Product Description
MBE – Tom McKaskill – Exit Strategies [4 DVDS (5 MPGs, 66 MP3s, 3 PDFs)]
Understanding how to ready a business for sale and engage potential buyers is an area which is largely misunderstood in the Australian business landscape.
The MBE Exit Strategies Program provides an opportunity to assess how sale ready your business is and what you can do to de-risk and build value, so you can reach the highest price possible.
Asses how sale ready your business is and develop the steps you need to take to ‘de-risk’ the business
Identifying your ‘strategic value’ – hidden value in your business
Understand where to find and how to approach several potential buyers to create ‘competitive tension’
Learn how to structure the deal in a way which is favorable for all parties
Identify the key risks in selling a business and what you can do to minimize the risks
Secure key management staff with great incentives that make the company more valuable
Prepare your business for sale in way that achieves the highest possible price