Product Description
Natalie Hill – Tap Into Money World Summit [13 MP4s, 2 MP3s, 1 PDF]
Is your inspiration overflowing, but your income a trickle?
Do you KNOW your vision and your work have the potential to change lives, but you’re not sure how to turn that vision into a lucrative career?
Do you suspect that there’s some hidden unconscious programming stopping you from charging more money, accumulating wealth and having the money to give more generously?
In this Tap Into Money World Summit, you’ll be inspired, taught and transformed by 13 luminaries in the field of money and business.
What makes this summit different?
– The interviews are LIVE, on Google Hangouts
– Each expert will take you through a transformational exercise
– You’ll be given a Business Action Step you can take in the next 24 hours to GROW YOUR BUSINESS
From the BUSINESS EXPERTS, you’ll learn:
Making More – It’s About Business
One of the BIGGEST mistakes coaches, change agents and healers make that keep them broke, stuck and spinning their wheels – and how to avoid it
How to give and receive in a balanced win-win way that blossoms your business
How to charge more and have your clients be HAPPIER!
Fill your practice and create sustainable financial and conscious wealth through creating a business you love
Take a QUANTUM LEAP in your physical energy, personal mission, relationships, and in your deepest sense of purpose in the world.
Keeping More – It’s About MONEY
From the MONEY EXPERTS you’ll learn:
Uncover your hidden blocks to financial abundance (and it’s not what you think)
Abolish your financial anxiety
The way you might be ALLERGIC to money, so you repel instead of attract it. How to heal and release that allergy
The way your entire wealth picture and the way you manifest money is run by a paradigm you received in childhood. You’ll receive a CONSCIOUS AWAKENING to a whole new wealth reality
Attract abundance into your life by using EFT and the Law of Attraction to clear limiting beliefs, release resistance and build prosperity consciousness
How to easily attract the money you deserve doing what you love
The business experts will take us on a business-building journey.
If you follow the steps taught by each expert, one at a time, you can get free expert advice that will either start a lucrative business or take a quantum leap forward in your existing business.
Giving More – It’s About Generosity
From our amazing Experts you’ll learn:
How opening to receiving has transformed their businesses and their lives
The magic that happens when we increase our own generosity
Margaret M. Lynch – The Shocking Truth About What’s Running Your Money
Carol Look – Money Sabotage to Money Success
Jenn August – Grow Your Business by Unleashing Your Natural Abilities to Connect
Rhys Thomas – How to Get What You Really Want, THIS YEAR!
Dawson Church – EFT on Wall Street
Pamela Bruner – The 7 Biggest Money Mistakes of Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs
Lori Leyden – Healing Ourselves, Healing Our Children, Healing Our World
Sandi Radomski – Are You Allergic to MONEY?
Kendra E. Thornbury – Awakening to the Surprising Healing Power of Money
Kate Beeders – Get Ready to Start Making a Lot More Money Fast
Morgana Rae – Make Money Fall In Love With You
Natalie Hill – The 7 Lies You Tell Yourself About Making Money
Sage Lavine – Collaborative Feminine Business Strategies