Product Description
Tobias Ockermüller – Penny Clicks 4 Profit
“The Pay $0.001 And Get 1000% ROI System”
Discover The Exact System I´ve Used To Get
The Industries Cheapest Traffic And Generate Over 1000%
Return Of Investment.
…and how to use the same newbie-friendly system to get more trafficand conversions than you can handle*
Dear Lifestylebusiness Creator,
If you have ever used paid traffic for profit you may have been frustrated because your CPC was higher then your EPC. That is why you want to start with cheap cheap traffic BUT! high quality. So the gap between CPC and EPC is as high as possible.
Or you just got started with CPA and you have a hard time following along some obstacles such as not having enough time to master one traffic source at a time or not finding profitable campaigns to run, not to talk about tracking your conversions properly.
It´s basically for everyone who wants to ad a simple income stream to their existing portfolio online. No matter your skill level, I am going to show you exactly how you can easily use this 3 step system continually:
1. Testing Phase
2. Optimization Phase
3. Profit Phase
The great thing about this system, is there´s nothing to worry about, it´s easy to understand and all the guess work is taken away from you, it´s automated. You´ll be able to learn it fast and you can start using this right away to…
Setup Automated Highly Profitable Campaigns On A Daily Basis
You will be able to setup and drive traffic to your campaigns in less then 15 minutes.
You are actually getting hard facts that you can rely on.
And you start to see these patterns that will form by driving traffic, you will learn how to read them and you are going to optimize each campaign based on what is converting or not…
For profitable CPA campaigns tracking data and squeezing the most out of it is key to succeed and generate a decent flow of good ROI.
I am going to show you exactly how it´s done within Penny Clicks 4 Profit.
What I will do is tell you ten things that I feel like will be a great benefit to you as you make your way through Penny Clicks 4 Profit. Here we go…
1. What exactly needs to be done in order for you to earn positive ROI daily.
2. A three-step process for creating a “looooooooong” profit period.
3. How to organize BIG DATA and actually get the converting information just by taking a look at it.
4. Lots of examples to make sure you “get it” as you go through the steps with me.
5. How to easily setup profit pulling campaigns like a “crazy monkey” on a daily basis.
6. Helpful things I have personally learned through trial and error for what works best.
7. Handouts, worksheets resources and ckecklists including timetables so you never get lost in the process.
8.The #1 thing that almost always gets campaigns unprofitable and how to avoid it.
9. Effective ways to instantly take educated and proven action based on data you receive.
10. How to scale it all up.
SECTION 1: Testing PhaseThis is where everything starts…
PART 1. How to set it all up and put all the parts together.
PART 2. Create your first campaign +++
PART 3. Monitor and analyze data
PART 4. Timetable, so you know what to do when on a daily schedule
SECTION 2: Optimization PhaseThis is where you build your profit phase…
PART 1. Talk´in Data…!
PART 2. Pattern Will Form…
PART 3. Optimize/Analyze
PART 4. Ad Spend Adjustment
SECTION 3: Profit PhaseThis is where the fun beginns…
PART 1. Kill The Losses
PART 2. Expand Your Winners
BONUS SECTION: Scaling TimeThis is where your dreams come true…
If you run this system profitable I can help you getting it to the next level!
all you gotta do is contact me and we will setup a personal action plan for you!
Yes, you heard me, I will take you by the hand and show you exactly what you can do to scale based on your current situation!