Product Description
Kevin Nations – Prospect Seduction Blueprint 2.0
“Prospect Seduction Blueprint:
How To Have Prospects Literally Crave Your Products!”
Your value is not equal to your contribution. So many people are making
big contributions.
Your value = Contribution x Value Communication System x Your Value Commitment to Yourself
3 models (paradigms) to define value and sell
1) DEMONSTRATOR – “Try before you buy” model. Most people feel they need to
demonstrate their value. They offer free or cheap services. The internal value of these people is to impress at a low value. This system to work correctly requires a ton of infrastructure. It does not work well to launch a new business. You become known as the “lower price” (cheap) leader
If people have already said “no” to a low ticket offer, they are very unlikely to say “yes” to a higher ticket offer. The lower price offerKevin Nations anesthetizes people to your offers. More “no’s” lead to more “no’s.” Many people (clients) get premature closure (done with you and your services) with this model. // You can come into this
market without have a sampler platter.
2) THE CONNECTOR is the second model (paradigm). The heart cry of these people is “Like me. You can trust me.” This paradigm has a very long sales cycle. People have been incorrectly taught that “people buy from people they know, like, and trust.” The truth is people buy from people they know, like, trust and buy from. The reason people fall into this trap is that they confuse being admired with being desired. When someone admires someone, typically they step back (not forward) to evaluate it. People often don’t buy from their good friends. The problem is these people don’t position their value proposition properly.
3) PROSPECT SEDUCTION BLUEPRINT: People desire you. They want what you have to
offer right now. Want to have a committed but not attached mindset. Lisa talks about this. Imagine you go in to talk to a heart surgeon about major surgery. He doesn’t show you pictures of his kids. He doesn’t offer a trial (small) surgery. He doesn’t lay out his credentials. All he does is diagnose the pain or the problem and makes an offer
This is the paradigm of operating as a specialist – a) Diagnosis, b) Offer, c) Decision. Release the need for admiration, the need to be liked. This is one thing . You become the catalyst for change in your industry. A CONNECTOR must let go of his desire to show off all he can do. You must abolish your need to show off. This is costing you at least tens of thousands of dollars each week.
You’ll learn PRECISELY how to…
1. Craft your Compelling Offer that Attracts Prospects like HUGE Magnets! And how to
IMMEDIATELY Position Yourself as an EXPERT commanding the Highest Fees!
2. Leverage your Service so you can Raise your Fees AND Reduce your Time spent on Service Delivery.
3. Build a Prospect Seduction Roadmap for a ONE on NE Conversation that converts in aKevin Nations SINGLE CALL or MEETING using my Proprietary ‘Industry Standard’ RAPID(tm) Selling System
4. Apply that Prospect Seduction Roadmap as a POWERFUL Frame for ANY conversation – In Person, Sales Letter, Stage Presentation, Teleseminar Format.
5. Create a Leveraged BUSINESS MODEL to use the success in ONE arena or stage to
maximize your success across all other platforms!
• Half of this course is about closing sales and half is about prospect seduction