“For The First Time Ever Dan Kennedy Reveals How To Forever End The “Grunt Work” Of Selling And Close 100% Of Your Prospects Using A Confidential System 40 Years In The Making That’ll Allow You To Make More Money Without Spending Another DIME On Marketing.”
I’ve gone a little crazy and decided to give you a $1,000.00 credit that you can use towards your SuperConferencesm Registration Discount
As you may know, I periodically host three-day direct marketing “super conferences” here in Phoenix.
15 Money Making Reports from the King of Direct Mail – DAN KENNEDY
Dan Kennedy "63 'Killer' Marketing Strategies: How To Insure That Your Product/Service/Offer Is The Best It Can Be, Presented The Best Way It Can Be"
During this 3-Day Event, Dan S. Kennedy gave frank, candid, direct, in-depth direction for achieving a 7-figure income, disclosing the methods he used for himself (and coached many others in doing the same) to build a 7-Figure Income from zero.
When you master the art-and-science of writing powerful direct-response copy for sales letters, postcards, brochures, catalogs, and ads, you can literally write any size paycheck you wish. Being able to create “salesmanship in print” that works multiplies you 100, 1,000, 10,000 times over. It is one of the highest-paid activities that I know of.
n my career, for myself and my clients, I’ve sold well over half-a-Billion Dollars worth of information products! (If you added in the money made by many more “students” of mine who have followed my examples and instruction, it’s over several billion dollars.)
Dan Kennedy – Advanced Business Development
Respond boldly, creatively, intelligently and responsibly and take advantage of the grand opportunities emerging in the New Ecomony with Dan’s NEW 5-Step Strategy.
Dan’s Most Expensive Prized Secrets Work less and earn more by learning Dan’s secrets to putting together a super saleable product, how to triple your current fee and how to get more than one paycheck from every event.