Product Description
Robert V Nava – FaceBoom Ads Academy
FaceBOOM Ads Academy Contains the A-Z training that you’ll NEED to truly succeed with Facebook Ads for Ecommerce. From the basics of introducing you to the patform, to the more advanced stuff like evergreen campaigns, we’ve got it all.
How To Build Your Marketing Profile, WITHOUT Breaking Your Budget.
You don’t have to invest huge, thousand-dollar sums into plans that might not work. We’re giving away every secret we have on creating effective social media campaigns, from the very basics on creating effective ads to the industry secrets on driving traffic that pays for itself.
If you’ve never sold with targeted ad copy before, don’t worry about it. We’ll get you up to speed so you always know what we’re talking about, guaranteed.
How To Establish A Brand And Build Your Own Audience
It’s the marketer’s dream come true – well, sort-of. We’ll show you how to create a brand beyond just the products you’re selling, and build an audience for your products so every click is warm traffic.
A Constant Stream Of Case Studies
We’re not just about showing you what we’ve done that works, we’re dedicated to showing you why. These vetted case studies will provide up-to-date information on everything that’s working in the industry right now – and everything that isn’t.
Cutting-Edge Campaign Scaling Techniques
Think selling to an audience of 1,000 is the same as an audience of 1,000,000? We’ll show you how to go beyond building a product, and how to move into building an empire.
Creating Long-Term Ads That Keep Paying
Creating viral, new content is important, but so is building content that you can fall back on – ad copy that can last you for months before needing a revisit. This program gives you the tools to create long-lasting tools to keep your store running indefinitely.
PLUS, You’ll Get To See The Inner Workings Of My Own Stores!
If you’ve ever taken advice before this, you know that the how is just as important as the what. Finding tools can be difficult, but not impossible – but finding successful examples of how they’ve been used (the most important part of the process!) can be a daunting task.
You have to either beg existing businesses to let you see them behind the scenes, or you’re stuck with trial-by-fire applications for yourself – just keep throwing things at a wall and seeing what sticks. With this adacemy, though, you don’t need to worry about the results, because I’ll share mine with you. These techniques aren’t just cheap tricks to get into your wallet – I use them, they work, and I want to show you how they can work for you, too.
When you join FaceBOOM Ads Academy today, you’re getting an exclusive look at the inner workings of my own business – from the products to the ad copy to the development process. This includes my own hands-on approach to the techniques I’m going to be teaching!
We Start At The Top – You Get An Insider Look At How To Make Sense Of, And Create Social Media Campaigns
We’re not gonna sugarcoat it – social media advertising can be a complex, terrifyingly daunting task. If you’ve never done it before, or you’ve never managed multiple successful campaigns across half a dozen platforms – we’ve got you covered. The first module of this course talks in-depth about making sense of Facebook ads and social media marketing. From the terminology to the planning process, we’ll take you through from start to finish and make sure you’re perfectly equipped to undertake any marketing task.
See My Personal Tips And Tricks For Writing Ad Copy That Doesn’t Just Drive More Traffic, It Gets You More Sales – Guaranteed.
What goes into good ad copy? Before this course, you might’ve thought to yourself, “I can write ads myself – it’ll be just as good as some commissioned copywriter!” And you’re not wrong – anyone can write good advertisements, if they’re trained. But without that training, you’re just lost in the dark – throwing your ads out into the eyes of your customers, just trying to see what works. That’s a process that will cost you a lot of time, and a lot of money.
Skip the uncertainty. The second module of my course shares my secrets to creating successful ad copy – not just taking shots in the dark. From the hook to the value proposition to the call to action, my course will show you everything you need to know about building advertisement campaigns that work so well, they’ll practically market themselves.