critique Certificates to have me personally make over and redesign your signs. I normally charge upwards of a $200.00 per hour to consult but you get me on your beck and call. The only problem may be how to process all the new leads you’re going to get.
Ultimate At Home Bandit Signs Made Easy
Home Seminar in Box Bonus #2
You get 6 months of personal marketing coaching from me. Imagine me in your ear guiding you, correcting course and implementing new campaigns. You know why most real estate investor’s fall out of the business after only a few months, because they can’t get their marketing machine running good. With me coaching you along the way, I’ll make sure that you stay on top.
Ultimate At Home Bandit Signs Made Easy
Home Seminar in Box Bonus #3
You get the “No B.S. Bandit Signs Made Easy Newsletter”. It’s chock full of current bandit sign marketing content and articles that are gathered from around the country. This is the tool and resource that will keep you ahead of the curve. While others are using old material, you’ll be kept in the loop with the most money making, up to date information. You’ll be privy to what other Bandit Sign Marketers are using around the country and what does and doesn’t work.
Finally we get to…
Is There A Guarantee?
You know there is! In fact, since I know this material is head and shoulders above anything you’ve ever been exposed to, I’m going to make 3 iron-clad, Industrial Strength guarantees.
Here we go!! The first guarantee is a 30 Day, no questions asked, no letter from your mommy, no hassle, money back guarantee. Get the system, tear into it, and if you don’t think it will return at least $50,000.00 to you in the first month then return it, no fuss.
Second, as if the first guarantee didn’t bowl you over, you get a 180 day test drive. You get to sort through all the material, implement a few signs, cash a few checks, and even if through all that you don’t believe I delivered at least 110% of what I promised, you can still return it. This guarantee is pretty straight forward. Discover how the System can change your business, save you time and hassle, and if it doesn’t deliver exactly as what you expected I’LL BUY IT BACK!
Third, and this one is sicker than! I’m so sure that with my course you won’t get hassled by the Sign Nazis or have to pay a fine that if you do, I’ll PAY FOR THE TICKET. That’s right…nutty ain’t it? I’m not joking either. This is just like flying down the highway pass a state trooper and not having to worry about getting stopped. If the sign Nazis manage to break my system then I’ll pay for your ticket or citation. You can’t lose! Ask yourself this question: Would I make such a guarantee and sign my name to it if I didn’t think the System would far exceed your expectations? There is absolutely NO RISK AT ALL to you. You can’t lose. All you can do is miss out IF you wait to invest in this course.
Frankly, there’s a real chance that you’ll miss out on this material. I’m limiting the initial run to only 500 orders. I’m not telling you this as some slick marketing “gimmick”, but the real bona fide truth. I’m predicting that the first 500 hundred will be taken up with pre-order sales. And there’s a price increase coming on June 25th. After that the price will increase by at least $200.00 maybe more. To lock yourself into the special introductory price you must order now.
Non Disclosure Agreement
Important Qualification:
You will be privy to specific business practices and trade secrets that you must agree to never sell, share or duplicate in any form or media. You may only share this information with actual business partners or associates.
You will be learning time sensitive, copyrighted and trademarked formulas. You may not under any circumstances resale or distribute this information. The information contained in these modules are the most advanced and arcane I’ve ever put together.
There’s no way I’m letting some unethical, scandalous person rip it off. That’s why you’ll be required to agree to a binding non-disclosure agreement before you can invest in this course. You’ll be getting access to insider’s information that others have never seen and I’ll be damned if it’s knocked off into some crappy e-book for $50 bucks.
Now if you’re ready to discover exactly what it takes to design 5 and 6 figure bandit signs and create money on demand anytime you feel like it ? you absolutely must have this material!
It’s up to you
Take care my friend,
Kelly Lynch
P.S. I decided to share this personal story with you?
When I started investing in real estate, I was the chief cook and bottle washer. I remember coming home from work at 11:00 P.M. tired as hell, and having to attach about 50 bandit signs to a wood stake. Then I would load my car full of signs and look for spots to place them at 3:00 A.M. When I finished I slept for a couple of hours then started my day again. I had to look out for snakes, cops, drunks, and skunks! Then I was fielding all the calls myself! If I knew only a fraction of a fraction of what I know now, I would be at least 10 times richer than I already am. Don’t waste time trying to re-invent the wheel like I did. Get a proven, time tested, done-for-you, system that will transform your business overnight.
Still Have Questions? Here are a
Few Common Questions Answered:
QUESTION #1 – Can I still succeed as a real estate investor with the way the market is now? Is it too late for me?
A: I thought the exact same thing when I first started as a real estate investor. I was trying to time the market. Truthfully, I was making excuses for not getting in there sooner. I didn’t know the first thing about market cycles or anything. The best analogy I can give is getting in the pool. Yeah, it’s cold at first but once you dunk your head under and come back up it’s no big deal.
In fact, it’s the best time now to get into real estate. You can buy houses literally for pennies on the dollar! Most home owners are desperate to get from under their homes. Plus, the market is flooded with foreclosures. Personally, I prefer to catch them before they hit the bottom in pre-foreclosure so I can take all the equity.
And, there’s a TON of quality information out there on how to become rich in the current market, not just from me either. In fact, I don’t even try to reinvent the wheel. I simply look for someone else that’s done all the hard work and just copycat what they did and reap the rewards. This ain’t the Olympics here. They don’t award or penalize you for degree of difficulty. When you cash out a deal, the bank doesn’t ask how much hassle you had to go through to get that check, just to endorse it and how you want it.
QUESTION #2 – Okay, so is this a good package for a newbie?
A: Yes and no.
If you’re new but don’t have a solid financial footing you can easily buy too many homes and have inventory turnover problems. It’s a problem for new investors sometimes. However, if you follow my system you can quickly sell for all cash or to a tenant/buyer in no time at all. Personally, I like to get all the information I need laid at my feet right away, verses getting it in pieces so it really depends on how fast you’re looking to get paid.
QUESTION #3 – What if I’m already an experienced & successful real estate investor – is there really anything new I’ll learn?
A: Before I reply, let me preface this by disclosing I spend at least $20,000.00 on my own education every year.
Why? Because I’m always looking for one “little” idea or the little hinge that swings “big doors”. In fact, I’ve found that the most successful people I know are always looking for that ‘slight edge’.
I’ll admit to you straight up…I don’t know it all. I used to “think” I did once before and it cost me a lot of money on a deal. You may have heard of “The Red Queen’s Hypothesis” or “Red Queen Effect”. The term is taken from the Red Queen’s race in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass. The Red Queen said, “It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.” The Red Queen Principle can be stated:
“For an evolutionary system, continuing development is needed just in order to maintain its fitness relative to the systems it is co-evolving with.”
What does this have to do with real estate marketing? Simple, you have to constantly be in peoples face to let people know you’re out there and can solve their problems. The second you ease off advertising your services or properties in a territory someone else is gunning for your position. You see it in the animal kingdom all the time. The alpha male lion is ALWAYS protecting his turf…that’s all he does! That means reading, learning, buying houses, selling houses, everything! You simply CAN’T afford to take it easy.
QUESTION #4 – This sounds like a lot of material — would I get overwhelmed?
A. Yes, there’s a lot of material. However, you won’t get overwhelmed as long as you eat it the same way an ant does an elephant…one bite at a time. Plus guys, I like to make things simple. I don’t try to use big words and talk all corporate. I keep things simple and easy. If anything, you’ll get overwhelmed with the amount of deals you’ll have to put together and trying to coordinate all the closings.
QUESTION #5 – Can’t I just learn all this stuff on my own from my local real estate investor club or online forums?
A. Maybe. But how many stumbles and false starts will you have to go through? You can try to piece meal a solid real estate education that way, but you’ll have many false starts and incorrect and correct guesses. Like I said earlier, it’s better to find someone who’s walked the path you want and then eat off their plate.
Secondly, you never know if the guy on the forum or in your club is trying to help or cut you off at the knees. Truthfully, they may be trying to help you by offering some advice, but who knows if it’s the right advice for your situation. Are they making money with that advice? Are you getting the whole story? They may tell something that’s 90% right, except for, they leave out that small 10% part that’ll cost you really big later.
QUESTION #6 – This seems pretty expensive?
A. Compared to what? Oh, you mean expensive like going out marketing your business hit-or-miss and having to cover a mortgage payment…say…$1300.00 a month, not including insurance, power, utilities,etc…for about 4-6 months…while you wait to sell or put a tenant/buyer into a property. That comes up to a conservative and realistic $6000.00 at least.
Okay, seriously this isn’t the time for Wal-mart prices when I’m giving away my entire arsenal of bandit sign marketing techniques & secrets. But on the other hand, I’m not to rape anyone either. I’m going to make it extremely affordable with an easy payment plan that’s just a few hundred dollars to get started. Try getting an education for a few hundred dollars from anyone else and they’ll laugh in your face.
I don’t know of any other business on this planet that allows you to wake-up in the morning and say, “Hmmm… I think I’d like to have a new car. Let’s see… that car I was looking at costs around $75,545.00 – a sporty AWD import. I’ll put out about 50 signs or so — and if all goes well, by the end of next week I’ll be able to get that new coupe!”