Product Description
Ted Nicholas – The Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp – [MP3 PPT]
“How Valuable Would the InsideSecrets of The World’s Highest Paid CopywriterBe Worth to You?”
“Who else wants to be mentored by Ted Nicholas,
the ‘Millionaire Maker’?”
Dear Friend,
One fact that will determine your level of business success is irrefutable.
The copy you use to generate sales will determine whether you fail or succeed.
The better the copy is, the more successful you’ll become.
How important is good copy anyway?
Copy is king. And it doesn’t matter in which niche market you operate. Or whether you market online or offline.
Sure, if you have an unlimited budget you can hire world-class copywriters. But once you are trained, probably no outside writer could ever have your passion or your know-how.
Become your own best copywriter
No skill will pay you more handsomely.
Imagine yourself writing copy that is so compelling, people from all over the world who have never heard of you before are flooding you with orders.
I don’t care whether you’ve ever written a single word.
This dream can soon become your reality.
It’s a matter of record that copy I’ve written has sold over 4 Billion Dollars ($4.9 Billion) worth of products and services. I’ve written successful copy in 49 different industries. No other copywriter even comes close.
But, I’ll let you in on a personal fact that is absolutely true.
I’m not a genius!
Most people think you have to be endowed with great creative talents to succeed as a copywriter.
While it would have been welcomed, I wasn’t born with “natural” copywriting talents. Plus, I’m not a great speller. And my grammar is horrible. But, frankly, it doesn’t matter a whit. You can hire these skills at very low cost.
I can honestly attribute all the millions I’ve earned in my career directly to my copywriting skills.
I’ve developed these abilities to write copy over 37 years the old fashioned way—by trial and error. I can help you completely shortcut this process by teaching you all I know.
Writers are made, not born
You do not have to be a gifted writer or well educated to make a lot of money as a copywriter either.
In fact, the type of writing skills taught in universities can actually get in your way. (There is just one skill you need and I will reveal it to you in my Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp Home-Study Course.)
Here’s what you get…
- 18 Audio CD’s in a handy clamshell case
- 52-page Workbook
- Complete Word-For-Word Transcript
But that’s not all..we’re throwing in these special bonus reports FREE – DELIVERED INSTANTLY!
- How To Write Killer Copy
- Lucky 13 Secrets of a Successful Order Form
- Magic Transitions – 97 Magic Phrases That Almost Compel Readership
In the privacy of your home with my home study course, “The Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp” I’m going to show you step by step how to become a successful copywriter. Then you can apply your skills to your own products. Or you can do it for clients, as you wish.
All you need to begin the course is an open mind. And the desire.
Once you have the inside secrets, I know you will be fabulously successful.
How can I be so sure?
I see the evidence over and over again. I’ve taught thousands of people who never wrote copy before at my private seminars. Their amazing success stories are the best proof of all.
I’ve uncovered some fundamental secrets of persuasion over the years. These are the real insider tricks of the trade.
Then I’ve shared these tips with a select number of people at my seminar. I have watched a number of them climb the ladder of success.
In fact, most people I work with make from $75,000 to $500,000 per year.At least 12 copywriter protégés earn in excess of $1,000,000 per year.
More importantly, they live a lifestyle others only dream of. They can work anywhere in the world they wish.Clients don’t care. They can spend a few hours or as many as they choose.
But, please don’t get me wrong. The people who earn the biggest fees work hard. But not because they have to. Because they love what they do. And it pays them very, very well.
The art of copywriting can definitely be learned. If you do it right, copywriting is perhaps the most profitable skill you could ever possess.
Nothing in this world can possibly pay you the kind of money you can potentially earn per time invested.
A single ad can make you a millionaire!
How would you like to write an ad containing approximately 1000 words and earn over $1,000,000?
Here’s how.
I’ve written numerous ads and sales letters that have generated over $20,000,000 in sales. At a 5% royalty, my income from a single ad often exceeds $1,000,000. How long does a winning piece of copy take me to write? Less than two weeks.
Here’s what you get…
- 18 Audio CD’s
- 52-page Workbook
- Complete Word-For-Word Transcript
But that’s not all..we’re throwing in these special bonus reports FREE – DELIVERED INSTANTLY!
- How To Write Killer Copy
- Lucky 13 Secrets of a Successful Order Form
- Magic Transitions – 97 Magic Phrases That Almost Compel Readership
Once you learn the “ropes,” this kind of income potential will be within your grasp.
Press the right hot buttons
Every one of us buys things in accordance with our emotions, not our reason.
Actually, I will show how to press one of seven emotional hot buttons that get people to order.
I can assure you, not one entrepreneur or copywriter in a thousand has a clue how to do this.
You will be exposed to the secrets that will enable you to earn virtually any income level you choose.
If you are super ambitious and believe in yourself, you can undoubtedly become a copywriting millionaire!
I’ll show you everything you need to know.
How much can you realistically earn as a copywriter?
As mentioned earlier, your income potential is unlimited. As a copywriter for outside clients, here are some typical fees my students charge for an ad or sales letter.
Cash up front fee $3,000 to $20,000 per ad or sales letter plus royalty 5% of sales or 2½ cents per letter mailed.
My fees per ad are $15,000 plus 5% royalty.However, I rarely prepare single ads anymore.These days, I normally do not accept a client without a yearly consulting contract of at least $120,000 and an equity interest.
As you can see, once you have the insider secrets, working no more than 4 hours a day, earnings of $100,000 to over $1,000,000 per year are readily achievable.
Normally: $777
Now just
(plus S & H)
You will become a money-generating machine!
Of course, the biggest income potential of all is not working writing copy for clients, but as an entrepreneur writing copy for your own products and services.
What a lifestyle awaits you!
But whether you work for your own company or for clients, a huge income alone is not the only benefit. You will enjoy a lifestyle of your dreams. Here are just a few of the benefits of being an independent copywriter:
- No need for employees
- No need for an office or overhead
- No investment is required to finance your business
- No equipment is needed—not even a computer
- Unlimited opportunity for joint ventures
- Live anywhere in the world you wish—With e-mail, fax and telephone communications, your clients don’t care
I’ve written copy which generates ongoing royalty income each and every day in various locations. These include the beaches of St. Barthelemy in the Caribbean; Marbella, Spain; Clearwater, Florida; Monte Carlo; Bali; Hong Kong; Bermuda; Africa; Panama; Cyprus, and Montreux, Switzerland.
Currently I divide my time, depending on the season, between Switzerland, Cyprus, England and the U.S.
I’m writing these words on the veranda of my home on the beautiful island of Cyprus.
Here are some of the secrets you’ll discover in the Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp Home Study Course:
- How to prepare a subject line for the internet that practically compels your prospect to read your message
- Discover the real secret to success on the internet is learning how to apply what works offline to online marketing
- The surprising “little-known” skill you need to develop before you can write effective and profitable copy
- Discover the art of headlines, which is responsible for 95% of the success of the copy. You will be trained in how to create headlines using my copyrighted techniques
- How to access the emotional keys that practically guarantee a sale
- Foolproof tips on grabbing a prospect’s full attention, without which no one will read your copy
- Four ways to improve every sentence for maximum sales impact
- How to add a feature to your headlines that almost compel your customer to read the rest of the copy
- Discover what the phrase “salesmanship in print” really means
- How to get the envelope open when you send a sales letter. You cannot succeed without this technique
- How to prepare that all-important first sentence of any piece of copy. This gets your prospect to continue reading
- Proven tips which keep your prospect reading continuously throughout the copy
- How to identify the features and benefits of your product or service
- Secrets which help you dramatize the benefits of your product. Benefits, not features, are the real sales hot buttons
- What simple thing you can do when the copy is not profitable that can often turn a loser into a winner
- 39 little-known methods to dramatically boost response (Not one copywriter in a thousand has a clue about these exclusive techniques)
- How to write a P.S. that can double your response
- 13 unique secrets to make your order forms more effective and exciting. Most order forms are boring and fail to do the job. But unless your order form does the job, no sales will be made
- 5 tips on how to make your copy inviting and easy to read. This alone will enormously multiply your selling power
- Scientifically tested tips on getting your prospect to order now. Delay is death in the marketing world
- A 9-step formula that will allow you to prepare advertising copy (even if you have never written a word) 100 times more potent than the best Madison Avenue ad agency
- Discover the lost art of creating offers which cause your product to sell like hotcakes
- How to create subheads which are so mesmerizing your prospects with short attention spans can just read them, and not all the copy, and still get enough benefits to order
Create copy that successfully sells your products like crazy!
A big portion of this unique Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp is interactive. You will actually be writing copy as you learn from the feedback given attendees, many of whom had never before written a single word.
In addition, you will be given exercises to help you get into a peak emotional state. I never write a word without doing these simple but extremely helpful exercises.
Who should take the course?
Entrepreneurs, sales and marketing executives, ad agency people, direct marketers, internet marketers and individuals who want to become professional copywriters. But please start with an open mind. Much of what you hear will be unique and even shocking to you.
Who should not take the course?
Those who do not place a high value on real world cutting-edge copywriting training. Whiners, complainers, know it alls and anyone who sees themselves as not responsible for their life and unwilling to learn change.
What people who attended the bootcamp say:
“Some of you that know me know that I am really dead serious about my business efforts. Usually I’m booked weeks, two weeks in advance just to talk to me on the phone. And I don’t go anywhere or waste any time unless there is serious money involved.
So if people are thinking about buying this home study course, they would be crazy not to.I know for a fact that even if I do pitifully, even pitifully at what I learned from Ted here, it’s going to be a million or two million extra this year.
So if you’re thinking about doing this course, I don’t care how good you think you are, how much money you think you make, it is a serious education.
An old coalminer told me one time, he said, ‘The schoolhouse door is always open’ and so this has been a PhD in direct marketing that you don’t get this opportunity at every chance, so you at home…”
— Tom Antion
Antion & Associates
“I came here with expectations I think I knew what I expected.And I can tell you that I didn’t get what I expected, I got about 100 times more than that.
Because Ted didn’t just cover the things that I thought he was going to cover. He covered a whole bunch of things that I was amazed at.
“This is one of those things that for the folks that are out there in TV land or going to be watching CDs, if you are going to get into business if you are the new guy or if you’ve been in business and you need to do better, I suggest doing this before you start, because the skills that you need to be successful on-line are things that you’re not going to find by putting up a web site and getting on a search engine.You’ve got to be able to communicate with folks and this course will teach you communication in a way that you just can’t imagine.”
—Brian Puse
“It’s going to save years I know of trial and error…”
—Joyce Binegar
Houston, Texas
“This has been really one of most phenomenal events that I have ever attended.The intimacy of the small size of the group was fantastic.And I’ve just picked up just absolutely hundreds of tips that I think that it’s going to make a tremendous difference in my copy when I get back and start working on redoing some of the stuff I thought was pretty good at the time but now I know I can definitely improve it.
And I think that anybody listening to this could get a phenomenal amount of information that could definitely help them write copy if that’s what they want to do.”
— Kurt Meyer,
Ann Arbor, Michigan
“I am really just vibrating about the power of what we are learning. Because do you realize like if you have a message or a product or a service that can help people and you take the power of what you’ve learnt here to get that message to the masses, it’s just absolutely incredible. I’m just vibrating with the possibilities.”
—Dr Steve Dell
“What I learnt on the first day was more than I learned in the last 20 years.”
—Rick de Lima
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Here’s what one of our happy customers said after buying the home-study course:
I’ve almost finished listening to the ‘The Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp CD’s and I have to say that I am loving every minute of it. The transcript itself is worth double the price I paid for it. The rest of the items are an added bonus. And you can quote me on that!”
—Ali Khan
Dublin, Ireland
Free bonus gifts
For prompt response to this unprecedented offer, you will also receive three valuable reports, normally $200, absolutely free.
(1) HOW TO WRITE KILLER COPY – This valuable written transcript of an amazing interview of Ted Nicholas by Dino Biagioni provides you with numerous little-known secrets in the art of copywriting.
(2) LUCKY 13 SECRETS OF A SUCCESSFUL ORDER FORM – The order form is the most important part of any offer. Forget everything you thought you knew about order forms. Ted Nicholas shares how to make the most important part of an online or offline offer more effective.
(3) MAGIC TRANSITIONS – Everyone who attempts to write copy has the same problem. How to keep the reader involved as you go smoothly from one idea to the next. This Ted Nicholas special report contains 97 transitional phrases that will help you to do this.
You may own the Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp Home-Study Course. Live attendees happily paid $5,000.00 plus travel expenses to be there.
You will receive 3 full days of personal training by me. Every word is captured on CD. Plus, you will get a complete written transcript of the entire event. And you will receive the invaluable seminar workbook which includes sample ads and the secrets behind them. Plus you get 3 free bonuses worth $200. Your investment is not $2,000 or $1,000 but for a limited time just $497.
Take no risk – Unprecedented Money-Back Guarantee
The Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp Home-Study Course is guaranteed. Review the material for up to 60 days, a full two months.At the end of the course if you don’t feel you’ve already gotten at least 10 times the value of your entire investment, upon request and return of your intact materials, you will receive a prompt and courteous refund or credit. What could be more fair than that?
No Matter whether you market online or offline or how you choose to do it, your level of success depends on your copy. How well you communicate with your market is everything.No other investment you could ever make will pay you the return this one will.
Your Million Dollar Bootcamp Home-Study Course, plus bonuses, will be in your hands in the next few days so you can get started right away.
Ted Nicholas
P.S. Remember, this course is created by a marketer with perhaps the world’s best track record of success. You are getting three full days of proven copywriting secrets which will delight and empower you to success at a whole new level…I guarantee it! Not to mention three awesome bonuses!
Here’s what you get…
- 18 Audio CD’s
- 52-page Workbook
- Complete Word-For-Word Transcript
But that’s not all..we’re throwing in these special bonus reports FREE – DELIVERED INSTANTLY!
- How To Write Killer Copy
- Lucky 13 Secrets of a Successful Order Form
- Magic Transitions – 97 Magic Phrases That Almost Compel Readership