The Three Rules Of Management that prevent panic, insure objectivity instead of emotional response, and foster calm peace of mind.
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Dan Kennedy – 2006 Renegade Millionaire Retreat
The Last Renegade Millionaire ““RETREAT””…Ever!
Short description:Sales: Learn to land sales with ease when Dan Kennedy lays out his advanced strategies to become more trustworthy and influential
Dan Kennedy is internationally recognized as the “Millionaire Maker,” helping people in just about every category of business turn their ideas into fortunes.
Do you ever struggle to come up with fresh new ideas for marketing your business? Have you ever been frustrated by the disappointing results of a marketing promotion where you had invested a lot of time and money?
Just one of your ideas exploded sales in a business I’ve had for eight years. Your idea got me one of my biggest orders ever – a $17, 001.00 check delivered by FedEx. Then another prestigious company got interested because of my offer. Phenomenal!”
Short description:Dan Kennedy’s Phenomenon Workshop: Create More in the next 12 months than the last 12 years!
very person knows that customers are the lifeline for every business but having a constant flow of leads is one of the biggest battles owners fight. Dan Kennedy, “The Millionaire Maker”,
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