Joe Polish presents: The Third Annual Genius Network® Event, on August 14th and 15th, 2013 in New York City.
Learn how to make $5,000 a day selling information products with these one of a kind audios. You’ll hear 39 specific secrets that can literally explode your income.
Discover how to earn more money than you ever dreamed possible by “unlocking” a little-known “secret” that will simplify your life and have you efficiently dealing with all the relentless
After harassing Joe Sugarman about this for 5 years I finally have them in my possession.
This is a set of videos that focus on car Sales training but they are excellent sales tactics for ANYTHING you want to sell, yourself, cars, real estate, pocket watches, etc
If you liked my #1 Best Seller book “The Attractor Factor,” you will *love* this three-day experience with some of the greats in marketing and human potential. It reveals a complete paint-by-the-numbers blueprint for attracting success today.
This is a series of 26 FLV video files from Joel Bauer’s blog site. They are “Micro Trainings” which while only a few minutes long each, are filled with some great content.
In 90 Minutes Over 35% Of The Room Wants To Buy Whatever You Have! This Is Realistic After Two Intense Days…