Product Description
Ross Jeffries – Total Immersion 2011 Seminar Footage Collection [175 videos – mp4, 6 photo – png]
Listen: the story of how this opportunity to get all of my best teaching from this yearwithout ever having to leave your home came about is pretty simple.
You see, last year (2011), as an experiment, we offered footage from five of our 2011 3-day seminars, available instantly in an exclusive online vault, for anyone who was unable to attend the seminars live.
Your response to this offer blew us the fuck away. This was an even bigger blow-out of a launch than Speed Seduction® 3.0 in October 2008, which at the time had been my first major new course in 14 years.
In short: I knew this is exactly what you are looking for.
So I asked myself…
“Since We’re Already Delivering Footage To Everyone Who Attends A Live 3-Day, Seminar In 2012, Why Not Offer This Again So You Can Reap All The Benefits That Attendees Are Getting In 2012 – On An Ongoing Basis?”
Look: I’m already recording footage from 4 seminars; Los Angeles (which we did in January), and upcoming footage from Atlanta (April), London (July), and Chicago (October). The LA footage is already up on a member site for the people who attended, and the rest of the footage is already scheduled to be posted within 30 days of the last day of each seminar. (Duh – I’d have it posted now, except those seminars haven’t happened yet.)
Just like every other year, I’m hearing from some of you who are committed to maximum improvement and mastery in getting this area of your life handled, but are unable to attend one of the seminars in-person, due to financial, timing, or geographic constraints.
Well, I can’t personally be in every city. My very busy schedule of teaching and one-on-one mentoring forces me to make tough decisions about how many live events I can do each year.
But the footage can be anywhere, anytime YOU are. ON DEMAND.
Arousing Hot Women On Stage, Change Work, Word For Word Sexual Languaging And Much, Much More!
Trust me when I say: this collection runs the full sprectrum of success with women and is very, very thorough. And I while I admit that the seminars may often contain some of the same material, it is equally true that each one is different and each one will contain new learnings and insights for you as well as present them in different ways.
To Attend All Five Of These Seminars At Even The Early-Bird Rate, You Would Have Paid $3,068 PLUS Airfare, Hotel, And Meals… But Now You Can Get All Of This Teaching InstantlyDelivered For Just $497 And Examine It…
For A Full 9 Months!
Look: 2012-2013 can be the period in your life that you look back upon for the rest of your life as the time when you finally stepped up and claimed your intensive transformation by mastering your girl-getting game.
So I’d like to give you a jump start on enjoying your immediate, full access to the 2012 Seminar Footage Collection right now, instantly available on-line for far less than what you’d spend on junk food or video games or just a couple dinner and a movie “dates” that MIGHT result in her so-called invitation to “give me a call and maybe we’ll get together sometime”: just $497 (which you can even space out over 3 easy payments if you’d like.)
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: will some dishonest creeping cruds rip me off by enjoying the trim-trapping training, getting the results and still ask for their money back?
Sure. But I know my students. And I know the value of this seminar footage collection. And I know that 99% of you will love and be happy to honorably honor your side of things.
But guess what? I know you won’t want to ask for your money back!
In fact, based on what we saw when we released the 2011 Seminar Footage Collection, it’s a safe betyou’ll be so damn excited by what you learn in these videos that you will go right out, apply them, and find your success with women increases dramatically right away. So…