Product Description
Ross Jeffries – Magick Remote Influence Seminar – Los Angeles March 2012
Attention Speed Seducers, NLP’ers, Wiccans, Pagans, Self-Improvers, Warriors, And Those Who Just Want A Hell Of A Lot More In Life…
Amazing Seminar In Los Angeles, March 31 And
April 1 Reveals: Secrets Of Consciousness
Cultivation Magick, “Non-linear” Manifestation
And “Non-Local” Influence
How To Create And Use Your Own Rituals,
Symbols and Personal Language of Desire To
Undo Your Limited Sense Of “Self”, Radically
Re-Design Your Life, And Non-Verbally/
Non-Locally Influence People And Events!
Pre-Influence Events And Circumstances In Your Favor
Create A Glamour Of Irresistible Attractiveness
Master The Seven Basic Skills For Profoundly Powerful Mental Influence
Engineer Coincidence
Undo And Unblock Your Limited Sense of Identity And, Daily Design Who You Want To Be
Here’s Exactly What I Mean By Magick
Magick, as defined by Aleister Crowley (one of the fathers of the modern practice) has nothing to do with rubbing lamps and getting wishes granted by genies. Magick means,
“Change according to the will.”
It is the structured use of personal ritual, symbology, movement, and breath to:
Uncover and bring to light deeply hidden patterns that are profoundly embedded in the personality
Deconstruct them so they no longer bind you, distorting your perception and driving your behavior
Design in the qualities of personality and ability that you would like to have to bring you to where you want to be in your life.
Become Truly Free
In other words, “magick” by this definition is a psycho-technology. A way of unbinding and “de-robotizing” oneself so one can become truly free to use the full creative potential of mind on all levels: Conscious, Unconscious, and “Super-conscious”.
What Is “Non-Local” Influence?
You can look at humans as functioning on two levels:
A simple, materialistic, “cause and effect” level. In this model, humans are just bags of chemicals, everything is matter, all information comes in through the 5 senses, and everything works in a straight line, with linear progress
A “non-materialistic/non cause and effect” level. In this model, humans are more accurately described as patterns of information, we are all connected “non-locally”, no matter how physically separated we may appear to be by distance, information and order can be duplicated without having to travel across any distance, and chaos and non-linear shifts and jumps are what make the world really work.
Here’s The Really Important Part, And What You’ll Learn
When You Enroll In This Seminar
The smart view (and the real skill) is to be able to walk back and forth between these two, according to what the situation calls for.
That’s what I’ll be teaching in this event and what you’ll learn to master.
Let Me Tell You Just Some Of The Secrets You Will Learn
From Me, That You Won’t Find Anywhere Else!!
How To Cultivate The Three Types Of Consciousness – Witness, Will and Creative- To Create Change In Yourself And Your World.
How To Pre-Influence Events And Circumstances In Your Favor – Why wait for that business meeting to start or for the evening of “meeting people” to begin, before you start getting results? Learn to reach out and “pre-influence” events energetically so they roll around in your favor as you wish them to! Get the leg up on the competition before THEY even step out the door!
How To Step Into The Most Important people In Your Life And Know Their True Thoughts And Intentions – (What would that be worth finding out BEFORE you enter a potentially disastrous business deal, negotiation, relationship or even marriage?)
How To Shift The Thoughts Of Others Without Saying A Word And Without Even Having To Be In Their Presence – This can be used to shift general emotional attitudes of others towards you and pre-dispose them to be more co-operative, friendly, seducible OR it can be used for more specific thought “guiding”, as in seduction, business deals, promotions, hiring and similar areas of endeavor!
Secrets Of Command Presence! How To Radiate Authority, Power And Silently Give The Message You Are A Person To Be Given Priority And Respect!!!
How To Program Others To Dream What You Wish – Here it is, my fabulous “Dream VCR”. Learn to influence others erotically AND OTHERWISE when they are dreaming and asleep! Married, single or somewhere in between, THINK OF THE POTENTIAL! This is the “stealth” technique that you can use to have people thinking the thoughts about you that you want and ENJOYING taking the actions you want them to take!
Two Different Methods For Remotely Influencing Those In The Same Room Or Building As You (These methods are ideal for “line of sight” influencing of others, whereas the other methods I will teach you don’t even require you to be in the same city!)
Notes courtesy of JohnFleabass
“The Future exists first in the imagination, then in the will, then in reality…”
Ritual Magick and Psychic Influence
These are my personal notes on the Magick and Psychic Influence Seminar by Ross
Jeffries. I have also incorporated supplementary material where appropriate.
Page Subject
2 Influences and Sources
3 Points to Ponder
3 Basic Structure of a Ritual
4 Introduction: Magick and the Ritual frame by Phil Farber
6 Introduction: Chaos Magick Explained
8 Important Abilities in order to perform rituals
9 Neuro-Linguistic Curses
10 Feeling At Cause instead of At Effect
10 Imagination
10 Intent
11 Will
11 Identity and Belief
11 Resources and Representations
12 Breathing Techniques
12 The Circle
12 Banishing
13 Closing the Ritual
14 The Clearing Ritual
15 Doubt Equals Failure, Expectation Equals Doubt
16 Sigils
17 Recommended Reading
18 The Magickal Sargy Self Ritual
22 Ideal Mate Ritual
23 Psychic Influence
23 Important Abilities in order to perform Psychic Influence
23 The Step-Into Exercise
24 The TV Screen Exercise
24 Glamour Spell
25 A Process from Ross
26 Etheric Yank
28 Dream VCR
30 The Soulmates Pattern
Influences and Sources
· Neuro-Linguistic Programming
o A study of the structure of the internal human experience. Based on the
hypnosis of Milton Erickson, the therapeutic work of Virginia Satir, and
the work of Fritz Perls, originator of Gestalt therapy. NLP was invented
by Richard Bandler and John Grinder.
o Ross Jeffries laid further NLP groundwork with the invention of Speed
o Some of the Psychic Influence material is derived from the NLP work of
Tom Vizzini and Kim McFarland of Essential Skills.
· Silva Mind Control
o Hypnosis, meditation, alpha state, visualization, ESP.
· Huna Magic (A Polynesian system of magick)
o Choose beliefs and identities based on effectiveness…. create your own
personal reality…Energy flows where attention goes.
· Yoga
o An eastern discipline of breathing and meditation that incorporates
physical movement and the physiology.
· Ritual Magick as described in FutureRitual by Phil Farber
o Heavily influenced by NLP, Thelemic and Chaos magick, and the research
of Aleister Crowley.
· Chaos Magick
o System of magick originated by Austin Osman Spare. Heavily
incorporates symbology. Primary assumption is that belief is a tool for
achieving effects; it is not an end in itself.
· Jungian Psychology
o System of psychology focused on symbols, archetypes, and
communication with the unconscious mind through dream interpretation.
Points to Ponder
· This document is structured such that you will have to read it more than once
in order to fully grasp all of the concepts involved. Let it sink in.
· Think of everything in this document from an NLP perspective. Magick,
in this context, cannot change physical law. All you are doing is
programming your own brain and harnessing the resources available in your
own unconscious mind.
· The point of magick, in the context of this document, is to accomplish
your will by focusing and controlling your energy, imagination, state, and
intent. Therefore, in order to be effective, it is of the utmost importance to
learn how to focus your intent, use your imagination, change your state, and
direct your energy. Here is Ross’s definition: “Magick is change in
accordance with one’s will and imagination, utilizing the energy of
body, breath and mind.”
· Obtain and use a Magick Journal. Keep notes.
· Always spend some time studying / designing any ritual before performing it.
· The Clearing Ritual is a small, basic, 3-step ritual that is effective and uses
one breathing technique. You can perform it for a few days to get started,
while you are studying to perform the bigger ritual.
· When you feel prepared to perform the “Magickal Sargy Self” ritual, start
doing it 3 times per week. Note all your thoughts / states / experiences in your
Magick Journal.
Basic structure of a ritual
Form a specific statement of intent.
Energize with Breathing
Banish, to clear a ritual space.
Perform the ritual itself.
Close the ritual.
Magick and the Ritual frame
By Philip H. Farber
What do you think of when you read the term “magick”? Witches performing
spells? Medieval ceremonialists in hooded robes? Stage illusionists pulling
bunnies out of hats? Special effects from fantasy films? Some force that you
believe or don’t believe in? Allow me to ask you to set those mythic ideas aside for
now. While this discussion may eventually wind its way back to the realm of the
remarkable, I’d like to start in a much more familiar place.
The broadest definition of magick was offered in the early 20th Century by the
occultist Aleister Crowley who suggested that magick was “the art and science of
causing change in conformity with will.” (Crowley was also responsible for
returning the “K” to the spelling of “magick,” to distinguish the mental and
spiritual discipline from stage illusion.) For the purposes of our immediate
discussion, I’d like to narrow that down a little further and say that magick is the
art and science of using ritual technology to cause change. In short, the work of
the magician is to do whatever is necessary to create an altered state that results in
change and a desired outcome. Sound familiar? From this point of view, the
boundary between hypnosis as we know it and magick as we might learn to accept
it is somewhat vague. The essential difference that I’ll offer here is the concept of a
“ritual frame.”
We encounter ritual frames every day. Ritualizing seems to be a fundamental
human behavior, something we use and experience in many aspects of our lives.
For instance, if you choose to have a romantic dinner with someone special, there’s
a particular ritual that you may use to enhance the situation, create an altered state,
and achieve the desired outcome of romance. No “love spell” is necessary to
perform this magick – the ritual is simply to ensure that every aspect of the
situation is aligned with the goal: the lights are dimmed, the candles lit, the
champagne chilled, the food perfect, the music soft and suggestive. If you get that
ritual right, then an altered state is produced – a comfortable sharing, perhaps – and
your desired outcome – romance – is achieved. This ritual can be repeated with
variations to achieve a romantic effect time after time.
Similarly, most of us have rituals that we use to prepare for a day of work.
Personally, I shower, meditate for a short while, eat a light breakfast, put on some
presentable clothes, and make sure my office is clean and ready. I repeat that ritual
each time I want to enter the state of mind necessary to engage in my work as a
hypnotherapist. And then there’s yet another ritual frame that is created when my
client walks through the door – the way I greet him or her, the pre-session talk, any
changes in the lighting or music, the invitation to sit in the trance chair, and so on.
Formal trance induction and NLP methods also often involve ritual frames that
provide a setting for the content of the session. We each develop the ritual frames
that work best for us.
Just as the Ericksonian definition of hypnosis suggests, “Trance permits the
operator to evoke in a controlled manner the same mental mechanisms that are
operative spontaneously in everyday life,” we may find that magick is subject to a
very similar definition. The mental mechanisms, however, may have a slightly
different emphasis, with magick being more concerned with our ability to create
ritual frames “in a controlled manner.”
The examples I’ve just given – romance and preparation for work – are common
and naturally- occurring uses of ritual. A glance at a medieval grimoire (magical
textbook or collection of rituals), however, will offer up rituals that are perhaps
not quite so easily understood. Ancient languages form chants and calls that are
embellished with symbolic gestures, actions, sounds, and images. One of the
explanations for the arcane qualities of these rituals is simply that these ritual
actions had more natural meaning in the context of the medieval world. While
some of the elements may seem bizarre to those of us living in the 21st Century,
they may have been more familiar to the clerics and alchemists of the Dark Ages.
There’s more, however. Most of the rituals found in old texts like “The Keys of
Solomon” or “The Sacred Magick of Abramelin the Mage” had very specific and
very intense purposes. The idea was to create altered states of singular depth and
Here’s another point of commonality with hypnosis. While some rituals definitely
had consciously directed purposes (not unlike the “romance” example above), the
forms that were described as “High Magick” were more interested in connecting
the conscious mind with that part of the unconscious variously referred to by
ritualists of yore as “the high self,” “the perfected self,” or “the Holy Guardian
Angel.” Like the “benevolent unconscious” found in some models of hypnosis, the
“perfected self” was understood as an intelligence above and beyond the normal
ego-consciousness with a much greater understanding of the unique purpose and
direction of the individual. Outcomes of ritual work would ultimately be generated
from contact with that level of the unconscious. Just as some of the outcomes of
hypnotherapy may seem miraculous to the uninitiated, the results of these
powerful rituals could definitely seem like… well, magick.
Anyway, the point of all this just now is to introduce some concepts and terms that
will come in handy as you further explore this site. In the meantime, think about
the use of ritual frames in your own life and work and perhaps you’ll find a
glimpse of magick.
Chaos Magick Explained
(Author Unknown)
[Note: I found this online, in a FAQ on Chaos Magick. It is provided here only to give
some context and history.]
Chaos magick is the fruit of Austin Osman Spare and Peter Carroll’s rebellion
against the traditional magickal systems, which they deemed needlessly
complicated, discriminatory and impotent.
Influenced by both Spare and Carroll’s scientific pursuits and interests, Chaos
Magick is a ‘non-system’ focusing on the mechanism of ‘belief’ as a means to
achieve a desired end. Belief in anything, -a force, a diety,- will be adopted for the
purpose of the magickal work at hand and then discarded after it has served its
purpose. To do this, magicians must become skilled in changing their beliefs at a
moment’s notice and ‘believing’ that “Nothing is True and Everything is Permitted”
as Ray Sherwin wrote in ‘The Theatre Of Magick’ “The (Chaos) Magician believes
nothing in the sense of having faith. He experiments practically to ascertain if
there is any value in the postulates he has either originated or borrowed from
elsewhere. It is a fact that we all must hold certain organic beliefs for the sake of
convenience. You all believe that the chairs you are sitting in are real — most of
the time. This is not however a mental process, but rather an instinctive or organic
one without which life would be impossible.”
The path of Chaos is not one for the weak or fearful. You must realize that you are
entirely on your own and free to do as you please, therefore you alone are
responsible for the outcome of your actions. You will not find ‘Karma’ or ‘The Law
of Three’ in Chaos Magick to comfortably set your limits for you. Chaos Magick is
not black, white or gray, it is simply neutral energy which you will shape into your
intention. Therefore, unless you have a solid code of ethics and know what you are
doing, Chaos Magick is not for you, indulge in foolishness and you will quickly be
on the way to self-annihilation.
In Chaos Magick it is up to you to use or create whatever methods of ritual or
magickal workings you desire, however there are three core practises that Chaotes
commonly use and they are: gnosis, god-form/servitor work, and sigilization.
Chaos magick relies on ‘gnosis’ an altered state of mind to achieve effects. It is a
state of single-mindedness that can be achieved through yoga, drumming,
chanting, dancing, sex and masturbation and through the use of certain drugs. You
will know that you are in a state of gnosis once your mind stops rationalizing
about your experience…it is the gateway into your subconscious.
Chaotes generally don’t worship a ‘god’, but as mentioned above they will
temporarily believe in any god-form required to make their magick work. Working
with god-forms in Chaos Magick involves the same or similar invocation or
evocation methods used in traditional systems. Unlike god-forms that already
exist, servitors are magickal beings, created by a magician to perform a certain
task. Servitors are created in a state of gnosis and stored in a material object such
as sigil, which then enables the magician to summon, communicate and affect it.
There are mainly two types of Servitors; “Egregores” which are large servitors
usually created by a group of magicians and remain in existence indefinitely, and
“Independent Thought-Forms” which are usually active for the duration of the
magickal working and then destroyed by the magician.
Sigil Magick was developed by Spare and involves the creation of an abstract
image of the magicians written will or intent and absorbing the sigil into the
subconscious in a state of gnosis. It then, should be forgotten and the material sigil
destroyed, for it is believed that once the sigil is in the subconscious mind it will
operate unaided.
Chaos magick is path of complete magickal freedom, make your choices carefully
and be responsible. Above all, if such freedom makes you uncomfortable and you
feel a compelling need to be governed by dogmas, then steer clear from the path of
Chaos or your sanity just might get swept away…
Important abilities in order to perform rituals
1) Ability to perform various breathing techniques. Ross: “Few people breathe in a
way that energizes what they are doing.”
2) Ability to form a clear and specific statement of intent.
a. “My intent for this working is to accomplish ‘X’.”
b. “My intent for this working is to ritually charge the Sigil ‘X’ with the
meaning ‘Y’.”
3) Ability to enter various meditative altered states. Rituals have been performed
with music, meditation, light and sound machines, mind-altering substances, etc.
Whenever those things are incorporated it is because of their ability to alter your
state. Experiment and keep a Magick Journal to record your results.
4) Ability to visualize vividly. If you think you have trouble visualizing a door, then
just pretend or imagine that you are visualizing a door. This principle will suffice.
Visualization does improve with practice.
5) Ability to create and hallucinate kinesthetic sensations in your own body.
Emotions and states are commonly perceived as moving through the body.
Remember the last time you experienced a certain state. Remember what you
saw, heard, felt, etc. Imagine those feelings circulating and moving through your
6) Ability to incorporate actual physical body movements (incorporate the
physiology) with your visualizations to make more powerful impressions on the
unconscious mind. Physically step into your circle. Physically pull a certain
resource into your body. Etc.
7) Ability to design and visualize sigils/symbols. A Sigil is a word or symbol that
you invent, and attach meaning to, using your energy, imagination, and
intent, while in an altered state. Read the previous sentence again, as it
provides a complete summation of the point of ritual magick (in the context of
this document.) More on Sigils later.
8) Ability to close the doors of intention…to put things out of the conscious mind
once the working is complete. You focus your intention to perform the ritual and
then you set it aside. Let some unconscious ‘cooking’ take place. When you
think too much about something consciously, you trigger conscious thought
processes. Remember, expectation equals doubt.
Neuro-Linguistic Curses
Many of the things we commonly associate with “Magick” are things that we normally do
anyway, and that actually have a real effect. For example, curses.
A curse is any construct that keeps a person in a limiting identity or life condition, and is
unbounded through time. (A construct is a pattern of thought that operates between
yourself and the world.) Some common curses are…
1) I can’t. (I never have before, therefore I never could in the future.)
2) It’s too good to be true. (The only true things are limit and pain.)
3) I never / I always. (Again, defining future limits based on past behavior, thus
limiting yourself to only what you have done before.)
4) It’s just not me. (Here is a person who defines his identity – and thus his future
results – based on whatever happened in the past. Because of this, he can never
change, and thus he can never get different results. So that is an example of a
construct in his mind, which is real, and which will indefinitely prevent him from
getting laid. Ross’s point is, “How is that any different from a witch pointing a
magic wand at him and cursing him to never get laid?”)
Deservingness is bullshit. Things are either familiar or unfamiliar. By definition, you
cannot get different results from the familiar. Thus the curse of the familiar. It’s not
your history on a subject that’s keeping you stuck. Rather, it’s when you do the things,
having the responses, generating the feelings, which created the history. [Fig 1.]
Figure 1.
and Energy
Page 10 of 30
Feeling At Cause
Feeling At Effect
When you feel at cause, your energy expands, whereas, when you feel at effect, your
energy contracts. Practice expanding your energy. Self-pity is the killer…you cannot do
magick and be in self-pity, because to feel self-pity is to feel at effect instead of at cause.
Energy Contraction / Expansion Exercise: Tuck in your pelvis
so that your sacrum is aligned straight up and down. Hold your
right thumb in your left hand at your one-point. Tighten with a
breath out. Stare at the space 10 feet away on the floor. Hold for
10 seconds. While tightening the sphincter, bend the knees
slightly. Now, release, breathe in, and expand out your arms.
If you’re comfortable doing something, it’s because it’s what you’re used to doing. And
if it’s what you’re used to doing, then maybe it’s not what you’ve chosen – it’s just what
you’re used to doing. That doesn’t mean it’s bad; maybe it’s good. Discomfort can also
be good, because it means you are doing something new. It means you are at cause. It
means you might be making choices intelligently instead of just doing what is
The Green Lantern (a comic-book superhero) had a ring that gave him the power to make
real the creations of his imagination and will.
NLP is more than mechanics. Intent is necessary for the mechanics to work, whether you
are visualizing a resource or setting an anchor.
A principle of manifestation is: If you can’t say it, you can’t have it.
Focused intent is what is missing from much of communication. As an example, Ross
demonstrates that even the effectiveness of Anchors is based on your intent when you fire
them. “When I move the pen away, I am also turning down my state, and his shifts as
well. The pen hasn’t necessarily become a magic wand…just a focus point.”
Anything in your physical environment can be a magical item if you make it the focus of
your state and intent.
Because your state and intent and focus of energy have such an effect on the results, you
have to watch your state – shifting your state will shift other people’s state as well. (This
shift = psychic influence. Again the terminology share between NLP and magick.)
Will is focused intent. (We’re not referring to “willpower,” which implies effort.
Willpower is bullshit. We’re referring to your actual will…that is, the things that you
actually make happen as opposed to the things you wish would happen.)
You cannot force someone to do anything against his or her will (at least, using
hypnosis.) But…most people have no will anyway. Rather, they usually just have a
bunch of wishes bumping around in their head.
Create a life condition where your will flows freely. Remember, you don’t get what
you want, rather you get what the energies you create and project can connect with.
“If you don’t have the ability to give up control, and then take it back, then you never had
control in the first place.” -Yates
Identity and Belief
Consider the concept of creating and choosing beliefs and identities based on, not
whether they are objectively true, but rather based on how useful they are. What if you
could try on different identities like trying on different clothes? Use identity as a tool.
Resources and Representations
A resource is something that you imagine, which has a certain meaning to you. You
represent this in your mind as an image, or a sound, a body sensation, a character, etc, or
a combination.
It might be thinking of music or a certain song. It might be an imaginary yellow light
with an imaginary warm glow in your body.
It might consist of a fictional character that, to you, represents a certain meaning, attitude,
or state of mind.
When you are searching for a certain resource in your mind, use whatever best represents
that meaning to you.
Breathing Techniques
Energize with breathing. Practice these for a minute or two each day, so that you
will not have to consciously concentrate on your breathing while performing a ritual.
There are two types of breathing to be aware of at this time:
a. The Breath of Fire: 10 extremely fast inhale/exhale pairs through the
nose. Then, to prevent hyperventilation, do one long, deep inhale and
b. Sanchin [Sahn-chin] breathing: Keep the tip of your tongue touching the
roof of your mouth. Breathe in through the nose for 2 seconds, out
through the mouth for 6 seconds. While inhaling, push your stomach out.
Do not move your chest. While exhaling, slowly pull your stomach in.
Also while exhaling, tighten your stomach muscles and visualize
compressing your energy into your one-point. (The one-point is located
approximately two inches under the navel.)
c. The Four-Fold Breath: Inhale for a count of four, hold for a count of
four, exhale for a count of four, and hold for a count of four. Repeat.
“Howlie” – A derogatory Hawaiian term for white man. It means, “one without breath”
or “man who does not know how to breathe properly.”
The Circle
The circle is the place where all realities are possible. It can be visualized. Or it can be
an actual circle drawn on the ground. Some people use a mat for this purpose
Know how to Banish, to clear a ritual space. Remember: The point of banishing is to
clear a space for working. This is to flush out all distractions, thoughts, feelings, and
energies that are unrelated to the working at hand. What you are doing is creating your
magickal circle where the ritual can be performed. This is a SPATIAL ANCHOR that
says, “In this space, only what I bring forward with my will, my intent, my energy, my
imagination, is allowed. Everything else is OUT.” Here are some methods for
1. Make loud noises, such as clapping your hands, chanting, banging pots,
whatever. Or play a loud 2 or 3 minute recording of tribal drums. (It should
be a recording that you use only for this purpose, so there are no other
associations to it in your mind.)
2. Burn some incense. Again, it should be a smell that is used ONLY for the
purposes of this ritual, so that it will not be weakened with other neural
associations in your mind.
3. Make a statement to yourself such as, “I now clear away and banish all
limiting influences and enter a place where anything can be made possible.”
4. Close your eyes, and look upwards about 30 degrees. (Toward the spot
between your eyebrows.) Looking up in this manner will induce the Alpha
5. Perform the Breath of Fire (2 or 3 times.)
Now that you have banished, you can physically step into your circle and perform the
ritual itself. Some people play “New Age” type music during this time, as an auditory
anchor for the ritual and state. Also, try lightly pressing the tip of your thumb to the tip
of your middle or ring finger. (Do this with each hand.) This is just a kinesthetic anchor
for the ritual and state. In both cases, the anchors are unique and should not be used
outside of the context of the ritual. Some magickians use certain robes only for rituals, or
a certain room set aside only for rituals. Again, these are anchors in the same way.
“One of the most magickal things you can do is, step into your circle, and spatially move
around your best qualities to where they will be most useful.” -Ross
Closing the Ritual
When the time comes to close the ritual, there are several ways to banish for closing:
A. Make a statement to yourself such as, “This ritual is successfully completed, I
close this working.”
B. Laugh like a complete idiot for 2 or 3 minutes straight.
C. Put on some music (such as club music) that puts you in a completely different,
bouncy mood and gets you feeling energetic for your evening.
D. If the desires/thoughts related to the ritual come back into your conscious mind,
suppress it. Do whatever to push it back out of your mind. Don’t consciously
dwell on it.
The Clearing Ritual
1) Squat down with your feet on the ground. Put your palms
flat on the ground. Your arms should be between your legs (so
your knees are just outside your elbows, pressing against them.)
Spread your fingers out as wide as they will go.
2) Perform the Breath of Fire 3 times. While performing the
Breath of Fire, do these visualizations:
· During the fast breathing, look between your palms
and imagine a representation of your failings and
weaknesses moving down through you and into the
ground. The representation can be a sloughing off of
old lizard skin, or dirty contaminants moving out in a
dusty whirl, or whatever works for you.
· During the long inhale and exhale, look up, and
imagine a representation of your desired attributes
and positive energy. This can be a golden warm light, a
swirl of powerful bubbles, or whatever else works for
3) Release any expectation of result or outcome. Feel the sense
of detachment and new possibility. Expectation equals doubt
equals failure.
Doubt Equals Failure, Expectation Equals Doubt
In NLP, doubt equals failure. The word ‘Try’ is even used in patterns
to presuppose failure. “Try not to feel that sensation as it…”
With a positive expectation, you place excessive value on something (or
someone) and spend a lot of time consciously thinking about it, instead
of letting it percolate in the unconscious. Usually with SS students
the object of this thought/desire is a woman, and placing excessive
value on her is the death knell for the seduction.
Similarly, a doubt is just a negative expectation instead of a positive
one. Again, with a doubt you are placing excessive value on something,
and spending a lot of time thinking about it, instead of letting it
percolate in the unconscious mind.
The point of the ritual and the sigils is to activate UNCONSCIOUS
thought processes and take advantage of the resources available in the
unconscious mind.
Yates gives a quick example (from everyday life) of using unconscious
thought processes:
“Ever been in a conversation and, perhaps you were talking about
someone, but you forgot his name. So you say, ‘Well it’ll come to me
in a few minutes’ and you forget about it. Then later, at dinner, you
blurt out ‘Jim Jones!’ So what happened there? Your conscious mind is
searching for something that is stored in unconscious memory…and
can’t find it. So you *let it go* and forget it, and _now_ the
unconscious mind can go and retrieve it for you.”
Cultivate an attitude of “Non-attachment, non-disinterest.”
Exercise: Two people face each other. Each puts one hand out and they put their palms
together. One person is the trainer, and he will move his hand around as freely as he
wishes. The other must keep his hand up against the trainer’s hand while at the same
time not pressing against it. In other words, his hand doesn’t come away from, nor does
it press against, the other person’s hand. This is while he follows along with the trainer’s
Figure 2.
A sigil is a word or image that expresses a change in your will.
A sigil is a word or symbol that you invent and attach meaning to, using your energy,
imagination, and intent.
An example of this in everyday life is brought up by one of the students…the Nike
commercials. Basically, every Nike commercial is a mini-ritual, and the resulting
identity/state/belief is then associated unconsciously with the Nike “swoosh” sigil.
The next time you see a Nike commercial, be aware of this angle and see how it
changes your perception of what is actually being done in the advertisement.
(Ironically, assuming it works, people actually could notice an increase in athletic
ability while wearing Nike shoes, because of the unconscious programming that has
been associated with them.)
The sigil in figure 1 is only an example. It was created by Ross to represent the ideal
female that he wanted to attract. He made a list of attributes: Adventurous, Athletic,
Sensual, Suggestible, and Open. He then used the first letter from each word to create
this sigil. Obviously in this example, this sigil would be used in a ritual intended for
programming your unconscious to attract a specific type of “ideal mate.” This “first
letter of each word” technique is the recommended one from “Basic Sigil Magic”, due
to the interaction it causes between conscious desire and unconscious processing.
It has been said that designing a sigil is the most important part of using one, because
it will have deep unconscious meaning and power within your mind. The important
thing with making new sigils is that you don’t choose a pre-existing symbol that has
any pre-existing thoughts, feelings, or meanings attached to it. We want a pure,
untouched symbol with no prior neural associations formed to it. The symbol should
be new and fresh, ready to be infused with power and meaning and depth.
Keep in mind: A Sigil doesn’t have to be a graphical symbol. It can be any kind of
symbol. It can be a word that you invent, and vibrate during a ritual. You might even
find more usefulness in creating a sigil that consists of a symbol and a word, which are
used together to represent the same meaning.
What’s the point of using a sigil? What is the usefulness of taking a symbolic
representation of the desire instead of the desire itself?
If you want something too much, and you’re constantly thinking of it, you will end up
pushing it away. You interrupt things just as they’re about to be given to you. You
interrupt a woman’s response to you. We use a sigil because it involves the participation
of the unconscious mind.
Figure 3. – Huna Model
Conscious Mind
Unconscious Mind
– Realm of infinite possibility
– Thoughtforms, energy, intent,
will, imagination.
Recommended Reading
Hermetic Magic by Flowers
Prime Chaos by Phil Hine
Liber Chaos by Peter Carroll
Secrets of Sex Magic by U.D. Frater
Mastering Your Hidden Self by Serge Kahiliking
Secret Science Behind Miracles by Max Freedom Long
Futureritual by Phil Farber
The Magickal Sargy Self Ritual
Preparation. Here are the preparations you must make in order to perform this ritual:
1) Form a statement of intent
The intent you should have for this ritual is to create and install an alternate selfidentity
that will be more useful for you. This is an example of using identity as a
tool. A statement of intent might be, “It is my intention with this working to create
and install a magickal sargy self-identity, which will enable me to take advantage of
the usefulness it will provide.” An even more specific statement of intent would
specify the exact attributes that the new ‘self’ is expected to have.
2) Design whatever Sigils will be needed
The main Sigil for this ritual should be a symbol and a word that, together, represent
The Magickal Sargy Self that you intend to create. This sigil represents the ultimate
goal and result of this ritual. You can vibrate or chant the word to yourself while
perform the ritual. You can imagine the symbol with certain colors or motion.
3) Be ready to Imagine the Resources / Representations that will be needed
Here are the representations that you will need…
E. Imagine a resource that represents to you that feeling that anything and
everything is possible. (The next time you shake someone’s hand, imagine that
actual feeling rushing like water and light down your arm, into their hand, and
into their brain and all throughout their body. In that example, the “water and
light” serves as a representation of the feeling.) That feeling that something
wonderful is going to happen…and anything can be made possible. It’s like
that feeling a kid has when he is imagining an upcoming trip to Disneyland. Or
when he’s wondering what the other kids will be like on the first day of school.
This is the “Something wonderful is going to happen, and anything can be
made possible” resource. In your imagination, create a resource that represents
this state to you. (It can be a color, a construct, a symbol, a fictional character
that fits the attitude, etc *whatever works for you*)
F. A resource to rapidly notice what other people are offering you, and to
rapidly make use of it. This resource will represent the ability to notice
subtleties in the state and communication of other people. It is a deep insight
into other people. It’s a swiftness, clarity of thought, and deep curiosity about
others. For this resource, Ross imagines the god Mercury. Mercury was the
messenger of the gods. Very small, with winged feet, and flew around swiftly.
This is the “notice what people offer and rapidly make use of it” resource.
G. A resource that ignites the passions and desires of other people, AND
commands their priority and respect.
H. A resource that represents playfulness and outrageousness. To enter this state,
close your eyes and vividly remember the last time you played a good practical
joke on someone. The cocky, daring trickster. This is Loki, the trickster god.
Ross uses Pepe LePew, Groucho Marx, The Naked Gun, etc to represent this
resource. This is the “Playful and outrageous” resource.
[Some people find it useful to perform a separate ritual to create each resource (A
through D) and then pull them all together to perform this ritual, which then charges
the sigil.]
Performing the ritual:
Feel free to experiment with this ritual. Keep a Magick Journal and record all your
experiments. Feel free to make changes to the design of this ritual so that it will suit you.
But first make sure you understand all the mechanics involved and that you are making
intelligent changes for a reason.
1) Banish to clear a circle for working. Do this preferably by using ALL of the
banishing techniques. These are:
a. Loud noises such as chants, banging items, or a recording of tribal
b. Light your ceremonial incense.
c. Say to yourself, “I now clear away and banish all limiting influences
and enter a place where anything can be made possible.”
d. Close your eyes and look upwards 30 degrees.
e. Perform the Breath of Fire 3 times.
2) Physically step into your circle. As you enter this place, notice that all of your
old limits, ways, and restrictions are gone. They don’t exist inside the circle.
3) Imagine the “Something wonderful is going to happen, and anything can
be made possible” resource. Visualize it in front of you, just OUTSIDE your
circle. (Note, these resources can take any form…a symbol, an energy source,
a character such as Batman or James Bond…anything that best represents that
state for you.)
4) Command the resource to remain outside of the circle, sending its energy
towards you for the successful completion of this working. Imagine the
energy being directed towards you by the resource, charging up the
5) Physically take a quarter turn to the Right. The resource that you just
commanded is now to your left.
6) Imagine the “notice what people offer and rapidly make use of it”
resource. Visualize it in front of you, just OUTSIDE your circle.
7) Command the resource to remain outside of the circle, sending its energy
towards you for the successful completion of this working. Imagine the
energy being directed towards you by the resource, charging up the
8) Physically take a quarter turn to the Right. The resource that you just
commanded is now to your left.
9) Imagine the “ignites the passions and desires of other people, AND
commands their priority and respect” resource. Visualize it in front of you,
just OUTSIDE your circle.
10) Command the resource to remain outside of the circle, sending its energy
towards you for the successful completion of this working. Imagine the
energy being directed towards you by the resource, charging up the
11) Physically take a quarter turn to the Right. The resource that you just
commanded is now to your left.
12) Imagine the “Playful and outrageous” resource. Visualize it in front of you,
just OUTSIDE your circle.
13) Command the resource to remain outside of the circle, sending its energy
towards you for the successful completion of this working. Imagine the
energy being directed towards you by the resource, charging up the
14) Beneath your feet, imagine a strong, stable, solid grounding source.
15) Above your head, represent pure math, or a connection with your
unconscious, or infinite possibility. Ross represents a glowing golden ball of
light for this step.
16) For each resource that is sending its energy towards you, turn to face it,
physically reach out, and pull that energy into you. Imagine the resource
entering the circle and stepping directly into your body. (Since there are four
of these resources, you will do this step four times.)
17) Physically reach up and pull the top resource down across your whole body
and inside you.
18) Squat down and perform the Breath of Fire (as many times as you deem
necessary.) Whenever you inhale deeply, imagine that you are deeply
inhaling all the awesome power that is within the circle. Imagine the energy
within you forming as the shape of your sigil, swirling and moving around in
your body. The more it moves, the stronger it gets. The stronger it gets, the
more it moves.
19) Stand up. Zip up all of this energy inside you. Do this by imagining a zipper
that runs from your pubic bone to your mouth. Physically reach down and
grab the imaginary zipper, and slowly zip it up towards your mouth. As you
imagine yourself zipping up, inhale deeply. Imagine that you are deeply
inhaling all the awesome power that is within the circle. When the zipper
reaches the top, imagine that you have sealed it all in.
20) Sit in your favorite meditation position. I recommend kneeling, as it usually
has few other neural associations. If you have a deep trance anchor on
yourself, this is a good time to fire it. (Reference the example given of
holding the thumb and middle finger tips together while meditating, in order
to set/fire a kinesthetic anchor for the meditative state.)
21) Begin to perform Sanchin breathing. Continue to imagine the energy/sigil
moving throughout your body. Meditate like this until you feel like you are
done. Here is what Merlin does during this phase:
I begin to get a sense in my mind of how I want things to go that night. (Don’t get TOO specific; just get a
general sense of the desire being fulfilled. If you get too specific you will trap your unconscious into only ONE
outcome…bad thing) I hear girls in my mind saying…. “mmmm, ooohhhh who’s THAT? Oh god…he’s sooo
sexy and….mmmmmm sooooo irresistible. I MUST HAVE HIM!”
I will see things THROUGH MY OWN EYES as if I were already there and hearing these things. I will
imagine girls turning towards me, and unknowingly their hand slips down between their legs as they see me.
Then I will see ME…through THEIR eyes…I will see me and feel incredibly horny and aroused at the sight of
me. I will moan in my mind at the sight of me and feel the sensations and think the thoughts that I want
THEM to feel and think. (This truly is a mind fuck in the beginning…took me a while to imagine me and want
to fuck me. but that also shows that maybe you don’t find yourself attractive and desirable)
I will hear a DEEP, SOOTHING voice in my head saying in an incredibly sexy voice…”I am unstoppable, I am
a master seducer…I walk through the would with total confidence drawing only those people whom I want to
me …I am all powerful…and everyone who crosses my path will never be the same…they will have no
choice…they will feel better and want better things and not know why.”
Now, I will sit in this state and hear these things and see these mental movies until I feel like…it’s done. And if
you stick in there…that time will come. You will just suddenly feel like…ok, that it. I’ve got it.
Now, once I reach that “I’m finished” point, I will sit up and do the BREATH OF FIRE…3 more times to
remove the last trace of anything that might hinder me.
22) Stand up, and physically step outside the circle.
23) Physically reach out and imagine taking your circle in front of you, like
holding up a hoola-hoop. Imagine it shrinking down…smaller and smaller,
brighter and brighter, until it becomes a golden ring on your finger, its power
coursing through you.
24) Banish to close the working. Do this by using ALL of the banishing
techniques listed in Preparation step (5) – “closing the ritual.” These are:
a. State to yourself, “This ritual is successfully completed, I now close
this working.”
b. Laugh hysterically like a complete idiot for 2 or 3 minutes straight.
c. Put on some energetic, bouncy music (such as Chemical Brothers) to
get you feeling excited for your day / evening.
d. If the desires/thoughts related to the ritual come back into your
conscious mind, suppress it. Do whatever to push it back out of your
mind. Don’t consciously dwell on it.
Ideal Mate Ritual
1) Design the sigil. Ross’s sigil for this ritual is shown in figure 2. Have it
drawn on a piece of paper.
2) Formulate a statement of intent – such as, “It is my intent to ritually charge
this sigil to irresistibly draw to me any women who match my ideal.”
3) Perform a banishing. Close your eyes, take a breath, look both eyes to the
space between the eyebrows. Count:
3 3 3
2 2 2 (Picture the numbers as you count.)
1 1 1
Then say to yourself: “I now clear away and banish all limiting influences,
and enter a place where anything can be made possible.”
4) Start your chant, if you have one.
5) Masturbate. (????)
6) At the moment of orgasm, put the sigil up in your face and inhale it deeply,
with eyes open wide.
7) Close the operation. Laugh hysterically. Put away or destroy the sigil. Say to
yourself, “This ritual is complete, my desire is fulfilled, I close this working.”
8) If the desire comes back into your mind, suppress it. Do whatever to push it
back out of your mind.
Psychic Influence
In the context of the M&PI course, Magick is defined as a powerful way to change
yourself, and Psychic Influence is defined as a way to influence other people. Again, this
influence is achieved via programming your own brain, and via NLP-style rapport with
the other person. A quote from Yates to clarify: “Psychic Influence isn’t about viewing
or projecting thoughts. Rather, it’s about viewing or projecting a state.”
The mechanics of how this occurs are irrelevant. What’s important is, do I get results
when I adopt this model?
Important abilities in order to perform Psychic Influence
1) Ability to energize with breathing.
2) Ability to go into an altered state.
3) Ability to visualize vividly.
4) Ability to create and hallucinate kinesthetic sensations in yourself.
5) Ability to imagine yourself experiencing through another person’s perspective; to
visualize from different vantage points.
6) Proper use of posture and micromovements of the body. Use your physical body
to make things real.
7) Ability to close the doors of intention and put things out of the conscious mind.
Vizzini’s “Step Into” Exercise:
Pick someone in the room. See that person from your peripheral vision, and let your
imagination fill in all the details. Now imagine yourself floating over that person. Then
you slowly move down and float inside that person. It’s like, first you’re looking at the
top of their head, and then you are pulled down and step inside. Now see through their
eyes…feel what they would feel, think would they would think. Try tensing your
muscles and then releasing them as you step inside. Relax into people.
TV Screen Exercise:
While talking to a chick, look into her left eye with your left eye. On her left shoulder,
visualize a TV screen, on which is playing an XXX movie starring the two of you…with
her writhing in ecstasy as you pleasure her with your tongue.
“If you’re feeling doubts right now, keep in mind that I’m the one who put that doubt in
your head.” -Ross Jeffries
Glamour Spell
1) Pick a context where you wish to walk in the room and have people think,
“Who the hell is that?”
2) It is my intent to generate an overwhelming glamour of attraction in ____
3) Perform a banishing. Close your eyes, take a breath, look both eyes to the space
between the eyebrows. Count:
3 3 3
2 2 2 (Picture the numbers as you count.)
1 1 1
Then say to yourself: “I now clear away and banish all limiting influences, and
enter a place where anything can be made possible.”
4) Outside your circle, see an image of your ideal self.
5) Point at your ideal self. Take a deep breath and…
6) Purse your lips and begin to blow energy into the ideal self.
7) As you continue doing this, in through the nose, out through the mouth, imagine
the ideal self beginning to glow, and grow larger.
8) If you have a word of power, repeat it to yourself and see it entering the ideal
9) If you’ve constructed a sigil that represents your ability to totally englamourize
anyone, see it entering your ideal self.
10) Connect the self to you with an “incredible connection”-like cord of light from
the solar plexus.
11) Imagine the context where you want to englamourize those people. See the
people you’re going to influence.
12) Command the image of the ideal self to hover over the room like a kite or a
13) See its energy sweeping over and surrounding the people that you want to
14) Command the self to stand behind you (still outside the circle.)
15) Take a deep breath and watch it grow bigger. As this happens, it splits like a
Russian doll, so that there is one behind it, even bigger. And one behind that,
even bigger, and so on, as far as the “eye” can see.
16) See your audience again, and step down and slide into them, so that you are
seeing through their eyes.
17) Through their eyes, see yourself…and also see all of your ideal selves behind
you, glowing with power.
18) Hear their thoughts: “Wow, this guy is fascinating.” Or “Wow, when I’m
around him, I can learn to do anything.” Or “Wow, I feel strongly drawn to this
19) Step out, shift perspectives, and see them through your own eyes, as if you were
really in that situation. Imagine them glowing, eager for you.
20) Repeat steps (17) – (19). Now imagine the people doing all the things that you
would want them to do.
21) Continue doing this, and wait for the ‘click’ where everything feels right.
22) Stand up, step outside the circle. Banish with laughter.
[Note: This “banish with laughter” stuff is starting to remind me of the evil villain
cackling as he completes some diabolical spell.]
A process that Ross uses:
I’ll take what someone says and I put it through a filter: What is she really saying about
herself, her view of the world, and how she walks through life?
What is implied? What is this person really doing? What is it, that’s left unsaid, that
must be true in order for her statement to make sense?
Etheric Yank
(A Magickal Thing that you do to seduce someone remotely.)
WARNING: Sometimes, magickly speaking, it’s better to empower your will to be attractive to many
people, rather than to try and get one person. You could be doing it to serve an AFC identity that should
not be reinforced, and that ultimately does not serve you. If you find that your interest is high in this ritual,
you should take this warning to heart.
1) Form your statement of intent.
2) Energize with breathing.
3) Create your magickal self and zip it up inside you.
4) Sit in your circle.
5) Visualize and feel a circle of energy. It becomes a tunnel to the target.
6) Reach out and yank the tube into your physical space. Get the sense that the actual
person is standing there in your circle.
7) Create a golden rapport bubble surrounding you both.
8) In imagination, open arms and greet warmly. (Alternative: shake hands warmly.)
9) See your energy extending from your solar plexus to theirs. Represent the same
thing also connecting your third eyes (middle of your forehead) and your groins.
10) Unzip the target, releasing their energy.
11) Unzip yourself, allowing your energy to flow into the target.
12) Physically reach out and remove the target’s head, lowering it over your own.
13) Mentally say, “As I place this head on mine, I automatically and unconsciously
absorb everything I need to seduce and influence this person.”
14) Place their head back on their own body.
15) Mentally step around behind the target. Imagine your arms around her. Imagine
you can feel what she would feel. Simultaneously imagine the sensations from
both perspectives.
16) The two of you now watch a movie screen that shows the two of you doing
whatever it is that you want the two of you to be doing.
17) As this occurs, describe to her all the benefits and values and good feelings that
flow to her as a result. (You should be able to do this in order for it to work.)
18) Step into the target on the movie screen. Feel what she feels as she’s doing
whatever she is doing.
19) Step into the target as she’s standing in the circle, watching the movie play. Feel
what she feels as she watches herself.
20) Keep narrating to her how she is responding. Specifically tell her about her own
responses. Make sure you give her warm, safe, comfortable feelings before you
turn up the heat to more exciting feelings.
21) Step outside of all that. You’re still in the circle with her; see her standing before
you. Say, “You want this now, don’t you!”
22) Hear and see her give her ascent: “Yes, yes I do.” Then zip up her energy
meridians. Lock them closed, locking those thoughtforms inside her.
23) See the energy of those thoughtforms vibrating within her, and spreading up,
down, and all throughout her body.
24) Tell her, “Go. Make these thoughts your own, until you’re compelled to act on
them.” [At this point on the tape, Ross instructs the students to cross out the next
three steps in this ritual that appeared on the original handout. I left them out of
this document as well, as they were unnecessary.]
25) Zip up your own energy mer