Product Description
Kevin Thompson – JV Jedi Training
What You Get:
“I’ll Transform YOU Into A JV Jedi, With The Power To Attract An Abundance Of A-List Entrepreneurs Who Will Gladly Endorse And Promote You… So You Can Expand Your Marketing Message, Grow Your Business In A Powerful Way, And Tap Into An Extremely Profitable Long-Term Revenue Stream!”
“Here’s A Quick Overview Of What
I’ll Be Showing You In The JV Jedi Training”
– How to immediately begin attracting an abundance of A-List joint venture partners and connectors into your life… using a unique process that’s so powerful that you’ll start seeing results within hours (we’ll be covering this during our very first session).
– How to use the 5-Question JV Partner Interview Process with your partners and connectors so you can effectively communicate the value you bring to the table… and do it in a HUGE way… so they’ll be clamoring to do a joint venture project with you.
– How to give your partners and connectors self-serving reasons that compel them to work on your behalf, tell others about you and make key A-List introductions that will be worth millions and millions of dollars to you.
– The single phrase conversation-opener that will immediately have your partner or connector hanging on every word you say from that point forward.
– The secret to easily getting your partners and connectors focused on their bigger future… which includes YOU as an integral part of it… so they immediately recognize the value of having a long term mutually beneficial and profitable relationship with you.
– How to get a collaborative joint venture project on the books and scheduled… so you can go from start to finish… from concept to money in the bank… in 30 days or less.
– How to take the relationship you have with your collaborative partners to the ultimate level… so it continues to produce ongoing, predictable and reliable income for you… far into the future.
– The one simple thing you can do after every project that will make a HUGE impact on your partners and connectors and have them raving about you to everyone they know.
– The “JV Getter Email” that instantly turns a single collaborative joint venture project into another… and another… and another… giving you a steady and consistent flow of ongoing income.
– How to structure an extremely attractive compensation package for your partners and connectors… that will have them introducing you to a flood of A-List people who will also want to partner with you.
– How to set up your own personal economic system that continually builds on itself, so you’re continually attracting the very best A-List joint venture partners and connectors on an ongoing basis over the rest of your lifetime.
So… that’s the overview of The JV Jedi Training.
In addition, you’ll also receive “The JV Jedi Manual” because it includes all the templates, resources, emails, documents, forms, processes and strategies so you can see concrete physical examples of everything we’ll cover during the training.
At this point, It should be pretty obvious that I’m more than qualified to show you how to attract an abundance of A-List Entrepreneurs who will gladly endorse and promote you… so you can expand your marketing message, grow your business in a powerful way and tap into an extremely profitable long-term revenue stream.