Product Description
Robert Stanley – Internet Street Fighter [20 Videos (FLV) + 1 Audio (MP3) + 12 Documents (PDF/DOC/XLS) + 4 WP Themes]
The Internet Street Fighter program is focused on teaching internet marketers how to utilize and sell their skills offline, selling to local businesses. The program covers subjects like finding customers, keeping customers and general business operations. Internet Street Fighter is all about taking your online marketing skills to small businesses and making money.
Local Themes
— Four custom WordPress themes. These themes are specifically geared toward chiropractors, dentists, servicemen and plumbers.
Module 1
— This module covers building your own consulting website and includes a nifty mindmap. This module shows you how to get started on prepares you to find your first client.
Module 2
— This module includes a sales mindmap and shows you how to find your first client. This module contains real examples as well as a recorded call with a prospect.
Module 3
— This module explains how to research clients and their rivals. Robert Stanley then shows you how to use this information to deliver a report to the client. Report template and examples are included.
Module 4
— This module covers how to obtain and keep clients. This module includes a marketing proposal template.
Module 5
— This module includes videos on SEO and local PPC. It also includes information about client negotiations.
— The SEM folder contains general search engine marketing material such as keyword research and SEO. There is also a folder on using Mechanical TURK as a tool for reputation management.
The bonus folder contains additional local WordPress themes, business brochure templates and a local lead generation system.
Site Leasing Agreement (DOC)
— This template was created by an online business lawyer and can be edited for your own use.
Offline vs. Affiliate Income (PDF)
— A quick report that discusses offline marketing vs. affiliate marketing. It’s a good overview, but doesn’t go into many specifics. It was also released as marketing material for his “re-launch” of Internet Street Fighter.
WordPress SEO in 20 Minutes (MP4)
— Video showing your how to optimize wordpress quickly for SEO.