Product Description
Peter Parks & Andrew Fox – DNA Wealth Blueprint
Now we need to make sure your a good match for enrolment into the DNA Wealth Blueprint program
Think of admission to DNA Wealth Blueprint membership as the ‘Bel Air prestige club’ of Internet Marketing.
It’s not a community where you’ll find people whining, hanging round chat rooms and forums all day making small talk.
DNA Wealth Membership is all about action, results and adding big fat digits to your bank account
We are here to serve you, the action takers who want the opportunity to hit the ‘”next level”
“If Your Product Launches Are Not Hitting At Least $100,000 in Gross Revenues Then This is Definitely For you”
This is where you need to be ‘open and honest’ with yourself.
If your struggling to hit these kinds of numbers you are doing something wrong..
You need to put your hand up and admit it – otherwise you are going to continuously struggle to reach that next level that is within your grasp
- It could be the positioning of your product..
- It could be the type of product you are selling…
- It could be your sales copy is confusing,wrong use of colours, (even though you think it’s great)
- It could be your sales funnel
- You could be motivating affiliates the wrong way
- You could be using scarcity the wrong way (and putting prospects off your product)
I’ve sold everything from $7 lead generation offers, $97 ebooks, $1997 Affiliate Training courses, $997 Multi Media Info products, $17-37 WordPress Plugins, Licnesed my own products from $297 – $997 , purchased resale licenses for as little as $197 and made over $25,000 back (Did this with one of Ryan Diess Adsense products).
You need to admit when you need help – otherwise prepare for 2014 to be exactly the same as 2013
Is that what you really want?
Or do you want to start rolling like this…
“If Your Looking to Generate an Extra or Full Time Income From FaceBook To Affiliate & CPA Offers… What Better Person to Learn From Than Peter Who Does Revenues in Excess of $100,000.00 Per Day?”
Peter is one of the most sought after underground and leading experts on Facebook and paid traffic.
While there are other courses out there, who else do you know who has managed to scale their Facebook business to over $100,000.00 per day
Your going to learn Facebook in a way NEVER seen before.
Picking International CPA Offers, where to find them, what way to set up your ads, how to promote super competitive niche niches and WIN, how to split test, what tracking software to use, what ROI you should be getting before you scale, everything. The ‘A – Z” of FB marketing and offer selection
“Peter And My Promise To You –
We Treat Our Customers Like Gold
– We Stand By You”
When you enrol in DNA Wealth Blueprint you are dealing DIRECTLY with Peter and myself.
We NEVER pass on your details to some call center to try and upsell you into something else.
Our integrity and reputation is the lifeblood of our business.
Your are not a ‘number’ to us, you are not a ‘prospect’. You are someone who has invested in ourselves and our premium services.
We respect that and in return will do our utmost to give you maximum value
24 Years of Experience for you to lean on.
Why Peter and I are Slashing Our $25,000.00 Minimum Consulting Fee to Work With You Today
First – here’s rock solid PROOF we do get $25k for personal consulting from our clients
(Unlike when you hear the number ‘$25k” just plucked out of the sky -Note: the amounts are $28,500.00 which was the Canadian Conversion rate)
The truth is Internet Marketing is in a bit of ‘disarray’ at the moment.
And while we are not going to publicly call anyone out, it’s time we shook things up a little.
From our communications within the marketplace we can see people are paying WAY over the odds for ‘average coaching’ and are not getting the best information
People need educated and shown the REAL way to run product launches, affiliate and Facebook Marketing.
With over 10-20 Facebook courses being released monthly it’s easy to see why the market place has become ‘confusing’.