Product Description
Stompernet – Formula 5 Coaching Program
What is Formula 5?
Formula 5 is a complete business growth system that includes five modules:
1. Margin Magnifier
2. Sales Stackers
3. Lead Landslide
4. Conversion Control
5. Turbo Thruster.
6. Product Producer
Lets look at each one in a bit more detail.
# Margin Magnifier
Business is not about how much you sell, its about how much you keep. Margin Magnifier shows you how to position your business for higher pricing so that you can keep more. Its almost like Free Money. So much so that we considered calling it the Free
Money Module, because your new pricing is magnified to higher profit margins, sometimes much higher. Typical Formula 5 users have been able to show enough value to raise prices and increase margins anywhere from 4% all the way to double. And even if you think you sell a commodity and have no pricing power, Formula 5 will help you stand out from a crowd of competitors so you can charge what youre really worth. Most amazingly, it wont take a lot of effort or time to get results. I like early wins; we think you will too.
# Sales Stackers
The most difficult thing a business does is get new customers, so why go to all that trouble and sell them just one thing, just one time. Yet that is what most businesses do ignoring the gold mine in repeat and increased sales to their existing customer base. But you certainly wont do that after you watch Sales Stackers. Sales Stackers shows you dozens of ways to increase the revenue from each customer, and to keep generating that revenue for years to come. Youll learn how to increase first purchase revenue, upsell, resell and cross sell, and increase the life of the customer so that they keep buying from you for a long time. Some of our Formula 5 users have, with one simple campaign, doubled their per-customer sales. As you can see,
Sales Stackers will have a dramatic impact on your bottom line.
# Lead Landslide
Often businesses are built on just one lead source or channel. It might be search engine traffic, pay-per-click, or email marketing, but whatever it is, if your business is built on only one lead stream, perhaps even two, you are vulnerable. Thats because markets and technologies change, swiftly and a stable lead source can dry up in the blink of an eye. Even if nothing like that happens to your business, its increasingly difficult to improve upon your one and only mature source of leads. Lead
Landslide shows you how to work with multiple streams of business opportunities. Just one new lead stream can improve your business overnight, and by strategically adding complimentary lead programs, as well as strengthening existing programs, your business can become have more sustainable profits in record time. And, as with every Formula 5 module, we show you the simplest way to get it done.
# Conversion Control
Imagine improving your sales conversion by 15%… What would that do to your profit line? A lot, right? Sounds hard, like going from 2% conversion to 17%. But a 15% increase is only 2.3%, and thats what youll do in Conversion Control — increase your sales conversion by 10%, 15%, and maybe even a lot more. How? That depends on whether you close the sale online, exclusively though your website, or by taking your prospects offline and talking to them over the phone or in person. No matter how your business is structured youll improve your sales process so that its more effective, youll add sales enhancers so that prospects are more inclined to buy, and youll learn to test and improve your website itself for better conversion!
Conversion Control gives you elegant strategies that add sales quickly, and helps you keep improving your conversion rates over time, so that your business continues to get better and better.
# Turbo Thruster
Not enough time? Join the club. Perhaps youve heard these statistics already: business owners work an average of 55 hours each week, yet get only about 2-1/2 hours of profitable work done each day. Does that sound like you? Now consider what would happen if you could add as little as one effective hour each day. It would be like gaining three extra work days each month.
And if you have a staff, they would gain just as much. It would transform your entire business, right? You would be able to implement more sales and profit growing strategies, and your business would grow by leaps and bounds. Just one extra hour spent doing things that matter. Not a longer work day, just a more productive and profitable one. Thats why Formula 5 included Turbo Thruster, a complete system that increases your companys effective use of people, systems and time. Turbo Thruster will radically shift how you get more of the important things done and will multiply the effect each Formula 5 module has on your companys profits. *** Thats Formula 5. Five revenue- and profit-boosting modules that will help you change your business right away. Youll begin with improving your price position. When thats in place, youll move on to increasing the revenue you get from each customer. Next youll set up new lead streams and generate more business opportunities. Then youll begin to improve your sales conversion systems. Finally, youll kick in the Turbo Thruster, and get you and everyone on youream to get more done in the same amount of time. Or less!